"You...what are you?!"

The Emperor Shengde looked at the pale Demon God in disbelief.

"I am a demon."

The voice of the pale Demon God is very hoarse.

The heartbeat of Emperor Shengde speeds up.


What he immediately thought of was what Mu Qing said.

Mu Qing claims to be the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons, from Demon Race.

"You are also the powerhouse of that Demon Race?!" Emperor Shengde suddenly became alert.

He is very afraid of this so-called Demon Race.

The pale Demon God twisted his neck. Its huge zhang high body shrank to about three meters in an instant, and its scarlet eyes came out from the hole in the armor.

"I am not a Demon Race, I am the only demon, the Eternal Inextinguishable Demon!"

A roar-like voice came out, followed by a strong wind swept away.

The sharp claw Tearing the Void of the pale Demon God, moved towards Shengde the Great.

Emperor Shengde naturally reacted immediately. Although like Mu Qing, he did not notice the specific strength of the pale Demon God, he was impossible and waited to die.


The space around him was torn into a few very narrow openings.

Shengde the Great dodged, but the next moment, pu chi, a pale sharp claw penetrated his body.

"How is this possible?" Emperor Shengde was a little unbelievable.

He turned his head and looked towards behind.

The pale Demon God in armor appeared behind him at some unknown time, his eyes gleaming with scarlet rays of light.

The pale Demon God let out a hoarse laugh, "I am no longer the me I used to be, now I have advanced to become a stronger existence."

Power erupted from the sharp claw, directly blasting the fleshy body of Emperor Shengde.

Shengde the Great is fast, Divine Soul has long since escaped, and the vigorous angels have fallen into divine force and recondense a fleshy body.

Under his eyes, the pale Demon God seemed to be erased by an eraser, disappeared.

Shengde the Great suddenly numbed his scalp, his strength of Divine Soul leaned all around, but he couldn't perceive the location of the pale Demon God at all.

There is no breath at all!

But there was a chill coming up my back.


Shengde the Great shouts loudly, and his Dao emerges, bursting out ten thousand zhang rays of light, making an undifferentiated burst of energy.

Pu chi!

Reappears of familiar scenes.

The pale sharp claw runs through the body of Emperor Shengde.

This time, Emperor Shengde saw clearly that the pale Demon God's body slowly emerged in front of him, not walking out of in the sky, but creating something from nothing, appearing out of thin air!

"Do you know what a non-existent realm is?" The pale Demon God laughed playfully.

It said hoarsely with a smile: "I am in a non-existent realm space, but I can forcibly interfere in the space where you are. This is my new ability to comprehend."

Holy Emperor Germany opened his eyes wide, blushed, and roared.

He directly exploded the power of Dao Ze!

A dazzling beam of light passed through the hole and penetrated the pale Demon God.

But the pale Demon God has no injuries!

Emperor Shengde's eyes widened, he actually saw his own attack, passing through the pale Demon God, and the other party had no influence at all!

The pale Demon God laughed, "Don't bother, I'm in a field that doesn't exist. Although you can see me, it's just a projection. You can't interfere with me at all!"

Its ability has been improved like the sky!

Before, the pale Demon God just switched between existence and non-existence.

Now, the pale Demon God can be in a non-existent state and attack!

Others can't attack it at all, just like what Shengde the Great sees now, the pale Demon God is just a projection, the true pale Demon God's body is in a non-existent realm, and no one can interfere.

However, the pale Demon God can attack the Emperor Shengde from within that non-existent realm!

This is almost invincible.

This is completely invincible!

Shengde the Great lose one's head out of fear, he displays all kinds of divine abilities, and the Tao shows the illusory shadow of fallen angels, suppressing all around.

The fallen lance traverses the space, and the meteorite under the feet is directly crushed by the afterwave of terrifying power.

The bursting power of the upper emperor is quite amazing!

Even if Shengde the Great just broke through to the upper position, the power that burst out was like a round of self-destruct of the sun, and the dazzling rays of light exploded, even the stars light years away All can be seen.

The power burst out completely, and the space all around was riddled with holes, which could not be healed for a long time.

Thousands of ten thousand li, a mess!

However, Shengde the Great was full of horror.

In front of him, only the pale Demon God laughed harshly.

It's useless at all!

No matter how powerful an attack is, there is no way to affect the pale Demon God in another non-existent realm.

What Shengde the Great attacked was just a projection that's all!

Unfortunately, this projection can cause damage to Emperor Shengde!

The pale Demon God shot continuously, tearing the fleshy body of Shengde the Great several ten or so times.

The Emperor Shengde wanted to escape.

But you will always find the silhouette of the pale Demon God suddenly appearing beside him, and the sharp claw shattered part of the Divine Soul.

There is no escape at all!

The emperor Shengde didn’t know the speed of the pale Demon God. He only knew that every time he tried his best to rush out of a light-year distance, the sharp claw that broke his mind would pierce him again. Body.

Sometimes there is no time to condense the fleshy body, sharp claw will directly tear his Divine Soul!

It seems that the pale Demon God does not intend to kill the Emperor Shengde immediately, but intends to defeat the mind of the Emperor Shengde again and again, let it collapse!

Is there a big gap between the two sides?

Not big!

But it can't stand the pale Demon God is invincible!

All the attacks of Shengde the Great have no effect on the pale Demon God.

The attack of the pale Demon God was unable to defend.

Even though the strength of the two is not bad, Shengde the Great has no power to fight back at all.

There is no way, it can't cause harm by fighting back. He explodes all his power, but he can't resist even a trace of the pale Demon God's power.

Because the pale Demon God shot in the non-existent realm, its power is in the non-existent realm, and Shengde the Great cannot interfere in that mysterious realm space.

But the power of the pale Demon God can interfere with reality.

Shengde the Great is like taking off all defenses and being beaten unilaterally.

For three days, Shengde the Great couldn't even condense the Fleshy body, only a skeleton.

The true body of the pale Demon God walked out of the realm of nonexistence.

It seems to be enough, the pale sharp claw with a violently surging white flame, enveloped the Emperor Shengde.


The Emperor Shengde didn't have any resistance, his spirit was destroyed to the point of collapse, and he didn't have much strength anymore.

Perhaps he knew from the bottom of his heart that even if he resisted, it was useless, because the other party could enter the non-existent mysterious realm space at any time.

He is exactly a lamb to be slaughtered!


The Divine Soul of Shengde the Great was forcibly squeezed, and this space burst.

A high-ranking emperor has fallen!

At the same time, Angel Race Star Domain.

Countless alarms sounded, one after another powerful breath erupted in the central star.

One of the auras, the extraordinary horror, turned into a sacred golden beam of light soaring into the sky.

"Who is it?! How dare I attack our Angel Race!"

Extreme breath!

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