Stargate: Lords of Time

Chapter 539 Three Pillars Standing Together

In the minefield.

The thunder flickered, and the Thunder Emperor was resisting these thunders. Some of the large number of thunder giants gathered before dissipated, some were killed by the strong, and some returned to the thunder domain.

At this moment, it turned into an infinite thunder cloud, covering the entire thunder field.

If it weren't for the fact that the Thunder Realm was originally a Thunder World, it might have been destroyed by now.

And Thunder Emperor, after devouring the two great worlds, the entire realm also has a tendency to be promoted to the eighth level, otherwise, it may not be able to block this powerful thunder disaster.

At this moment, Li Hao, Ermao, Kong Ji, and the two Taoist masters all got it before they crazily devoured and digested it.

Li Hao directly absorbed an eighth-order universe.

This is also the first time for him to devour a Dao universe. Before that, at most, he absorbed some power of the red moon and devoured the Dao universe, which he had never done before.

But this time, Kong Ji and Ermao have improved a lot, especially Ermao, who came to reality, and Kong Ji stepped into the seventh level.

On Yinyue's side, even if they devoured one world, the two Taoist masters failed to reach the seventh level.

Almost nothing!

Li Hao knew it very well, so he didn't expect Yinyue to easily step into the seventh level. Even if he absorbed countless Dao energy, devoured countless seventh-level corpses, and ate an entire seventh-level world, it can be regarded as a dual-path universe. difficulty.

At this moment, both of them failed to reach the sixth-order peak.

It can be seen how difficult it is for Yinyue to become a real big world.

Although Daoqi was a bit depressed, at this moment, he started to practice honestly, to consolidate the power of the seventh level, and lost the eighth level universe, but what he won was the entire seventh level world.

As for the others, while the queen is repairing herself, she is also constantly suppressing the human races in several great worlds. Most of the human races in these worlds are squeezed into one world at this moment.

Li Hao doesn't care if they can all be subdued.

The Queen herself is playing.

The queen is well aware... Next, she's in big trouble.

Black Tiger escaped!

This seventh-rank emperor knew the situation. In this way, she could cut off the seventh-rank way. Once the Dragon Lord knew about it, she would have killed Li Hao, and would have killed them regardless.

Therefore, the queen still hopes that she can be stronger.

Tier 4, soon.

The speed at which she stepped into the fourth level even surpassed that of Li Hao, but at this moment, she still felt very slow.

On the other side, Lin Hongyu was also consolidating her death hell. There were many more corpses, all of which were Emperor Zun's corpses, and some of them were not killed by her. At this moment, she was also trying to see if they could be included in the hell.

And Yuan Shuo is also trying to devour some of the power of the five elements, hoping to step into the fourth level as soon as possible. He was a little short of entering the fourth level before. With the Dao Domain, the realm is not a problem, the problem is energy.

But this time, a large number of emperors died, and energy is not a problem, and the fourth level is just in front of us.

Everyone is practicing.

This time, the harvest was great.

The five-party world, not only these, but also a large amount of world power that has not been absorbed, the black panther is absorbing, and the others mainly absorb the power of the universe.

After killing 11 seventh-rank emperors, some of them lost all their energy, but there were also a few of them, whether their physical bodies, corpses, or the power of the great way, were all preserved.

And the bodies of these chaotic beasts are the strongest weapons.

At this moment, Li Hao handed over the Sky Sword.


The sky sword was left with only a few corners. It was very miserable. The fifth-order emperor soldiers could no longer withstand Li Hao's explosion. At this moment, the sky sword was also frantically devouring the corpses of those strong men.

These Chaos Beasts, with bones and flesh, are extremely powerful.

Even if a monk devours it, it will be much stronger, but Li Hao did not hand over the corpses of these chaotic beasts to Master Yinyue. Since he practiced, he rarely eats monsters, very rarely!

Even the flesh and blood of monsters are great tonics, and Li Hao rarely eats them.

He didn't even eat it at all.

It's not that he feels that the other party has a spirit, so he has a taboo, but...whether it is a chaotic beast or a monster, most of them are eating people, and Li Hao sometimes wants to taste it...but when he thinks about it... , I lost my appetite.

Killing people, stealing energy, killing monsters, and stealing energy, he didn't feel anything.

But the flesh and blood of monsters may contain a lot of human flesh and blood... Li Hao lost his mind.

And he didn't take the initiative to give it to others. He didn't stop other people from eating it, but he wouldn't take the initiative to give it to him. At this moment, it was cheaper for Cang Qiongjian.

You know, this time killed a large number of seventh-level emperors, including several seventh-level corpses, and even complete seventh-level corpses.

It is a great chance that the Cang Qiong Sword can devour it. Daoqi may not have such an opportunity.



Lei Di is also digesting the gains, and at the same time resisting the thunder calamity, beside him, there are less than 20 emperors left in the thunder world. At this moment, they are all around Lei Di, helping to resist the thunder calamity.

Of course, it is also a little bit of light. Lei Di absorbed the two worlds, and the Thunder World Dao Universe, which has always been poor, is really rich this time!

The point is, the Thunder Realm, which is about to enter the eighth-order universe, has only about 20 emperors.

Which eighth-order world is not the emperor of hundreds?

At this moment, there are really pitifully few emperors in the thunder world, even a lot less than Yinyue.

These emperors have also received a lot of benefits.

Lei Di couldn't absorb it all by himself, and the other emperors also lacked energy. At this moment, after absorbing it, they all laughed from ear to ear.

However, when I saw the group of people below, I was jealous, fearful, and a little envious and adored!

The Lei Realm has survived in the Dragon Realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is very miserable. It has been blocked and suppressed all the time... It is not as miserable as the seventh-order world.

Lei Di has never been able to break through such restrictions.

Even this time, I just wanted to escape, and I didn't think about fighting back...

As a result, the Thunder Realm that was about to be destroyed, this time, with the Silver Moon King and his group, unexpectedly beheaded the seventh-rank emperors with two hands, and hundreds of ordinary emperors died!

Now, the Thunder Realm has escaped into the Thunder Domain again, and the entire realm even has a tendency to advance to the eighth level...

All of a sudden, these people were a little excited and admired.

However, at this moment, some people are still a little uneasy, and someone sent a voice transmission to Lei Di: "Di Zun, they...will they not leave?"

You won't want to take my world, will you?

I was a little bit worried.

If you really want to win, even if Lei Di has entered the eighth stage... To be honest, the emperor present did not have the confidence to win against this group of people.

"What are you thinking!"

Lei Di said in a voice transmission: "King Yinyue has his own world, if he really wants the Dao universe, so many seventh-order universes have given up, let me devour them, let others devour them... If he wanted to, he would have been in charge long ago. The universe is gone, why not take it now?"

He finally understood that the Silver Moon King didn't care about the universe at all.

This person... has a big heart!

Thousand Worlds!

In fact, when Li Hao's thousand realms and time appeared, he knew that this person might have his own ideas, such as... self-opening realms, not even ordinary realms, if Li Hao really succeeded in opening realms, it must be extremely terrifying Boundary!

Now, after devouring one of the eighth-order universes, Li Hao's Thousand Realms is still Thousand Realms!

But in this thousand worlds, there is actually a tendency to evolve towards the middle-level world, which is scary.

Moreover, the formerly scattered Thousand Realms tended to gather together because of the existence of Dao Universe. This is the key to Li Hao's incomparable strength and killing Tongbao with one sword.

This guy is now probably regarded as a real world lord-level seventh-order powerhouse.

If we divide the powerhouses of the seventh rank, the first rank is the kind of human king, who can fight with the eighth rank, and even suppress the top existence. This kind of person is too rare.

The second class, the seventh-level peak chaotic beast plus Dao Universe, or the seventh-level peak Taoist Lord and World Lord combined into one, the powerhouse who sits in the local universe.

The third class is the Chaos Beast without Dao Universe, or the seventh-level casual cultivator who uses Dao Domain to advance. The seventh-rank casual cultivator is actually very strong.

The fourth level, the seventh-level emperor in the eighth-level universe, is generally only a powerful one, but with the blessing of the big world, it is not bad.

The fifth level, that is, the seventh level that has left the eighth level world. This kind of seventh level emperor is the worst kind of seventh level in the whole chaos. Li Hao has not encountered it yet, even if Wushan is separated from , also escaped with the seventh-order peak, otherwise, it is actually very weak.

Li Hao, who devoured the eighth-level universe, is now in the seventh-level powerhouse, between the second and third ranks, and should be comparable to Sword Master, and Kong Ji's advancement can be considered at this stage.

Emperor Zun with six paths and three poles is obviously not simple.

The previous Huofeng was actually at the second level, but the other chaotic world masters were slightly worse. They were not the peak of the seventh level, and could only be regarded as the third level.

Lei Di, looking at Li Hao and the others below, was also thinking about this.

At this moment, Li Hao's side has a lot of seventh-level combat power.

Li Hao, Kong Ji, Daoqi, Ermao, the two Taoist masters are now fused, and they are stronger than the ordinary seventh-order. They can be regarded as five seventh-order existences.

And Yinyue, how long did it take to get out of the chaos?

Three years!

It's unbelievable that a group of people has reached this level of strength in three years.

Now, this emperor who is about to step into the eighth rank...should be considered his ally, right?

It is said that Wushan from Cloud World and Senlan from Senlan World are also friends of this person.

Looking at it this way... In just a few years, even if you don't count Xinwu, a group of top experts have gathered near Yinyue.

At this time, Lei Di looked out of the Lei domain again, and sighed a little.

Dragon Lord, are you completely crazy this time?

Next, I don't know if they will directly enter the minefield and hunt them down.

If it comes, it will be troublesome.


Just when Lei Di was thinking about this.

bright world.

A group of people gathered.

A large number of powerful people emerged.

The pressure on Guangming Emperor Zun is a bit incomparable.

Xinwu is here.

The eighth-level Wushan, the seventh-level Supreme, Yangshen, Xuedizun, Dihuang, Jianzun, Li Zhu, plus Cangdi and Renwang, there are 9 high-level emperors!

Moreover, there are many strong people with extremely powerful breaths.

It seems... There is also hope to step into the seventh level.

But at this moment, Emperor Guangming was speechless. At this time, the Supreme and the King of Humans communicated, and then he asked through voice transmission: "We have completely won the eighth-level Chiyang Great World, and the yang energy complements the entire Xinwu. The balance is almost enough... The question now is, is the power of the eighth-level Chiyang world used to make Xinwu completely advance to the eighth level, or... to allow some people to step into the seventh level?"

This is a problem.

In fact, it stands to reason, this should not be a problem.

Xinwu must be prioritized to advance. Now Xinwu is not considered an eighth-level world, and it is actually comparable to the Leijie.


Therefore, Emperor Cang and King Ren have not officially stepped into the eighth level, but they are also at the critical point.

With the threat of the Dragon Lord, of course it is the most critical for Xinwu to advance.

But the Supreme One still asked this sentence.

The human king raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at him.

At this time, it is meaningful for the Supreme to ask this question.

Human Wang Chuanyin: "What do you think?"

"What do I think? I'm afraid, if you absorb everything, it's not enough for you to enter the eighth level!"

Supreme is a little helpless, what else can I think?

"Your inner world is also on the verge of promotion. Once it is shared by you, the big cat will also absorb a part... If it is shared by you, is an eighth-level world really enough for you to advance?"

Emperor Cang and King Ren were able to compete with Chiyang and the eighth rank of Outer Domain before, and there were two seventh rank emperors. They both fought a tie, but in fact, both of them were seventh rank.

The two of them want to step into the eighth level... What the supreme is worried about now is that one Chiyang world is not enough!

As for Yunxiao, he was sucked up by Wushan long ago.

What he's thinking about now is whether to let some of the sixth-order advance first, so that these two guys will suffer a big loss if they just eat and don't advance. Anyway, at this point, these two are no different from the eighth-order.

The king curled his lips, "Do you think I eat too much?"

Nonsense, of course a lot!

"You also eat a lot!"

Ren Wang Chuanyin said: "You have so many avatars, these years, the little energy that Xinwu was born with will be exhausted by you... If it weren't for the dual-path universe energy, the Yang Gods and the others are all self-sufficient, and the old Li Tou and the others are also independent. Outside... our Xinwu starved to death long ago."

New warriors, this is okay, there are not many people who eat and wait to die. Tianji, because they are weak, actually can't eat much, even if they eat and wait to die, they don't eat much.

Most of the others have to support themselves.

Therefore, for thousands of years, most of the energy absorbed by the dual-path universe has been absorbed by these top-level beings, feeding the supreme thousand-dao avatar. Otherwise, the supreme rarely goes out. Level avatar.

"Use it for me to advance to the eighth level!"

Jokes aside, at this moment, the King of Humans still spoke directly: "The Dragon Lord is very strong, even among the eighth-order peaks, he is also a top-level existence! Sifangyu, at present, no one can beat it!"

"I don't enter the eighth rank... It's probably hard to rely on Brother Guangming and Brother Wushan!"

He shook his head and said, "The two of you joining forces... may not be able to match the Dragon Lord."

As soon as these words came out, Wushan was fine, Emperor Guangming frowned slightly, he was the master of the eighth-order universe!

All right!

After thinking about it, I feel a little helpless, probably yes, I don't know that Dragon Lord is so strong, three punches killed the eighth rank of Outland, and two punches killed Yun Xiao, it was really terrible.

The King of People continued: "The power of the universe in the Chiyang world and the power of the Dao, together, can probably make Xinwu barely enter the eighth level... Even if it is really close, my brother Guangming is here, and he can still treat me badly." ?”

The King of Humans laughed and said, "Brightness is also the world of Sunshine... If it is close, brother can sprinkle water casually and extract some energy, which is enough for my Xinwu to advance to the next level!"


Emperor Guangming almost wanted to vomit blood!

This this……

Dare to think!

I really dare to think about it!

What do you mean by this, if you are almost promoted, what does it mean for me to sponsor you?

And the King of Humans continued: "Now, I seem to be at the eighth level, but I am not. If I don't advance as soon as possible, when the Dragon Lord solves some troubles, he will have to trouble us soon! Besides, Li Hao, Silver After all, Yue and I, Xinwu, are still in the same group... The young man is now forced to hide in the minefield, which is not a long-term solution, so we should advance as soon as possible!"

"But now, our Xinwu is poor and white, and Guangming still has some reserves. It's been so many years, it's impossible not to have nothing..."

The King of Humans is much more serious at the moment: "Brother Guangming, your son is also on Li Hao's side, and you are on my side. It can be said that you, Guangming World, are destined to live forever with the Dragon Lord! Now, please help us a little bit. Xinwu has been promoted, everyone is safe...Are you right?"

"The former overlords, Yunxiao and Chiyang are completely gone, and Hongyue has become the dog of the Dragon Lord. Now, there is only light, and there is no loss at all, but luck is not always there... Besides, my new Wu can move and leave at any time... If we don't advance, we will leave, find a place to hide..."

Emperor Guangming's eyes changed, he exhaled, and nodded: "I understand!"

Although the King of People was teasing and threatening, what he said was true.

Big deal, he Xinwu can run away now.

Emperor Cang is here!

But Guangming, can you run?

If you can't run away, unless you leave the Dao Universe and leave the world behind,... where will you run?

Emperor Guangming took a deep breath: "Our world has a lot of reserves over the years, the crystallization of the Dao, if you take it, you can still take out three to five billion at present, all of which are the crystallization of the Dao of the Bright Dao, which can be regarded as the power of the sun... King of Man Do you think it's enough?"

Three or five billion!


Little bit!

The King of Humans touched his chin, and Emperor Guangming said again when he saw this: "In my Light Realm, there are still three medium-sized worlds without people, and twelve small worlds without people... If necessary, they can be swallowed by Xinwu together! "

Is it enough?

The King of People smiled: "Try it!"


Add Chiyang, almost.

The key problem is... Guangming doesn't seem to be rich.

In his own inner world, there is probably no hope of advancing to the eighth rank.


Think about it carefully, Sifangyu not only has the foodie Xinwu, but also Yinyue!

That boy Yinyue also ate a lot of worlds.

And on the side of the Dragon Lord, there are a bunch of cannibals who don't spit out their bones. With a site as big as Sifangyu, it's not enough for the three families to eat!

In the world of yin and yang, it should be no problem to step into the eighth level.

The problem is that many sixth-level emperors don't have the energy to advance to the seventh level now.

People like Lord Suppressing Heaven have already reached the seventh-order standard... But, like Master Jian, they all have to eat the seventh-order world. How can there be so many seventh-order worlds?

The King of People is also very helpless!

Now, in those seventh-order worlds, one hides deeper than the other. At present, those guys from Longyu have gathered with the Dragon Lord. Do you dare to fight with them now?

The king of men also has some headaches.

Soon, I stopped thinking: "Big cat, go swallow the power of Chiyang! If it's not enough, brother Guangming's will be swallowed too."

Speaking of this, King Ren rubbed his chin, and said with a smile: "For our side, let's count as 4th-level eighth, and for seventh-level, there are currently 4 Guangming, and Xinwu currently has 6, which means 10 seventh-level , 4 digits of eighth order."

"Dragon Lord, it seems that there were seven seventh-level people gathered before, and adding the original ones, there are 14 seventh-level people and two eighth-level people..."

A comparison, the feeling of the difference is not big.

There are even more eighth steps here!

However, the king of men knew that even if he was promoted, at present, he and the big cat would have a high probability of being difficult to match against the dragon master, and a stalemate would be fine.

Guangming and Wushan, the combination of these two will definitely be able to deal with Hongyue... But the Dragon Lord killed two eighth-levels before, maybe he will take the opportunity to create an eighth-level, so it's hard to say.

At that time, if the gap between the two sides is not too big, once they fight, it will be easy for both sides to suffer.

At this moment, the supreme said: "Li Hao and the others can ambush and kill so many emperors, directly wipe out the five chaotic worlds, and behead 11 seventh-level emperors. Their strength is not weak and should not be underestimated. At this moment, the Dragon Lord is indeed It is the biggest threat to the Sifangyu... Do you want to look for them, if you can join forces... then I don't have to worry about what will happen to the Dragon Lord!"

As for the seventh-order masters of Sifangyu, they didn't want to join the alliance at all, it's unreliable!

There are also many monster emperors in the five directions of the monster clan... But at this moment, the five directions of the monster clan don't dare to act rashly. Of course, the Dragon Lord has not dealt with them at present.

The Dragon Lord may still be digesting the gains, and he may also be worried that dealing with the Yaozu will cause Xinwu and Yinyue to join forces to besiege them. It just so happens that one of the two parties is in Leiyu, the other is in Tianfang, and the Yaozu is in the middle.

Attacking the Yaozu, both sides are drawn out, that is a monstrous battle!

Even the ultimate decisive battle in Sifangyu!

Whoever wins will be the last overlord of the Sifangyu...Of course, it is also possible that the Sifangyu died together, and the casualties were too heavy. Some emperors from the outside may enter it, even if they do not carry the world. Break the Quartet.

Hearing what the supreme said, the king nodded slightly.

That's right!

Yinyue was nothing before, but now, her strength should not be underestimated.

Li Hao must be able to kill the seventh-level, otherwise he will not inflict heavy damage on the opponent this time. There is a high probability that Guangming's son has also entered the seventh-level, and it is said that there is another seventh-level Thunder, and Daoqi ran away before, so he should go Li Hao's side...

In this way, it is not weak!

At this moment, the big cat, who had been squinting, suddenly yawned and lazily said: "The second cat has completely descended!"

As soon as these words came out, the Blood Emperor Zun was startled in the crowd.

Looking at the big cat, the big cat yawned again: "This cat and the second cat... have lost contact."

Cut off contact!

rather than deepening the connection.

The former Ermao is still its projection, it is the true self, and Ermao is just an illusory existence.

But this time, when it came out, the big cat found that the second cat had lost contact with him.

This also means... the second cat has turned into a real living being.

Previously, two cats were considered one.

Now, if it is barely counted, they can be regarded as brothers, but they are no longer closely connected as before. When the two cats recover, the big cat can still clearly perceive that the other cat has recovered.

This time, it didn't feel like that.

A little bit disappointed, but also happy for Ermao: "I still owe Ermao some small dried fish. Unfortunately, I have never met Ermao... Now Ermao has gone with the new silver moon king, in the future... …I don’t know how long it will take to meet again.”

At this moment, Blood Emperor Zun's eyes changed: "The second cat is it completely resurrected?"



Speaking of this, Blood Emperor Zun suddenly took a deep breath: "I want to go to Leiyu, to meet Ermao, to meet the new silver moon king Li Hao, on the one hand, to talk about the alliance, if we can form an alliance, my new martial artist And Yinyue, naturally have an advantage... There is no need to fight alone!"

"Second, I want to meet them..."

Blood Emperor Zun looked into the distance, and said after a long time: "It can be regarded as a real farewell to the world of Silver Moon... The resurrection of the second cat means that it has found a new home, and I am much more relieved."

Everyone said that he was the reincarnation of Zhan.

Ke could he be reincarnated?

He is just a part of Zhan's will and energy, overflowing between heaven and earth, and some special powers gathered together have made him powerful, but it is not Zhan's reincarnation.

If he is, then so is the King of People, then the entire Yinyue should be.

It's just... No matter what, he has benefited from the war, and the second cat has been resurrected, so he has to go and see.

At this moment, Supreme touched his beard and said with a smile: "That's fine! You go, it's not bad... You left Zhantian City there in the past. It is said that you cooperated well with Li Hao. Some people in Zhantian City People seem to be the core strength of your relationship with Ermao, and Li Hao...if you really want to talk about it, there is something to do with it..."

"Silver Moon is our natural ally. Now that the Dragon Lord is strong in Sifangyu, it would be best if we can join forces!"

"However, if the Thunder Realm leaves the Thunder Domain, you may not be able to find them..."

He thought for a while and said: "It's hard to locate Yinyue now, but... that kid Zhang An is still over there..."

"Need not!"

Blood Emperor Zun shook his head: "The word Zhantian I left behind in the past, the spirit and will are still in Yinyue, and it is still there today! I want to find it, and I can find it, as long as the other party doesn't deliberately cover up and avoid me. I... then disappear!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the King of People: "Then you should absorb the power of the world as soon as possible and step into the eighth level, so as not to be really surpassed by the silver moon junior, which will make you lose face."

The King of People laughed loudly: "Old Wang, what do you mean, am I afraid of being surpassed by others? Besides... this kid has really reached the seventh or eighth level, so what? I just haven't grown up in the inner world. The eighth level... Otherwise, if I really reached the eighth level, the Dragon Lord is nothing!"

Blood Emperor Zun smiled, saying that, he knew that Fang Ping must have some pressure.

Although, Xinwuren is also very young.

But after thousands of years, if he is surpassed by a descendant king of Xinwu's passing world... Fang Ping probably wants to die.

"I'll help you take a look and find out about the situation..."

"Come on!"

The King of Kings smiled: "That boy, if he doesn't break the old skills, he won't be seen by me for a day! This is the truth, he doesn't ask anything, if he really wants to surpass take my words Pass it on to him!"

Blood Emperor Zun nodded thoughtfully.

He knew what Fang Ping meant.

Although Fang Ping has inherited many ways and ways of his predecessors, in the end, under the yin and yang, he still walked out of his own way, out of his own way of the world.

Then Li Hao, if he can't get rid of the influence of the battle, even if he is strong, Fang Ping probably won't care too much.

"Okay, then I... detour!"

At this moment, Emperor Wushan suddenly said: " about...I will be with you?"

The human king looked sideways, and Emperor Wushan was a little embarrassed.

He knew that it was thanks to Xinwu's help that he could enter the eighth level this time, but, with Xinwu and his group, he... was actually a little depressed and stressed.

The king of Xinwu, overbearing and unparalleled!

Xinwu's supreme, considered exhaustive strategy.

Even for the eighth-rank emperor, in front of these two, there is actually some pressure. He doesn't like this kind of pressure, that kind of feeling...more pressure than working in Yunxiao in the past.

On Li Hao's side, on the one hand, Li Hao's strength is not stronger than that of a human king. On the other hand, Li Hao's personality is different from that of a human king. Relatively speaking, he is much calmer and rarely gives you any orders.

If you get along well, talk a little more, if you don't get along, talk less, or just part ways.

In Xinwu, you will feel that you are nothing under the cover of the king and the supreme.

In least, I feel that I am not too weak, not too stupid, not too stupid. Even Li Hao likes layouts, but at least there are traces to follow, and the king and the supreme are both unconstrained.

It's just... After all, with the help of Xinwu, he entered the eighth rank. Although he had resisted an eighth rank before and won Chiyang... but at the moment, he was a little embarrassed.

And the dragon lord is very threatening...

Just thinking about it, the King of People smiled and said: "You want to go? Okay, let's go! Li Hao's side is indeed not as strong as us, and the Dragon Lord may enter the minefield to chase him down. He offended him ruthlessly. You go! , there is also a care!"

Wushan was a little embarrassed: "This..."

It's a bit embarrassing.

The king of men didn't seem to care, and said with a smile: "Just go, you are not my new warrior, you don't need to listen to me! It's all about cooperation, besides, Yinyue is not my enemy. If you want to go to the Dragon Lord's side, Then I'll hack you to death with one knife, since you're not going there... naturally follow you!"

Wu Shan took a deep breath, clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, King Ren, I won't do any harm to Xin Wu... Wu Shan can enter the eighth rank today, thanks to Xin Wu's help! If Xin Wu asks for it, Wu Shan will definitely agree It's just...Xinwu is strong, Supreme has no plans, and his fighting power is unparalleled. It's true that I'm not alone. Yinyue may be more difficult now, so I...Leave!"

Even if you leave by yourself, this side is not weak.

Human King and the others entered the eighth rank, and there is still light. In addition, the Supreme should not be underestimated. Wu Shan felt that even the eighth-level himself may not necessarily be stronger than the Xinwu Supreme!

With such strength, even if he is not around, he will not collapse.

Yinyue may need herself more.

At this time, the supreme also smiled and said: "Fellow Wushan Taoist, don't be too polite, just help each other, there are very few monks who can be recognized by the King of People and the Silver Moon King at the same time. If you see the Silver Moon King, you will also tell me Some thoughts... If the other party leaves the outer domain, the twin universes, we can go and have a look... We have a high probability that we will not leave now, because the Bright World is not suitable for moving for the time being..."

He has always had ideas about the twin universes.

But now, Xinwu can leave at any time, but once they leave, unless Emperor Guangming abandons the world, he can only stay here and be beaten!

If Li Hao is there, if he is sure and has time, he can go and have a look.

Dual-path eighth-order universe!

If Li Hao and the others hadn't killed a large number of seventh-level emperors this time, he wouldn't have mentioned it, because even if the opponent died of an eighth-level and two seventh-level emperors, there should still be many seventh-level and one eighth-level emperors.

It's hard to beat!

But Wushan is gone, and with the Blood Emperor Zun and Li Hao's original strength, maybe... they can conquer the eighth-order universe!

Then it will be developed!

Emperor Wushan was stunned. Is this... suitable?

Supreme smiled and said: "It's okay, it's a little bit of my heart, but whether it can be won or not depends on him! In addition, my grandson has always been there, and he needs to take care of him!"

After all, a piece of jade pendant flew towards Wushan: "This jade pendant can locate the position of the eighth-level emperor, but it may not be the position of the eighth-level universe."

Wu Shan nodded and accepted the jade pendant, admiring it too.

This one, really locked that eighth-level emperor, incredible!

After a while, Wushan and Xuedizun didn't say much, they quickly escaped into the void and disappeared into the world of light.


at the same time.

Dragon Domain.

Seven great worlds surround chaos.

In the Dragon Realm, 14 seventh-tier emperors sit in two rows.

The Red Moon Emperor, after all, is an eighth-level emperor. At this moment, he is also sitting under the Dragon Lord. On the other side is the sixth-level peak Feng Yan. At this moment, Feng Yan is a little lost.

The Dragon Lord looked cold and solemn.

The Dragon Lord didn't say anything more, looked at everyone, looked around, and said slowly: "This time, the responsibility lies with me, too greedy!"

Yes, greedy.

If it wasn't for his greed, knowing that the two seventh-rank emperors were dead, he should have come out long ago, instead of waiting all the time, waiting to kill Yunxiao and the others, because he was greedy!

"Dragon Lord, it's us..."

The Dragon Lord raised his hand, interrupted Heihu's words, and said flatly: "It's my fault, it's my fault! When Long Xuan died, I felt it, and I was sure to walk out of the sky. The attraction of the eighth level of the Sifangyu to me, I chose to give up and leave... So, it caused today's situation!"

The Dragon Lord didn't give everyone a chance to speak, and looked at everyone: "This time, the fall of Huofeng and the others is a disaster for our Chaos Clan, and it is also a motivation! Heihu, Qingqiu, you have done a good job in preserving your vitality... …Under the calculations of the other party, even when the other party may have used the power of time, I am very satisfied to be able to retain a large number of strong people..."


Everyone was surprised, they didn't say anything about the time, because they didn't see it too much.

How did the Dragon Lord know?

The Lord of the Red Moon was also shocked, and the Dragon Lord calmly said: "I made a few mistakes. Thinking about it today, the fire phoenix and black dog that day should be Li Hao, right?"

He looked at Feng Yan, Feng Yan was a little lost, but still nodded, gritted his teeth: "It's him!"

The Dragon Lord sighed: "Actually, I felt something unusual that day. I thought it was caused by faith, but I realized today... that shouldn't be faith. According to what you said, I guess... there is a high probability that it is the legendary time!"

"That day, the person who met me should be Li Hao!"


Of course, he just thought about it, if he missed it, he missed it.

"As for the cultivator you mentioned who can cut off the chaos, I also understand it. It was the cultivator of the human race who escaped that day... This is also the third mistake I made. Tian Fang, did not hunt down the other party!"

He actually had several chances, but he missed them all. He could have killed Li Hao, or the Queen... But at that time, Xin Wu was the only one in his heart, which made him underestimate Yin Yue, which led to today's situation.

He didn't continue to say these things, and said: "I killed Yunxiao, and there is an eighth-level emperor from the outside world, and two seventh-level emperors..."

He looked at everyone: "I'm already at the peak of the eighth rank, and it's almost impossible to count on them to let me enter the ninth rank! The power of the two seventh ranks is handed over to Feng Yan, Feng Yan, I hope you can step into the seventh rank, for me Chaos family, add another seventh-rank emperor!"

"As for the power of the two eighth-rank emperors..."

He looked at everyone, and finally, at Emperor Heihu: "Heihu, among all the powerhouses, you and Qingqiu both have the hope of entering the eighth rank..."

Emperor Heihu, his eyes are red at this moment: "Dragon Lord, I am a sinner...I..."

"No, you are a hero!"

The Dragon Lord said solemnly: "You would have died there in battle, I know you, but you were entrusted by Huofeng to bring back Fengyan, you gave up the glorious battle to die in battle, and became a deserter once, you watched helplessly. Your Taoist partner blew himself up and wasted time for you...I know, you must be very uncomfortable!"

The Black Tiger Emperor trembled a little, and said nothing, nothing.

Dragon Lord understands me!

"So... what I want is your grief, despair, anger, and crazy belief! You want to avenge those powerful Chaos clansmen who died in battle, you want to avenge your Taoist companion, two eighth-level powers, In fact, it is not a good match for you... It is actually difficult for you to step into the eighth rank... But, I believe, you will use this anger and madness to hit the eighth rank! Become my Chaos Clan, the second eighth rank emperor !"

Emperor Heihu stood up in an instant. At this moment, he turned into a human form, covered in black clothes, with dark clouds above his head. At this moment, he was extremely solemn and bowed to the end: "Heihu will definitely live up to his trust. This time, he must enter the eighth stage. , the next day, kill that Li Hao's head, pay homage to our Chaos Clan, and fight to the death of all heroes!"


The Dragon Lord nodded, this is a good thing, very good!

With this belief, it will definitely be achievable!

He looked at the six world masters again: "This time, everyone has worked very hard... But, I still have one thing to ask!"

Everyone was solemn, and Qingqiu Fox no longer flaunted coquettishness, but was extremely solemn: "Dragon Lord, just give orders!"

The Dragon Lord was silent for a while.

After a long time, I said slowly: "I want you all to give up the seventh-order realm, choose the Chaos Clan, the best six sixth-order peak powerhouses, devour the six realms, and try... to prove the seventh-order!"

His eyes were cold and stern, "Everyone, enter my Dragon Realm, give up your own power, give up the great universe, give up the world, is it possible to do it?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of the Red Moon was shocked!


How dare you say that?

For the seventh-level emperor, the world and the Dao universe are the perpetual motion machines of energy. With this, you don't need to rely on others, you don't need to look at people's faces, and you don't have to worry about not being able to cultivate strong people...

This is the representative of the Lord of Power!

Without the Dao universe and world, no matter how strong you are, you are just casual cultivators.

And the next moment, beyond his expectation, the six emperors all shouted in low voices: "I respect the king's order!"

Hongyue inhales, wow!

This dragon terrifying.

You know, when he wanted to subdue Sen Lan, who was at the peak of the sixth order, everyone would resist...

This... people compare to people, it's so maddening!

He also thought that if he could succeed this time, six more seventh ranks would be born, and if Fengyan reached the seventh rank, there would be seven more seventh ranks. All of a sudden, the previous loss would be almost made up.

If Heihu can enter the eighth level, plus he takes refuge in... this...

Although 11 seventh-rank emperors died before, but... if they are really messed up by the Dragon Lord, maybe they will not be weaker than before!

This guy is really scary.

It is said that people give up the seventh-order universe, but they really give up!

Probably no one would have thought of this scene, right?

And the Dragon Lord showed some smiles at this moment, and then his eyes were a little cold: "Whether it is Xinwu or Yinyue, they are difficult to deal with. They can eat the iron five worlds and dare to resist. It seems that they are both members of the Chaos family. The Yaozu can be regarded as half... I barely gave them a way to survive, but I didn't expect that they didn't cherish it themselves!"

"It seems that I haven't shot for many years. These monsters really think that I can't kill them!"

At this moment, he looked into the distance, surrounded by the five realms, at this moment, he didn't dare to leave, he just stayed there, hoping to become a third party and not be wiped out by the Dragon Lord.

Eight seventh-rank emperors!

There is also a five-party universe.

This is not a small amount.

"Don't worry... Hongyue, recover your full strength as soon as possible, Heihu, when you step into the eighth step... it will be the time when the Five Realms will be destroyed!"

The Black Tiger Emperor was extremely solemn in an instant: "The Black Tiger will definitely step into the eighth step as soon as possible!"


This time, he must step into the eighth level, wipe out all the monster races in the five realms, and also smash the silver moon king into thousands of pieces!

"Red Moon... You need to worry about it, trouble you, and lobby some human races in the world..."

The Dragon Lord laughed softly: "Xinwu slaughtered countless emperors, and Yinyue is the same, Xinwu Yinyue is the same, how many seventh-level people died in this Sifangyu, dozens of people in front and back... I didn't kill them, I They just killed three guys from the Outlands and killed one Yunxiao...Whether I am more dangerous, or Xinwu and Yinyue are more dangerous, they decide for themselves!"

"Even if you don't help me, you can't let Xinwu and the others win you over!"

In Sifangyu, there are at least 20 or 30 free human worlds, which are still known, and there may be more.

These big worlds, even if they don't help themselves, they can't be won over by people like Fang Ping and Li Hao.

It's not convenient for me to come forward, but Hongyue... can do so.

This guy is also a veteran eighth-rank emperor. Currently, like Guangming emperor, he is the only two remaining overlords of the three domains.

Emperor Hongyue was also afraid of staying here, the pressure was too great, at this moment, he immediately said: "I must live up to the trust..."

The Dao agreement has been signed, and the ninth-level Thunder Tribulation is serving him, so he still doesn't dare to take the risk of running away.

The Dragon Lord laughed and said: "Then, I will leave everything to Brother Hongyue!"

"Don't dare..."

The two sides chatted politely for a while, Hongyue left quickly, and the Dragon Lord watched him leave silently. After a long time, he snorted softly. This guy, the first mouse at both ends, had he not been needed, he would have killed him long ago!

Looking at the thunderfield in the distance, the power of time is interesting, but how much can you grasp?

PS: In the eighth round of nucleic acid, I stopped smoking, eating, and coffee. Poor Eagle, I can’t code. Do you want to lie in bed and sleep until the lockdown is lifted?

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