"Do you know him, Clara?" Shiwa asked Clara next to him, making a calm electronic sound. Because of the height difference, he had to lower his head to see the other person's face.

Clara nodded, her face showed a look of joy and expectation, and immediately explained:"Well, Shiwa, Brother Luo Yu is the person Clara met in Rivet Town before. He is a very good big brother."

She mentioned this matter when she went back before.

On the other side, Xier also looked at Luo Yu with a confused face.

"Luo Yu, how come you know everyone? Didn't you just say that the relationship between the Mechanical Settlement and Panyan Town is very bad?" Sanyueqi was also very puzzled and curious. They had just listened to Luo Yu's description of the relationship between the Mechanical Settlement and Panyan Town on the road.

"Hehe, you think too much. Clara and I only have a private friendship, but it has not been mixed up with the faction."

Both sides asked the parties involved, and then looked at each other again. Because of this sudden meeting of acquaintances, they almost fought.���The atmosphere is completely gone

"That... is actually a misunderstanding. Mr. Swarovski had no ill intentions. We just stopped a fight at first, but... people here have a big prejudice against Mr. Swarovski.……"Clara was the first to come forward and clarify for Swarovski.

She explained the real situation just now. Her weak character but her behavior of trying to explain it made it impossible for people to associate her with lying.

At first, Swarovski and Clara just prevented a group fight between wanderers and miners due to a conflict. Normally, this was a good thing. It was the right thing to do to avoid escalation of the situation and for the stronger party to intervene and settle the conflict.

But it eventually evolved into the current situation. There are two important reasons.

First, because Swarovski is a robot, not a human, and is not of the same race as humans, it will not make people feel empathy, and the means of intervention are too tough and inhumane.

Second, it is because of Swarovski's reputation in Panyan Town.

The lower district has been blocked and oppressed for such a long time, so naturally there is not only pain and sadness, but also some more intense voices, such as revenge, overthrowing the oppression of the upper district, letting them know that the lower district is not easy to mess with, and let those people also feel the pain of the people in the lower district.

However, Swarro has always been strongly opposed to such voices. It will directly use force to resolve and quell these voices without any explanation.

Over time, in this area where the upper district has long been resentful of Swarro, this behavior of"supporting" the upper district has made it extremely unpopular in the lower district. Those people with fierce attitudes want to cut Swarro into pieces.

And those ordinary citizens who don't have such a radical mentality just don't want to get involved in disputes and think that living well is the most important thing, so they don't want to change the status quo. But this does not mean that they don't have resentment towards the upper district in their hearts, so they will also feel disgusted with Swarro's behavior of completely"supporting" the upper district.

So much so that Swarro's reputation is rotten throughout the entire Panyan Town.

Many people even say that it is actually a running dog of the upper district, a robot used to monitor their lower district.

In this case, the fight that was stopped by him was stopped by both parties, but because of the appearance of Swarro, the two parties that stopped instantly reached a consensus and united to attack Swarro, the party with a worse relationship.

The members of the Earth Fire who had just arrived saw the fight and had to help. They also did not trust Shiwa at all and decisively joined the"own" camp.

At this time, the nature of the fight had completely changed. It became a battle between the Mechanical Settlement and the Rock Town. The situation began to escalate in an uncontrollable direction, and in the end, everyone saw the situation.

In the eyes of those who fought, they were simply resisting invaders, so the eyes of the wounded were full of anger and unwillingness. It was completely different from the beginning, just to prevent a small miner fight.

"Forehead……"After hearing the whole process, San Yue Qi curled his lips and looked at Swarovski in silence:"Since you know that your reputation is very bad, why don't you try another solution? Do you have to take direct action?"

"Words are inefficient, this is the simplest and most effective way." Swarovski gave a mechanical answer without any emotion.

"How is this effective?……"San Yueqi looked at the group of people lying around him and couldn't help but complain,"You can't use your brain, are you an iron head?"

"It is indeed an iron head."Xing answered her complaint, Swarovski is a robot, it is indeed an iron head.

March 7:"……"

"Clara, my friends have a few questions for Mr. Swarovski, is that okay?"Luo Yu stretched out his hand to signal the person next to him.

After hearing this, Clara looked at Swarovski with a pleading look:"Um... Mr. Swarovski, can you help them?"

Swarovski was silent for a moment.

"What questions do you want to ask?" It turned its head to look at everyone again, and finally agreed and asked.

March Seventh was delighted and asked quickly:"Um, do you know any specific information about the star core?"

"Identifying... Identification completed." Hearing the word"star core", Swarovski's scarlet electronic eyes scanned March Seven up and down, and after the scan was completed, he shook his head and said

"Permission authentication failed, you are not authorized to know this information"

"Forehead……"March 7 was speechless for a moment, then asked

"Is the star core in Cocolia?"

"Permission authentication failed, you are not authorized to know this information"

"……So, has there been any unusual incidents regarding the star core in Beloberg?"

"Permission authentication failed, you are not authorized to know this information"

"Then what exactly do we have the right to know?" Faced with the continuous refusal to answer, Sanyueqi shouted angrily

"This sentence has logical errors and cannot be answered specifically."

"Oh! I'm so mad!" The completely ineffective communication drove Sanyueqi crazy:"What's wrong with this guy! Computers are easier to communicate with than it!"

"Hmm? Can calculations also communicate?" Xing asked curiously.

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