Mu Qing's eyes are about to split, and the Monster Race energy in his body is gone!

One after another terrifying Monster Race breath emerged from Mu Qing, and the energy in his body was extremely messy.

His body is extremely hard, and his flesh and blood explode from time to time.

On the top of the head, a pair of horns grew, and the skin on the body showed jade scales.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, he couldn't even speak now, sitting cross-legged to suppress the Monster Race energy running away inside his body.

I don’t even know that my appearance has changed dramatically.

"Savage Bull Race, Jade Dragon Race!" Devouring Demon saw clearly the two silhouettes running out of the Mu Qing black hole space, with a heavy tone.

In the beginning, these two Monster Race corpses were just human figures, but now they have undergone certain changes. One has horns on his head, the other has dragon scales, and a dragon tail behind it.

Monster Race is a collective term, and at present these two people are the ultimate powerhouse of the Barbarian Bull Race and the Jade Dragon Race.

"I finally found a successor to revitalize the demonic path, how can I let you body possession?"

The Devourer screamed, then rushed over, bloody mouth wide open like A sacrificial bowl derives directly to the size of several kilometers, and it is necessary to swallow two people.

These two Monster Races intend to assimilate Mu Qing and then resurrect with Mu Qing's body!

They are indeed dead, without Divine Soul.

But the fleshy body has instinct!

Mu Qing steals their energy, leaving hidden dangers in the body.

Now, all Monster Race energy in these two corpses has a tendency to blend directly into Mu Qing's body.

There are only two consequences!

One is Mu Qing exploded and died, and even Divine Soul was annihilated together!

second is the energy of two corpses completely occupying and transforming Mu Qing's body, obliterating Mu Qing's Divine Soul, and then giving birth to a new Divine Soul and consciousness!

Either way, it is very unfavorable to Mu Qing.

The Devouring Demon burst into full power at once, and the extreme aura was unobstructed.

However, in its current state, its power is pitifully small, barely reaching the lower-ranking high-ranking emperor.

The unfavorable power of devouring, but now it seems to have gnawed a piece of steel, and even shattered his head by the surging Monster Race energy.

"I'm fucking..."

The Devourer was angry and recovered, but his body was a little darker.

The breath fell from a low-level high-ranking emperor to a high-level low-ranking emperor.

In the Land of Death, I swallowed a lot of Divine Soul, and finally recovered a little bit of power, and it was gone!

"It's over. With my current strength, I can't keep this brat." The Devourer heave a long sigh.

It has cast divine ability many times, but the extreme Monster Race energy, it can't swallow it now, and finally exploded in the body, but it hurt itself.


A silhouette broke through the air, almost immediately condensing surging power, pressing against the two Monster Race extreme corpses behind Mu Qing.


The two corpses actually developed instincts, and roar rushed towards them.

The visitor is the astrological emperor.

The astrological emperor coldly snorted, flipping his hand, he crushed the jade Dragon Race body on the ground and photographed a big hole.

Afterwards, his face was surprised, and he couldn't hurt this corpse even with a palm of his hand!

The body of the Monster Race has always been hard, even more how this is the dead body of the extremely Monster Race.

It can be seen that the strength of this jade Dragon Race corpse is still higher than that of the astrological emperor.

However, even if this Monster Race corpse is no matter how powerful it was during his lifetime, it is still a corpse, and it cannot pose a threat to the astrological emperor.

I saw the astrological emperor took out countless cards, among which there were 22 main cards, emitting blazing rays of light.

These 22 main cards are a high-ranking Emperor Treasure!

The astrological emperor who has just entered the extreme position has no time to sacrifice an extreme Emperor Treasure, but even so, the power that erupts from an extreme power with the upper Emperor Treasure is also extraordinary.

hong long!

Heaven and Earth trembles, and everything is destroyed at this moment.

The Jade Dragon Race body rebelled against the picture, but the 22 main cards blocked it all around, making it impossible to move.

Finally, the body of Jade Dragon Race even had a feeling of fear!

On the twenty-two main cards, bright beams of light penetrated through and pierced the body of the Jade Dragon Race fiercely like a lance.

No matter how hard the fleshy body is, it is impossible to maintain its pre-death state after death. Under the attack of the astrological emperor, after resisting for a few seconds, it finally exploded.

The flesh and blood with the energy of Monster Race burst completely!

"en? Is this a corpse?"

At this time, the astrological emperor finally reacted.

He thought it was an enemy. After killing the opponent, he didn't find Divine Soul in the opponent at all.

After that, he still felt a bit of decay, and finally realized that what he had killed was only a corpse!

"What kind of powerhouse's corpse is this? He has a certain instinct, and his strength has at least reached the upper Peak!" The astrological emperor was surprised and secretly guessed that this corpse might belong to the extreme powerhouse.

"Hurry up and stop him! Don't let him run!" The Devourer yelled at this time.

The corpse of the other bull clan wants to escape!

The devouring demon condense swallows the storm, moving towards the other party.

The corpse of the bull clan didn't look like it had fallen. He ran away, his muscles bulged, and the horns on his head tore through the devouring storm.

The astrological emperor hurriedly rushed, a towering hand came out and enveloped the past.


A bull call came out.

The Monster Race turned into a huge bull, with red and violent eyes, roaring.

The horns are invincible and contain terrifying strength, moved towards the sky!


The palm of the astrological emperor Condense was broken, and a hole was also broken in his palm.

Manniu Monster Race once again, a large space collapsed, and then turned into a human form, rushed away, and disappeared in the sky.

The Devourer looked stunned.

You cheated the corpse?

The astrological emperor came and did not know the specific situation. At this moment, he thought it was a corpse and a powerful enemy.

But from the bottom of the Devourer's heart, it is clear that it should be two corpses!

The body of the Jade Dragon Race, under the full force of the astrological emperor, there was also a trace of emotion, but the fleshy body was immediately crushed.

And when the body of the Jade Dragon Race was destroyed, the bull Monster Race was already ready to escape.

"That guy doesn't have Divine Soul at all. Is this a new consciousness born from the corpse?" Devouring Demon thought hard.

Even though it lived so long, it was the first time I saw this.

Then, Devourer looked towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is still suppressing the Monster Race energy in his body, but because the two Monster Race corpses died and fled, the situation has improved a lot.

The horns on Mu Qing's head have fallen off, and the dragon scales on his body have gradually faded.

The Devourer took a look, and simply gave Mu Qing a hand, opened his mouth, and a burst of Devouring Power gushed out, absorbing the Monster Race energy in Mu Qing's body into his stomach.

The Monster Race energy in Mu Qing's body is a mixture of the energy in the two corpses of the Barbarian Bull Race and the Jade Dragon Race.

Now that the body of the Jade Dragon Race is destroyed, the energy of the Monster Race left behind has naturally become extremely weak, and the Devourer can already chew!

The astrological emperor glanced at the Devourer and groaned for a while, but did not inquire about the origin of the Devourer.

He didn't speak, he went straight to Mu Qing's back, with his palm on Mu Qing's back, a strong extreme force poured into Mu Qing's body.

Monster Race energy is very stubborn in Mu Qing's body, but in front of the torrent of power of the astrological emperor, it seems impossible to withstand a single blow and is directly shattered.

After a while, Mu Qing let out a long breath, opened his eyes, and there were many sweat stains on his forehead.

"Thanks Senior." Mu Qing expressed his gratitude to the astrological emperor.

If the opponent didn’t show up in time, I’m afraid I’m in a bit of trouble, and maybe I’ll become a Monster Race.

"no effort at all that's all." The astrological emperor chuckled, then he frowned again and said: "There is something wrong with the situation in your body, part of the Monster Race power still remains in your body, hiding in In your bloodline!"

"I can’t help you get rid of it, but within a short time the power of Monster Race in the bloodline It shouldn’t be exploded. When the battle with the Holy Kingdom is over, you can ask heavenly Punishment or Ning Fengzheng asks for help."

The astrological emperor told Mu Qing some things.

Much of the Monster Race energy in Mu Qing's body was directly erased by him, but he found that there was still a certain amount of Monster Race power remaining in Mu Qing's bloodline.

Even the astrological emperor, there is no way to help Mu Qing get rid of the power of Monster Race in the bloodline.

Because those remaining Monster Race powers are very tenacious and secretive, hiding in the bloodline.

The most important thing is that the astrological emperor has just passed through the extreme position and has insufficient control over his own power.

If he helps Mu Qing get rid of the power of the bloodline Monster Race, I am afraid his extremely powerful power will destroy Mu Qing's bloodline as well.

Mu Qing nodded, the power of Monster Race in the bloodline seems to have been completely silent, and it seems that it will not affect him in a short time.

"How is the battle of the three forces against the Holy Kingdom?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

As an extreme powerhouse, the astrological emperor is a senior in the Ancient Immortal world. He should be very clear about the situation of the battle.

"If you can't get up or down, there are people in Celestial Court and Ruthless Hall who are sending messages to the Holy Kingdom, so the Holy Kingdom knows our actions in advance. This battle will probably not be able to eradicate the Holy Kingdom's forces."

The astrological emperor shook the head.

Ruthless Hall and Celestial Court both have rapes. Originally, they also had a rape in the Ancient Immortal world, Wanke.

"In fact, the key to the battle is the Supreme level battle. The evil gods fall, and the Holy Kingdom is defeated."

The astrological emperor suddenly said solemnly.

After that, he chuckled, "For this battle, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. I will arrange the Space Transmission Array not far away, and you will come soon after Purple Gold and they left."

"Next, I will go to participate in the battle between the extreme powerhouses. The Space Transmission Array is located in the south of this place. You can see it right there."

The direction of the Space Transmission Array told Mu Qing, then the body flashed, and disappeared in an instant.

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