Stargate: Lords of Time

Chapter 540 Thunder Domain (seeking subscription monthly pass)

Three days later, Lei Yu.

Thunder flashes, and Lei Di is crossing the sky.

The catastrophe is not the Lord of Thunder's.

But in the past few days, he is also transforming, transforming towards the eighth level. He originally cultivated the power of the thunder system. At this moment, it just fills up the power of the thunder system in the domain. As for the power of destruction, he has enough power of the avenue To neutralize.

Lei Jie gradually receded.

When Lei Di landed, his aura changed a bit. At this moment, he let out a long breath, and the power of destruction was released by him.

"Congratulations Lei Di!"

Lei Di raised his head and showed some smiles, looked at the group of people in front of him... and laughed: "I would also like to thank King Yinyue for his kindness, the two seventh-level worlds, in this life, I never thought that this day would come!"

Everyone carried the sedan chair.

People are polite, so naturally he should be more polite.

Li Hao didn't continue, and looked up at the sky: "This Thunder Domain really deserves its reputation. If you stay here for a few days, the general realm will be destroyed long ago, so the Thunder Realm can still hold on... No wonder Sifang Domain and Not much communication with the outside world.”

In the past few days, the thunder gathered, and even an eighth-level thunder erupted once. Fortunately, Lei Di officially stepped into the eighth level, and with the fact that he was in the local area of ​​​​the Thunder Realm, he finally blocked it.

In this situation... There are really few people who dare to take the world into the minefield.

Lei Di nodded: "This is still a peaceful period. Before that, because of the Chaos Thunder Tribulation, a lot of the power of the Chaos Thunder Tribulation was taken away. Otherwise, this Thunder Tribulation is more powerful. At the peak period, let alone the eighth-level, the ninth-level is possible. Can't make it through."

After all, he said: "There are many chaotic lightning pillars nearby, which is the key to the thunder field. It is stronger and filled with a lot of destructive power. The entire structure of the thunder field was born from these thunder pillars. "

"Chaos Thunder Pillar?"


Li Hao was a little surprised, but he didn't know this, so he nodded slightly at this moment.

A group of people are in a good mood at this time, and they are not nervous about hiding in the thunder field. It would be better if the thunder is stronger, otherwise, the Dragon Lord will come in.

At this moment, the state of Kongji is stable, and Daoqi is full of energy. This time, the second cat landed on the ground, with four short legs, which attracted the attention of the black panther.

The two Taoist masters are not bad. Although they haven't stepped into the seventh step, they have also passed one step on the sixth step.

The black panther is also close to the sixth level, and it is still a little bit worse. The main reason is that the power of the world has dissipated too much, and the advancement of the thunder world has also swallowed a lot.

And Yuan Shuo also took the opportunity to step into the fourth rank.

Now, Yuan Shuo, Lin Hongyu, and Queen have all stepped into the fourth rank, and Nan Quan and Director Zhou are also advancing towards the fourth rank.

Almost all of them have improved.

Not only that, Yinyue also gave birth to some new emperors, and the world has entered the sixth level, and there are more places. Now, even some younger generations have begun to move towards emperors.

On the whole, the strength has risen a lot.

But for Li Hao, the debts he owed are quite a lot.

Two cats, Kong Ji, have all been resolved.

But for Daoqi, they owe more and more. Now they owe an eighth-level universe, and they owe Ren Wang a seventh-level world, but they haven’t paid it back. I thought about it before, maybe there is another seventh-level world... The result is also Never thought that the two worlds would be given to Lord Lei to devour them.

At that time, the situation was urgent. If the Dragon Lord did not return, the Thunder Lord would step into the eighth level... Li Hao was planning to destroy all the seventh level of chaos.

Unfortunately, it was a step short.

Otherwise, there would be 6 more worlds.

At that time, it was really not bad money.

As for Li Hao himself, at this moment, he is still at the sixth level of power, and the thousand realms appear, and there are not many more realms. However, this thousand realms is completely different from before.

The trash of the Cang Qiong Sword... after swallowing so many seventh-level corpses, Li Hao was disappointed that he only entered the sixth level.

This guy is such a waste.

There are so many seventh-level corpses, although the power of the Dao has passed away a lot, but at least you can enter the seventh-level emperor soldier and show me.

In the end, it was only the sixth order.

How frustrating!

Li Hao didn't continue to say more, looked at Lei Zhu and asked: "Thunder Emperor, how long will it take to cross the Thunder Domain?"

"Under normal circumstances, the speed is fast and there is no great danger, at most a quarter of an hour... But once there is a crisis, it will be hard to say, and it may be completely trapped by the thunder field!"

Lord Thunder continued: "Also, this is only within the Thunder Domain. If you want to go out, you have to pass through some Thunder Pillars, which is actually very dangerous. I wanted to go out once back then, and I wanted to leave the Thunder Realm... As a result, the Thunder Pillar exploded and almost destroyed the Thunder Realm, so I had no choice but to give up and return to the Sifang Domain."

With a sigh, Lei Zhu was somewhat moved.

Of course, that was at the beginning.

Now, I have entered the eighth level!

Speaking of this, Lei Zhu couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist Haoyue, have you condensed the way of destruction?"

Li Hao nodded.

The Lord of Thunder was a little puzzled and said: "Actually, there are strong people in my Thunder Realm. I have tried to gather the way of destruction, but the resistance to the chaotic thunder disaster is not as strong as I imagined. As if unscathed?"

This is where he was puzzled.

He admitted that Li Hao was very strong.

But... When crossing the tribulation before, other people didn't pay much attention to it, and that was Li Hao, who had been standing against the giant of thunder tribulation.

But the seventh-order lightning tribulation didn't seem to affect Li Hao too much.


The reason for the power of destruction?


Li Hao smiled and explained: "It's not just a power of destruction, it's a power of catastrophe... There are at least 8,000 ways of chaos and thunder disasters, I think it's at least so. Now, I've only detected some of them, but , this part is enough for me to absorb a lot of the power of Chaos Thunder Tribulation..."

He also explained: "Thunder Lord has also stepped into the eighth level, you should know this, the chaotic thunder calamity is not just destruction and thunder!"

As soon as these words came out, Lei Zhu was startled, and for a while, thoughtfully, nodded: "That's true, I thought about it before, but... I can't separate them, only the Thunder and Destruction..."

Li Hao nodded: "It's very difficult to separate it, and I can't separate it..."

Lord Lei is puzzled, you can't separate it, how can you dissolve the power in it?

At this moment, Li Hao was sitting cross-legged, not caring whether the ground was dirty or clean. The people around him also became interested and sat down one after another. Master Lei was still not used to it. Seeing that everyone else had sat down, he stood up by himself. , and quickly sat down.

Li Hao explained: "I recently tried to capture the power of the chaotic thunder calamity, and then decompose it through time...Before, the seventh-order thunder calamity hit me, but you didn't notice that I used time and stars, Time, ten thousand ways converge!"

"I spent time dismantling Lei Jie... Although it is not too detailed, it is still okay, so at that time, Lei Jie's damage to me was limited, because I used part of the power of disaster, It was taken apart!"

At this moment, Li Hao, although he hasn't gone out yet, at this moment, he has some thoughts and continued: "Thunder Field should be arranged by a powerful party, it should be a ninth-level powerhouse, it may be the Lord of Heaven, it may be Jie Could it be that the lord... the chaotic thunder calamity here may not necessarily be the orderly thunder calamity in the chaos, it may be artificially lured down."

"Could it be the master of robbery?"

Lei Di was startled, who?

Li Hao explained: "I made a guess, I mean, before I was wondering why the chaotic thunder calamity could gather here, and you said that a large number of thunder pillars existed here, and the chaotic thunder calamity was born, so, I thought, the thunder Zhu, it should be Doug!"


Lei Zhu was at a loss and didn't understand.

Dao Chess, on the other hand, was slightly taken aback: "You mean... Lei Yu also exists as an imperial soldier similar to Dao Chess, and a pillar represents a Dao, forming the power of catastrophe?"

Li Hao nodded: "I just speculated based on what the Thunder Lord said. Why does the chaotic thunder calamity continue here? It is impossible that there has always been a provocative chaotic order in this place? There are two possibilities. First, this place can I was born into a chaotic thunder calamity, which was caused by these thunder pillars, and the thunder pillars are actually a road in the road network, a pillar, a road, and the entire thunder field has at least 8,000 thunder pillars!"

"Second, there is a peerless strongman here, maybe even a strong man from the Dao of Time, or a strong man from the Dao of Bipolar, who has been showing his Dao domain and attracting Chaos Thunder Tribulation. The possibility is not too great, because no one breaks in here. Income, generally will not explode."

Li Hao speculated: "So, I judge that this thunder domain is actually a place of enlightenment! The place of enlightenment of the way of catastrophe, Sifangyu, there may have been a Lord of Calamity, or a Lord of Heaven, and There will be a way of catastrophe, and a minefield is arranged here...Of course, 8000 ways are just my guess, and I judge, there may be more than 9000 ways... The way of space, 9999 avenues, this way of disaster, in my opinion, may not be How much worse than the way of space."

Thunder Lord was a little shocked at this moment: "You mean, this thunder domain is actually a place where people can feel the chaotic thunder calamity. Every thunder pillar is a line in the Dao domain network?"

As an eighth-level emperor, although he has just been promoted, he still has some insights into the Dao. If he doesn't understand, he can't become an eighth-level emperor.

At this moment, my heart was shaken.

Looking at Li Hao, I was a little suspicious. You have never been out before. Is it really accurate for you to draw such a conclusion?

Li Hao nodded: "Otherwise, it would be impossible for this place to create a minefield out of thin air. What I am more curious about now is why the Sifangyu was surrounded. Is it because of the Lord of Heaven? Or is it because of other reasons?"


Li Hao thought for a while and continued: "The realm of Tianfang needs to be revived...then the existence of this thunderfield is to protect Tianfang? To prevent the strong from entering it, that's why the thunderfield was born, otherwise, it would have been a long time ago Tian Fang was demolished by countless strong men from the outer domain..."

There are many strong people in the Sifang domain, but there are more outside domains.

Among other things, before, there were two eighth ranks from Outer Domain casually. It is impossible for all the strong people from Outer Domain to come. Obviously, there may even be ninth ranks in Outer Domain.

Then why not come to Sifangyu?

Maybe it has something to do with Thunderfield.

Li Hao looked outside, and said again: "I'm interested, let's go out and check it out. I've been practicing Jiejian Dao recently, but for Jiejian Dao, I can only say that it's the Sword Dao of Destruction, not the Dao of Calamity. , from now on, Chaos Thunder Tribulation will hardly hurt me!"

He was also annoyed.

Hit me at every turn, it's so annoying.

If you can comprehend the way of catastrophe, hack me, and I will absorb it directly, then it will be over.

Being hacked every day makes me very irritable.

The Thunder Lord couldn't help but said: "But now, the Dragon Lord may bring the strong into the Thunder Domain..."

Let's not think about running away?

Do you still have the mind to stay here?

He actually wanted to go to Outland.

Sifangyu has trapped him for too many years, and he is tired of it. Here, he is miserable. After I go out, I am a good man. No one knows about my sad past. They only know that I am an eighth-level emperor. up!

Be a strong man with face once in a while.

In Longyu, it's really shameless, being suppressed every day.

Li Hao made a judgment and said: "It can't be so fast. I don't know the Dragon Lord very well, but this one must be planning before moving. He is an overlord and a hero. Just look at the strong men under his command. At this stage , no accident, he will appease the strong men under his command first, even if he wants to fight... the first one will not hit me, but the monster clan!"

"Monster race?"

Lord Lei couldn't help but said: "We killed so many of his subordinates, Huofeng is even one of his Taoist companions... Do you think he will attack the Yaozu first, not us?"

"It must be the demon clan!"

Li Hao concluded: "On my side, you have swallowed the two worlds, and you may have entered the eighth level. He should already know, but I have spent time. With his strength, I didn't guess it before, but I guessed it this time too. , plus there is Xinwu eyeing... I don't know what the situation of Yunxiao is, but it should not be a big problem... Then we and Xinwu are the biggest trouble!"

Of course, we must eradicate those who are less threatening first, and strengthen our own strength. Although there are eight seventh-level emperors in the five realms of the monster clan...but to be honest, when the Dragon Lord comes, maybe, the monster The strong will surrender.

The three powerhouses in the iron-eating world are determined to resist.

It can be seen from chasing and killing those chaotic beasts before, a few of them are actually not willing to chase and kill them. They just wanted to delay for a while.

Therefore, the eight seventh-rank emperors of the Yaozu are actually the easiest to break.

If it were me, I would also fight the Yaozu first!

Lei Di nodded thoughtfully, "That's right!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Li Hao: "Then what do you mean...let's go out and have a look first, if we can comprehend the chaotic thunder calamity... then consider the way out?"

Li Hao nodded: "That's what I think...Of course, if Lord Thunder wants to go out, or thinks it's dangerous to stay here for a long time, he can take Thunder Realm out first."

"How could that be!"

Lei Di immediately said: "We are now considered as one... Besides, I have entered the eighth level thanks to the help of fellow Taoists, how could I leave alone?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Lei Di is too far-fetched, each takes what he needs, and you don't owe me anything. This time, it's just cooperation, and cooperation will benefit both. I always hope that the fellow Taoists who cooperate with me can Get something... instead of nothing."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "Of course, it would be even better if the Emperor Lei didn't leave. I'm actually not proficient in the Thunder Element. If the Lord helps me, it will be easier for me to get close to the Thunder Pillar and feel the power of Chaos Thunder Tribulation... Otherwise, there will be some small troubles."

"It is incumbent!"

Lord Lei spoke up immediately, it was just a trivial matter.

Since the other party wants to realize the power of thunder calamity, of course he can only accompany him.

At this moment, it's a bit embarrassing.

At this juncture, he went to enlighten the Tao, and he didn't know whether this Li Hao was self-confident or arrogant, or... In his eyes, enlightening the Tao is necessary for cultivating the Tao, whether it is killing people or seizing the world, it is actually just a process?

Who knows.

But at this moment, Li Hao looked at the two Taoist masters: "You two also go with me..."

The two were slightly taken aback, shall we go too?

Li Hao explained: "Let's explore the potential of Yinyue Dao. Yinyue is a way of fiction and reality, but neither of the two ways is too special. In fact, there are still. Emotions are the main thing... But, it is not as obvious as Yin and Yang to reconcile and oppose..."

Li Hao thought for a while and added: "I don't know if you still remember that when the power of the red moon invaded the silver moon universe, it would induce thunder on the road..."

Everyone nodded, of course they remembered.

It's just... Gan Wuliang said softly: "Master Hou, that is the way of this universe's rejection of outsiders, which caused the great thunder..."

"Yes, regardless of whether you reject it or not, does this mean that the Dao of Thunder actually occupies an important part in the Dao universe, and in my Dao of Silver Moon, and it can be regarded as a kind of punishment... But Why, I, Yinyue, do not have a powerful Lei Xiu?"

Yinyue's way is inclusive, and there are all kinds of avenues.

However, the way of thunder is not practiced by anyone.

In fact, there were... At the beginning, Ying Hongyue actually practiced the way of thunder. After Ying Hongyue was killed, almost no one in Yinyue practiced the way of thunder anymore.

Li Hao continued: "The way of Yinyue has always been inferior to Xinwu Yinyang, Emperor Cang and Renwang. They can leverage each other and separate from each other. It's easy to merge, and it's easy to separate... But the two It is not as good as them to integrate, and it is not as good as them to separate."

"Silver Moon's Dao still lacks a core..."

Li Hao thought for a while and continued: "The black panther inherited part of the ability of the demon suppressor... The demon suppressor also has the power of the thunder system, and the single horn can explode thunder, which is extremely powerful! I have some ideas now, to transform the world, The two paths are completely merged into a dual-path ring world! As for the silver moon world, I hope that the black panther can cultivate the power of thunder and calamity, and use this as the core to integrate the dual-path universe into a trinity!"

"Qian Wuliang is in charge of the spiritual world, Uncle Hong is in charge of the elemental world, and Black Panther is in charge of order...Thunder catastrophe is a kind of order, and the power of catastrophe actually brings order instead of catastrophe!"

At this moment, the two of them looked at Li Hao one after another, lost in thought.

The black panther is in a trance, should I change lanes to repair it?

The way to repair order?

Or... the way of catastrophe?

But I don't know much about it. The power of thunder, it does. It has inherited some blood power. Xinwu's demon-suppressing envoy is actually good at the power of thunder, but... the black panther is mainly good at water.

They have reached the fifth level and almost the sixth level, now go to change paths to practice... is it okay?

Li Hao looked at the three, and continued: "The purpose of my doing this is to hope that I can completely integrate Yinyue into one, and better advance to the seventh level! Otherwise, Yinyue wants to step into the seventh level, isn't it? You can enter by devouring several worlds!"

"Yinyue wants to enter the seventh-order world...the difficulty is not small, but if she can master the way of catastrophe, there may be hope!"

"The reason why I let the Black Panther try it now... is because, if Lei Zhu is similar to Daoqi according to my idea, then it will be too late to start all over again, from scratch! I was not very familiar with all kinds of Daoqi I understand, but Senior Daoqi has helped me a lot!"

Li Hao looked at Daoqi: "Besides... since senior is here, I still have a merciless request... I hope senior can let me, the Silver Moon Emperors, enter Daoqi to gain insights! How many resources are consumed, all of us Come out, Senior Daoqi is the insight of Dao left by the ninth-level emperor. For everyone, this is a huge and incomparable opportunity. Dao, one mastery can be strengthened, but other Dao, you have to be more or less dabbled , Only in this way can we know ourselves and the enemy, and you can broaden your horizons, and enter the fourth and seventh ranks as soon as possible!"

Daoqi hesitated a little, thought for a while and said: "Actually, not everyone is suitable to go in and learn... I'm worried..."

Too much to chew!

Li Hao nodded: "I understand, but I... believe in Yinyue martial artists!"

He looked at everyone: "I just asked everyone to open your horizons. It doesn't mean that you must follow the path of the Wandao combination! The one that suits you is the best. Conflict, as long as you don't get completely addicted to it, and just focus on becoming the ninth level of Merging Myriad Dao, I think it will only be good for you, and there will be no harm!"

The Yinyue martial masters looked at each other, and soon, Nanquan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will cultivate ten thousand ways for me, and I am too lazy to cultivate... However, Gan Wuliang and Hong Yitang can do it." , I now find that these two guys know too little, and provide us with very little insight, but we have been providing them with insight... What a loss!"


The two Taoists were very helpless, and there was nothing wrong with what they said!

They don't have much insight, and they have been pushed forward by everyone, which can't be helped.

But at this moment, Li Hao suddenly said: "Uncle Hong's way, the way of bringing together the people, the way of Xinwu Supreme, you can learn it! But Gan Wuliang..."

He looked at Gan Wuliang for a long time, then slowly said: "If I were would not be the same thing if I waited like this all this time, you don't have to be too afraid of me, as long as you don't mess around, I will rarely punish anyone... ...You, you can borrow the Kingdom of God...The Kingdom of God is actually not very good, I think you can cooperate with King Dali."

Da Li Wang was startled, what does it have to do with me?

But Qian Wuliang's eyes moved slightly: "What Hou Ye means is that those human races under King Dali, because they don't believe in gods and have complicated thoughts, are actually relatively smarter, more cunning, and have a lot of thoughts...I...should go deep Among them, to feel something?"

Li Hao nodded.

Those human races in the Kingdom of God, relatively speaking, have a relatively simple mind, but the human race on the side of King Dali... Well, how should I put it, their minds are more complicated. Even if the Queen keeps bewitching her, they don't believe in her. It is conceivable , Minds are complex people.

As for the way of emotions and the way of human heart, Li Hao said again: "I suggest you... If you are not afraid of split personality, you can incarnate into some clones, enter it, and feel different lives, different roles, different people's hearts... You have already Sometimes, the progress is actually very fast, because you have risen from the bottom and experienced all kinds of life, but now, you have actually fallen behind..."

Gan Wuliang was a little embarrassed, and Li Hao said again: "It's not a criticism. Everyone has made progress too fast. This is understandable! But you, what you want to follow is the way of people's hearts. If you don't go deep into it, how will you understand it? Gan Wuliang, I am actually very optimistic about you, and even think that your Tao, among all the Taos, may be the most special, and the human heart is the most difficult to control!"

"Other people's Tao is very simple, not complicated, not changeable... even space, disaster, and time, there are traces to follow, but the human heart has no trace to be found!"

"People's hearts do not only have desires, but a part of the way of human hearts, the simple way of desire, is enough to make people reach the eighth level. If you can really control people's hearts, ninth level is not impossible, even though I am only a sixth level. Tier Emperor Zun, but I have seen too many Taos..."

"I originally thought that Uncle Hong is more simple, you have to be more thoughtful, you have more understanding of the Tao, you can promote the progress of Uncle Hong, and the progress of the whole Yinyue... But now, you have not let I see signs like this..."

Gan Wuliang was a little embarrassed, and Li Hao said again: "You are too jealous of me... This is not good, I am not saying that even your enlightenment will interfere with you... As long as you don't kill people randomly, the matter of enlightenment is up to you yes!"

Gan Wuliang took a deep breath: "Thank you for your teaching, Master Hou!"

Li Hao nodded, "I'm just a suggestion, not saying, you can only follow what I said, after all, the one that suits you is the best, if you think it works, you can try it, if it doesn't work, then change it Way."

"No, Master Hou is far-sighted. I agree with what Master Hou said!"

Qian Wuliang seemed to be flattering, but also didn't seem to be.

It's a bit serious, feeling people's hearts, incarnating thousands of people, merging into the extremely complicated world of the confluence of myriad worlds, understanding different identities, different roles...

This...maybe really my chance.

The people of the Kingdom of God are too simple and innocent. There is actually nothing to understand about such a human race, but the group of humans controlled by King Dali is definitely worth understanding.

King Dali has not stepped into Emperor Zun so far, why?

Because he hasn't straightened out these human races, can't let these human races trust him, believe in him, and even let these people regard him as a leader.

The road of Da Li Wang is actually very difficult.

If he took another path, he might have become Emperor Zun long ago, but this path is very difficult!

However, if you really want to go, not to mention being the same as the queen, promotion is as simple as drinking water, and it will not be much slower than Xinwu Supreme. It is also an extremely complicated way to gather people's hearts.

Moreover, to make things even more troublesome, Xinwu's side is still a human race in the same world, and they have some sense of identity.

But those human races mastered by King Dali... come from different worlds, have different languages, different habits, and different civilizations... except that they are all human races, they are almost the same.

Wanting to integrate this group of people into one... The road of King Dali is really too difficult, but Li Hao is very optimistic about it!

This road is not in a hurry, it is a long process.

Li Hao is even thinking about sealing King Dali into it, just like the general world, so that the passage of time will be different, and drive the fusion of the whole world at the cost of time!

In this way, the integration process of the entire world can be accelerated.

As for the improvement of the strength of the human race in the whole world... This is second, unlike Yinyue, what Yinyue pursues is strength, while the human race in this world should pursue integration and happiness, not the improvement of strength.

Perhaps, after countless years, the first generation of human races will die, and the subsequent human races will gradually complete their unity.

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Hao glanced at King Dali again. Since Yuan Shuo was promoted to Emperor Zun, now Yinyue has stepped into the sixth rank, and now, the remaining group of old people, whom Li Hao is familiar with, have almost become Emperor Zun .

Including cheap junior sister Li Meng, junior brother Hu Hao, old friends Hao Lianchuan, Wang Ming, and even Liu Long's son Liu Yin, these people have stepped into the emperor level.

And the members of the Demon Hunt Squad back then...

Even people like the Empress Dowager Shuiyun, who surrendered, have become emperors.

Only King Dali, the former overlord of the royal way, is still at the level of harmony.

You know, he was one of the only two half-emperors under Li Hao back then, one was the queen and the other was the king of Dali. Now, this guy has become the only half-emperor of the older generation !

Of course, this so-called beginning... was actually only three or four years old.

But in the eyes of others, it seems like a lifetime away!

Now that he talked about this point, Li Hao said: "King Dali, your Dali Realm, I want to seal it, let Qian Wuliang enter it with you, let him assist you, and unify these human races." Really complete the unification of a dynasty... Civilization, writing, habits, customs, measurement... These things are extremely troublesome and time-consuming. In a short period of time, it is impossible to succeed at all. It is very common for ten or a hundred years... ..."

"After closing the Great Leaving Realm, I have no energy to provide to you this time, so your realm may not make any progress at all, and the same is true for you... Would you like it?"

He looked at King Dali, and then at the people around him: "I said a long time ago... I actually want to be independent and walk around the world, but I also won't just look at my back and look at me. I leave alone... I hope everyone can follow."

"I know, I'm going too fast, but I will wait for you. Now, almost all the people I know have stepped into the emperor level and have a long lifespan. I also hope that he can Go further... Is there anyone else who is willing to enter with him and assist him?"

Jiang Li got up and bowed slightly: "I am willing to assist my king!"

Li Hao nodded.

At this moment, Director Zhao suddenly said: "I also want to try, to integrate different worlds, different cultures, and human races with different civilizations... I have been in charge of administration for many years, and Silver Moon has gone through five hundred years. Some help."

At this moment, several emperors spoke one after another.

King Dali's eyes were a bit complicated, and he said: "Then you mean... I... take some people to open up wasteland, if I can't complete the unification... I can't prove the emperor, I... don't need to come out again?"

Li Hao looked at him.

King Dali sighed and nodded: "Understood!"

If I can't succeed, what else should I do?

The people around me have all become emperors, but I haven't yet. This is the path I chose, no matter how difficult it is, I should go on!

However, Li Hao said again: "Actually, it's not just King Dali... I hope more people will enter this world and understand different ways, including life and death, including beliefs. Lingyue's beliefs are too vain and will take time." The precipitation! Hongyu’s way of death also takes time to build, what you lack now is not energy, not opportunity, nor comprehension... but, time!”

"I use time and stars to suppress the great departure. This is also a different kind of secret realm! The secret realm of time!"

"For a moment from the outside world, and a year inside, apart from not being able to absorb the energy from the outside world, ordinary people in a sixth-order world, even the emperors of the seventh and eighth ranks, cannot completely seal it off, but we now have such an opportunity!"

This is actually an opportunity, he said again: "Everyone is progressing too fast, I am happy in my heart, but I am a little worried, it is too short! Even if Xinwu rises rapidly, it will take thousands of years. I, Yinyue, three years!"

"Crazy devouring, crazy fighting, only... the precipitation of some years is missing!"

As for himself, Li Hao really has no shortage.

He has walked through Xinwu, he has seen the sky, he has walked through life and death, he has survived reincarnation, and survived a hundred battles. Physically, he may only be in his 20s, but psychologically... he has already passed that age.

Even if that king has lived for thousands of years, in fact... he may not have experienced more than himself. He is not old, he is still very young, and he is still very passionate, and I... I am physically younger than him, and psychologically, maybe I am younger than him. bigger.

Lei Di on the side listened silently.

At this moment, there is only some shock in my heart.

do not give up!

This Silver Moon King is unwilling to give up anyone, hoping that they can grow up with him, how difficult it is!

How many seventh-order emperors are there in this world?

But King Yinyue seems to be hoping that these people will become seventh and eighth ranks, which is simply a fantasy!

But... when Li Hao arranges a suitable path for everyone, a suitable way for them, let them go and try... Lei Zhu is a little envious and a little inferior. I have never done this before. , is actually very simple, all follow the way of the thunder system!

Comparing... the emperor under my command is really miserable.

At this time, King Dali took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Since you are willing to help me... I'm not welcome, then I... will go to Dali Realm and continue to open up wasteland! If... I still can't prove Dao Emperor Your Majesty, then forget about dying in it all the time, if other people want to come out, you can lead them out!"

Seeing acquaintances walking towards the way of Emperor Zun, walking forward, but only himself, he is actually very anxious, since he has such an opportunity today, let's try it!

And Li Hao said again: "I once buried a human emperor star in the long river of the Great Dao, and now, I buried it in the Great Departure Realm. If you really can't walk, if you can't walk, then... take this road Let's try it out!"

The king of Dali knew that it was condensed by the queen, and the trust and trust of hundreds of billions of human races poured into it in an instant, which was terrifying.

He took a deep breath and nodded.

Li Hao didn't say any more, a realm appeared in the belly of the two cats, King Dali and several other emperors entered it one after another without saying anything, and Li Hao took out the star gate forged by Xinwu in the past , Close the gate of this realm.

And the sixth-order world, even if the gate is closed, will not enter another time and space in silence. During this period, time and stars are needed to suppress it, so that the entire realm will be shrouded by time and stars. The realm is completely plunged into the depths of chaos, resulting in the interlacing of time and space.

Lei Di, at this moment, he also felt relaxed and happy.

Daoqi and Kongji also watched silently, feeling a little bit embarrassed, at this time, Guang Xingchen is really a good thing!

And Li Hao also looked at Time and Stars.

After a long time, he suddenly said: "I always plan before I act, and I have been waiting for the day when I can comprehend the completeness, comprehend the time, and rebuild the time...Maybe, I will go ahead a little bit and burn the boat!"

What's the meaning?

Everyone didn't understand.

Only Li Hao knows that maybe it's time for me to break through time, not now, but sooner, otherwise... I may not be able to step into the seventh step, or in other words, I can only rely on time to step into the seventh step!

At that time, maybe... I no longer have the courage to break the time!

Before entering the seventh level, I must break time and recast my own time, or even if it is not time, it is only the Dao domain, so I have hope and truly perfect my Dao!

The appearance of the Dragon Lord made Li Hao realize that the time and stars cast by the sixth-level Zhan Tiandi are not so perfect. Some of the Tao in it are actually very weak and weak.

And Li Hao, this outsider, can't repair and grow at all. If he continues to walk the way of time, there may be a problem... He can push the entire time and stars to the ninth level, but even if it reaches the ninth level, Li Hao Hao will not really understand what time is!

He taught others how to practice Taoism, but no one could teach him, perhaps, he could only rely on himself.

Thinking in his heart, he suddenly looked in one direction, and the next moment, Ermao and Lei Di also looked in the same direction at the same time, Lei Di was a little nervous, but Li Hao was also a little strange.

The second cat was even more strange, and muttered: "That guy..."

Blood Emperor!

Yes, Li Hao also sensed that it should be the blood emperor, approaching, because there are some fluctuations in the silver moon world, or in the sky sword.

The word Zhantian was originally absorbed by Cang Qiong Sword.

Now, there seems to be some volatility.

The emperor who is known as the enlightenment teacher of the human king, it is said that the enlightenment of the human king's martial arts was guided by him. He has been famous for a long time, but he has never seen it. In Xinwu's past, Li Hao has seen several times. The first time, but I didn't really go to see him. Today, maybe I have a chance to meet him.


Li Hao murmured, "Xinwu is still very miraculous. The most miraculous thing is that people like Human King, Supreme, Blood Emperor, and Sword Venerable may all know the existence of time and stars, but no one has tried to cultivate it!"

At this moment, he really wanted to see the blood emperor, he wanted to ask, why, you don't cultivate?

You are known as the reincarnation of Emperor Zhantian, why don't you want to inherit?

What a fun bunch of people.

PS: After 12 o'clock, the monthly ticket seems to be doubled, and everyone can vote for a little monthly ticket.

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