At first, she was really unaware of the misunderstanding because she didn't speak when they met because she was in self-blame.

But after they got to know each other better, Pera realized this, but she still acquiesced and didn't say anything, because revealing her identity would only cause trouble and add to the conflict, so she never mentioned it. But this kind of thing is after all deliberately concealing one's identity, which is an act of deception. She couldn't refute Seele's dissatisfaction.

But Bronya is not so easy to talk to.

"you……"Bronya was irritated by the ridicule. Although she had a good temper and was not arrogant, her status was there.

No one had ever spoken to her in such a tone, and she was being humiliated in front of her friends.

"I don't know why you have such a big opinion of me, but please be polite and don't interrupt others when they are chatting."After taking a deep breath, Bronya said politely, suppressing her anger.

"Huh? Others? Are you mistaken? This is the lower class area, not a place for you to be high and mighty. You, an outsider who talks to yourself, are the"others".’"Seele would not allow herself to suffer any injustice in the confrontation, and immediately said unceremoniously.

Bronya was so angry that her chest rose and fell violently.

"You! I'm not interested in arguing with you!" She suppressed her anger and turned to Luo Yu, then changed to a calmer attitude and said,"Luo Yu, I'll take you back first, and we'll talk again when we get back to the upper area."

After saying that, she wanted to pull Luo Yu away, not wanting to pay any attention to Xier's attack

""Hey! Let go!" But this action completely ignited Seele, she immediately stepped forward and shook off Bronya's hand, interrupting her action, then pulled Luo Yu's arm and pulled him behind her, staring at Bronya with a bad look.

"Don't bother talking nonsense. Even if Luo Yu wants to go back, I will send him back. There's no need for you to try to get close to him!"

"I'm not trying to get close to you, you're just unreasonable." After being targeted again and again, Bronya finally couldn't hold back her anger.

The two looked at each other pointedly, neither of them gave in, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Luo Yu: emmmmm

In this situation, Luo Yu could only remain silent. If he leaned a little, he was afraid that the situation on the verge of breaking out would explode instantly.

"Uh, hehe... Can someone explain to us what is going on?……"At this time, the sound of March Seven's dry laughter broke the atmosphere.

The train crew arrived, and Natasha and Oleg were beside the three of them. According to the plan, they went to support the ground fire first, and then came here to gather.

But as soon as they arrived, they saw this tense scene.

With the arrival of others, the tense atmosphere began to subside. The attitudes of the two people were restrained a little, but they continued to quarrel in a low voice, causing each other unhappiness.

"Humph, I won't bother with a noble lady like you."

"I don't think there is anything to be ashamed of. Being in a high position also requires corresponding efforts and the responsibilities that should be taken."

"Huh~ Hard work? Learning how to suck other people's blood?"

"Didn't your parents teach you manners?"

"My parents died early."


"Sorry... I didn't mean to offend you."Even if this kind of thing happened during a quarrel between two angry people, Dobronya, with her high moral cultivation, remained silent for a while, and spoke in a low voice with apology.

Xier didn't say anything, didn't answer, and didn't say anything else. Although she grew up in an orphanage and had never seen her parents, she wouldn't take this kind of thing to get violent.

The quarrel stopped, and seeing that neither of them spoke, March Seven pulled the corner of his mouth with an awkward but polite smile, and exchanged glances with Xing next to him. Getting involved in this kind of thing made her feel very stressed.

What should I do? It seems that we came back at the wrong time.

Xing shrugged helplessly. How could she know what to do?

"Having said that, Bronya, you probably haven't found a way to leave the lower area yet." Luo Yu's words left Bronya speechless and unable to refute. She was also very angry just now. Sliding down the tunnel with a rope was nothing, but climbing up a flat vertical wall of several hundred meters along a rope was a completely different concept.

Even for her to do it, there would be considerable danger, not to mention these Silver Mane Guards and Luo Yu.

Bronya was speechless and didn't say anything, but her expression had already given the answer. Luo Yu shook his head:"Let me find a place for you to rest in the lower area first."

"they……"Xier, who had just calmed down after hearing this, suddenly became agitated again, but was interrupted as soon as she opened her mouth.

""Okay, Xier, stop throwing a tantrum." Natasha on the side spoke up in a gentle and intellectual voice to stop Xier from speaking.

Xier opened her mouth, snorted, turned her head away and complained softly:"I didn't, who knows if these people have ulterior motives."

In the end, she didn't say anything.

Natasha is one of the few people who can persuade Xier when she gets angry. She concealed her identity and became a doctor in Panyan Town. She appeared in the childhood of almost all the outstanding children, and always provided care or help as a gentle elder.

Luo Yu's words made Bronya a little embarrassed. She glanced at the many silver-maned iron guards behind her.

How troublesome this must be...

Luo Yu just chuckled and waved his hand and said it was nothing.

His house is a little bit big, it can still accommodate


Back at the hotel, I took out another floor to arrange for the Silver Mane Iron Guards, hoping that the rare guest rooms in the hotel would be mostly occupied.

After all, this is the lower level area, and the hotel rooms are rarely used. Most of the time, the business here comes from meals, and most of the hotel rooms are idle.

"Sorry, I didn't know there were so many people living in the lower area."The group sat in a circle, and Bronya looked guilty and said in a low voice:"At that time, my mother said that I couldn't control the rift erosion in the lower area, so I ordered it to be isolated in order to prevent it from spreading to the upper area."

"So that's it? It turns out that she was the culprit who ordered what happened today."After understanding the situation, the newly arrived group of March Seven Stars finally understood the cause and effect.

And Bronya's identity turned out to be the daughter of the Great Guardian Beloberg!

"……I don't know why my mother would do this, she's not that kind of person." Bronya hesitated for a moment after hearing what March Seven said, but she still insisted that her mother would not do such a thing, and there must be something she didn't know about.

Her insistence made Seele curl her lips, but March Seven and Xing didn't show any reaction. Instead, March Seven listened to Bronya's insistence, put her hand in a V shape on her chin and thought like a detective March Seven.

She thought for a while and finally said with certainty:"This girl knows, it must be the star core that is playing tricks!"


""Huh? Why?" Xing looked puzzled. Even the person involved, Bronya, looked confused. They didn't understand how March Seven came to this conclusion.

Also, what is a star core?

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