The astrological emperor who had just reached the extreme position of breakthrough left without staying too much and went to the battlefield.

Fighting this time is even more dangerous for the astrological emperor.

If before, the realm of the astrological emperor was still in the upper peak, then he was participating in the battle between the upper emperors, and even if he encountered danger, he would be able to retreat.

But now he is in extreme position.

When you first enter the extreme position, you are naturally not an opponent of other extreme powerhouses, and the extreme powerhouse of the holy kingdom is also impossible to let the astrological emperor enter the upper emperor's battle circle.

The astrological emperor also knew that he might be at risk of falling.


Mu Qing and the Devourer were moved towards the south and flew away, and as expected, they found a Space Transmission Array.

"This is a temporary Space Transmission Array. The energy is escaping. Let's move faster." The Devourer urged.

Mu Qing nodded, he also discovered this, this Space Transmission Array is gradually falling apart.

But it is enough for Mu Qing and Devourer.

After they stepped into the Space Transmission Array, the entire Space Transmission Array collapsed and the energy was completely consumed.

When they reappears, it is the Immortal Valley star.

The territory of Aite Star Domain!

"Purple Gold Yuan, they should be gone." Mu Qing Divine Soul came out and found that Immortal Valley star had only some weak creatures and Aite clansman, Little Fatty and the others were not there.

? Subsequently, Mu Qing contacted Little Fatty through the communication rune.

"Are you back to the Ancient Immortal world?" Mu Qing asked.

"It's Mu Qing? Fortunately, you are fine."

"We have returned to the realm of Ancient Immortal. Liao Wu and Qiu Xiulan have fallen, and the senior management will not allow us to continue. Stay there."

Little Fatty replied.

Two Heaven's Chosen fell from the Ancient Immortal world, and the loss was considered to be significant.

The two have reached eight temperings, and the progress is only a little slower than Xiao Xuan and the others.

Don't talk about ten tempering, try hard, nine tempering is still hopeful.

In the future, achievements will be able to reach the ultimate emperor!

"Are you coming to the world of Ancient Immortal?" Little Fatty asked expectantly.

He hopes that Mu Qing can come to the Ancient Immortal world.

"Um...Next time."

Mu Qing groaned, but refused.

Speaking of which, it seems that he hasn't really been to the Ancient Immortal world.

However, now that he wants to create a power, his own magic skills before, have this idea.

Demon God soul seed, when Mu Qing was only God Sovereign Realm, it was able to condense one hundred.

Now, when he breaks through to the Great Emperor Realm, he can condense a full thousand!

These thousand magic seeds are all mixed with Mu Qing's strength of Divine Soul, and can control creatures whose strength does not exceed him.

Of course, the most important thing is that, relying on the demon seed, the controlled creature can also cultivation the devil's heart formula, which is a weakened version of the magic book.

Of course, now Mu Qing already knows that the demonic path once existed. I don't know how many creatures cultivation demonic energy, there is no threshold, and there is no restriction on bloodline.

"Where are we going?" Devourer looked towards Mu Qing.

"Back to the mixed world, I plan to develop the Black Tortoise Star Domain, which is an advanced Star Domain." Mu Qing said.

He found an Aite clansman and asked him to take himself and the Devourer to the central star of the Aite clan.

"What's your divine ability?" The Devourer was a little surprised.

The Aite clansman that Mu Qing found was directly controlled by the Moon God Dream.

"Lunar God Divine Ability." Mu Qing replied.

The Devourer scratched his head and didn't know this person.

In the era when the demonic path arose, the Moon God had not yet been born.

When the Moon God became famous, Celestial Court was no longer prosperous and separated from the Ancient Immortal realm.

Mu Qing and the Devourer, led by this Aite clansman, came to the central star of the Aite clan.

The super-large Transmission Formation is located in a huge Great City in the central star of the Aite tribe.

The Devourer is directly attached to Mu Qing, and most people can't detect it at all.

Mu Qing unlocked this Aite clansman's lunar dream, and then moved towards the super-large Transmission Formation.

With his current strength, the next great emperor dares to fight to death in front of him!

Mu Qing no longer has the Emperor Treasure on his body. Whether the lower Emperor Treasure or the upper Emperor Treasure is good, he detonated them.

However, the power erupted by the Fleshy body alone cannot be withstood by the lower emperor!

The Aite family is the most powerful house, but it is not the upper emperor!

Mu Qing doesn't need to enter the super-large Transmission Formation through formal channels. With his breakthrough God Soul Power, which has skyrocketed after the emperor, it is easy to use the Moon God Dream to control the next large Imperial Capital.

"en? Am I not on the Immortal Valley star? Why do I appear here?"

After Mu Qing became so powerful, the Aite clansman finally woke up.

He was still a little dim, looked sleepily all around, and then hit a shivered.

This is imperial city!

The imperial city of the central star of Aite!

Why did he appear here?

This Aite clansman thought about it carefully. He seemed to have a dream. He dreamed that a great character was coming to imperial city, so he let himself lead the way.


"The top powerhouse of the Peak race does not seem to be very good. The most powerhouse in this imperial city is no more than a First Rank high-ranking emperor." The Devourer sound transmission gave Mu Qing.

Its god Soul Power quickly noticed the powerhouse in this imperial city.

There is only one upper emperor!

It's still First Rank!

As for the other powerhouses, they will not be seen by the Devourer until the upper emperor.

If it weren't for the current state, even the upper emperor would not have a look.

"This is..."

Mu Qing originally wanted to leave the Tianchen Realm directly through the super-large Transmission Formation, but halfway, his steps stopped.

He frowns.

I saw some Aite powerhouses in the imperial city, holding a tube of blood.

That blood contains Power of Stars, and reveals a special power, which is endless, just like reincarnation.

Samsara Power!

Mu Qing's pupils contracted slightly, and he recognized at a glance what the power contained in that tube of blood was!

Samsara Power, the power of Xinrui Senior Brother!



A god emperor of the Aite clan drinks Mu Qing.

Mu Qing wears a black robe and does not have the characteristics of the Aite tribe, which is very conspicuous in the imperial city.

The god emperor came to Mu Qing holding a tube of blood.

He glanced at the tube of blood in his hand and found no change in it, then secretly relaxed.

Immediately, the god emperor scolded Mu Qing: "Where are you from? Which race were born?"

Mu Qing lifts the head, the depth under the black hood A gleam of moonlight flashed in his eyes!

"Who does this tube of blood come from?" Mu Qing sound transmission asked.

The Aite god emperor in front of him has been controlled by Mu Qing with the Moon God Dream.

"A severely injured emperor powerhouse, that guy killed many of our clansman, the opponent is very powerful, but not the emperor’s opponent."

"Some time ago, the emperor took care of himself. , Wounded that great emperor, and the other party was hidden in our Aite clan."

"The emperor took part of the opponent’s blood and exerted force on the blood. As long as he approached the severely injured and dying emperor, he would Reacted."

"The emperor also gave many princes a task, whoever can find the whereabouts of the great emperor is the next emperor Aite."

This Aite clan The emperor said everything.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes and exuded a dangerous breath.

This tube of blood, he has completely affirmed that it is the blood of Xinrui Senior Brother!

didn't expect the other party came to the Aite clan and was dying and seriously injured.

"Go back..." Mu Qing whispered.

The god emperor of Aite was nodded, and then turned and left.

"Captain, is there anything weird about that person?" an Ait clansman asked curiously.

This emperor is the Captain of a patrol team in imperial city.

At this moment, Captain is still under the control of Mu Qing. He shook the head and said: "Nothing, that guy looks like an outsider, so I asked more carefully, but there is no problem."

Immediately, he led the team and moved towards the distance.

Mu Qing's eyes flickered, turned and walked away.

Without taking a few steps, the body was enveloped by a twisting force, disappeared.

The people around did not respond!

In a building in the dynasty, Mu Qing silhouette appeared.

"Who are you?" There was an Aite clansman in the room, and his face was shocked when he saw Mu Qing suddenly appear in front of him.

Mu Qing's eyes are light flashed, and he controls it directly.

Naai Te Clansman walked out of the room with a dazed look.

This is a place similar to a hotel. Mu Qing canceled his original plan and intends to stay in the imperial city for a period of time.

It just so happened that the serious injury of his Divine Soul did not recover because of the breakthrough emperor, and it took some time to recuperate.

"Xinrui Senior Brother, did you also break through to the emperor?"

Mu Qing muttered to himself, holding a tube of blood, a little starlight appeared on it, and the breath of reincarnation lingered , It was in the hands of Captain who was patrolling the Aite tribe!

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