"That should be it. There is only one orphanage in the lower city." Seele was silent for a moment, then said with a complicated expression. She had always disliked the other person, but she didn't expect that she was actually from the lower class, and was also an orphan like herself. Her attitude and tone changed obviously.

The reason why Seele disliked Bronya was nothing more than because of two filters, one was the scum of the upper class, and the other was that she didn't look like a good person.

But now that they get along, they find that the other party is not from the upper class, and is not a jerk, on the contrary, a person with quite upright ideas. The two layers of bad impression filters are all broken, making Seele feel complicated and embarrassed, and she doesn't know how to continue talking to the other party.

Her thoughts drifted away for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she found that Bronya looked very depressed.

She sat there with her eyes slightly drooping, her eyes absent-minded, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Her emotions were full of lost regret. That was the mother who raised her up. Anyone who knew that she was not her biological daughter would have a knot in his heart and would not be able to let it go.

"Forehead……"Realizing this, Seele opened her mouth, wanting to say a few words of comfort but she couldn't bring herself to take the initiative to"show goodwill", so she could only look around and signal with her eyes.

The first person to meet her eyes was Xing.

Seele: You comfort her.

Xing: Leave it to me.

Seele nodded, but she didn't know that she had found the wrong person.

After receiving the task, Xing looked at the depressed Bronya and comforted her:"Don't be sad, Bronya, look at it more positively, not being a biological child is always better than being an artificial person."

Luo Yu, who was looking at the information next to him, couldn't help laughing.

Why does it have to be an artificial person, not a 3D printed one?

"Yes, it's better than not being human." As soon as someone started talking, Xier felt much more relaxed, echoing Xing's words and comforting her.

"???"But Xier didn't react until she finished speaking, and looked at Xing with a question mark on her face. Are you saying these words of comfort?

"interesting……"Bronya was speechless after hearing these two sentences. She smiled awkwardly but politely:"Thank you for your comfort. I feel much better now. Really."……"

Xier pulled the corner of her mouth, glared at the star who was scratching his head and laughing.

"Now the only thing left is the core of the star. We are not sure about the core of the star. Is it in Klipperburg or somewhere else?"Luo Yu said, thinking seriously. It was hard to tell that he had just completed the three steps that Kokolia would never forget.

"Do you want us to go to the upper area to investigate again?" Xing thought for a moment and asked, while also looking at Ling Ke.

Before they accidentally fell into the lower area, they were actually planning to look for Ling Ke's sister. She said that her sister might know information about the star core.

"No, I do know someone who is in the lower area. Well... to be precise, he is not a person, but he should know a lot of information."Xier suddenly spoke out his suggestion, and then added

"But that guy is not easy to talk to, maybe I have to use force to question him"

"Not a human... who is it?"March Seven was confused.

Just as they were talking about this, a member of the Earth Fire came to Oleg in a panic.

"It's bad, boss. There's a conflict at the big mining area, and the leader is...Svaro."

Oleg frowned deeply when he heard this.

"Oh? That's easy to deal with. It's really like whoever said who would come. We haven't even looked for it yet, but it came to us first."Xi'er raised her eyebrows after hearing this news, and said in surprise

"Who is this Swarovski you are talking about?" Xing didn't understand so she asked

"It's a tough nut to crack," Xier curled her lips, as if she had no good feelings towards the other party:"I may have to trouble you again. This guy will be a trouble sooner or later. It's better to get rid of him now, and you can also ask for some clues about the star core."

"Lingke, Pera, and you, stay here. This is a matter of the lower district, you don't need to get involved in the trouble."Finally, Xier looked at the three people in the upper district.

"I'll go with you guys, I...I want to hear the answer myself." Bronya stood up and took the initiative to say that she still wanted to hear the final answer in person.

"You... forget it, whatever you want." Hearing her say that, Xier opened her mouth but couldn't think of a reason to refuse. In the end, she could only snort and ignore it.

"Still no explanation as to who it was.……"Everyone stood up and prepared to leave. Xing complained

"We will discuss the details as we go. If we go too late, it may become more troublesome there."Luo Yu explained to her.

The group hurried along at full speed, discussing the situation as they walked. Soon they arrived at the large mining area and saw the crowds of people watching and talking.

"Make way, make way." A group of people squeezed in with great effort and saw the scene.

The scene was obviously just after the battle. There were traces of battle everywhere, the remains of mechas, more self-disciplined mechas in full combat alert, and many wounded on the other side lying on the ground with angry faces. These people included miners, members of the Earth Fire, and wanderers. Although they were seriously injured, they were all holding on and unwilling to fall down. They looked at the tall robot in the center of the battlefield with angry eyes.

Its tall figure was much taller than that of ordinary people. Its scarlet electronic eyes were quite oppressive when staring from a high position. The armored shell was made of a different metal material from that of ordinary mechas, and was completely not on the same level. The mechas around were all controlled by it. Next to it stood a white-haired girl, who was only half its height, giving people a strong sense of visual contrast.

After Xier arrived at the scene, she first glanced at the injuries of the people around her.

"Xi'er, a member of the Earth Fire."Seeing the person who broke in, Swarovski scanned the area and finally landed on Xi'er, making a mechanical sound.

Xi'er turned her gaze away from the injured and looked at Swarovski with anger in her eyes.

"You bastard! Do you think the lower level area is a place where you can do whatever you want?"

"I don't need to explain to you." Swarovski listened to Xi'er's angry shout, without any ripples, just the sound of a ruthless machine like its appearance. Xi'er took a deep breath

, and her eyes were completely cold.

"Ah! It's my big brother."Clara was originally looking at the group of people with worry, but when she saw Luo Yu, she immediately exclaimed in a low voice, her expression full of surprise.

"We meet again, Clara, how have you been lately?" Luo Yu also smiled gently and greeted.

On the other side, the atmosphere was tense and guns were being used, but on this side, the atmosphere was warm and people were greeting each other.



The two people who were originally on the verge of a fight suddenly froze, the atmosphere instantly became weird, and they looked to their sides at the same time.

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