His appearance alone instantly calmed down the situation that had been out of control. Looking at the people around him, Luo Yu said,"Go away, we will take care of the rest.""


""Believe me, okay?"

Someone hesitated to speak and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Luo Yu. Looking at Luo Yu's usual gentle smile, the man felt a sense of oppression, which made him feel more pressured and retreated from what he wanted to say.

Luo Yu's eyes swept around, and those who were exposed to his gaze shrank back and dared not speak again. Just like his words, the people who gathered in a circle gradually began to disperse.

Sometimes kindness requires some majesty.

He would not explain anything to other people's emotions. His kindness was a yardstick that only needed to be hung high above people's heads and be looked up to. The black knife assassin also silently returned to Luo Yu's side. She was actually next to Perra during the chaos just now, and suffered an unexpected disaster, but this kind of thing was meaningless to her and would not cause even a little ripple in her mood.

This situation made the leader of the wanderers who was hiding in the crowd and shouting vigorously anxious, and shouted to the people around him:"Hey, don't believe him! This pretty boy looks like a bastard with a human face and a beast's heart. They are all in the same group!"

But this time no one responded to him. To be precise, there was one person, Xier.


In an instant, the purple figure was beside him. With a heavy muffled sound, the back of the sickle hit his head hard, and a visible air wave burst out. The whole person of the wanderer leader was like being hit by a speeding truck and flew out.

Xier's suppressed anger was all scattered on the culprit. Although the sickle back was used, the air wave generated by the speed and power caused the wanderer leader to fly out more than ten meters and hit the wall with his head. Because of the reaction force, he bounced off and hit the brick floor. The reduced force made the head still bounce up and down with the reaction force, and finally lay motionless on the ground.

It is impossible to imagine how much force was used this time. The wanderer leader fell into a sweet sleep like a baby without saying a word.

After doing all this, Xier held the sickle handle without saying a word, but her chest was still rising and falling violently because of anger. The people who left around saw her cold eyes, like a knife cutting everyone's body, making these people feel cold in the neck, and hurriedly lowered their heads and dared not look, and quickened their pace to leave.

"Fortunately, you are here."The crowd around them dispersed and became quiet again. Xier returned to Luo Yu's side and thanked him in a very low mood. She didn't say anything else. Her tone was a little tired.

She was actually a person who loved to complain. It had become a habit for her to complain about things she was dissatisfied with. However, it was just a verbal complaint. She didn't really take the dissatisfaction to heart. On the contrary, when she was wronged but didn't say a word, that was actually when she was really sad.

"In fact, don't worry, because if you encounter danger, I will take action."Luo Yu just smiled.

This sentence was said to Luo Yu by Xier with a confident face before.

Xier lowered her head and couldn't help laughing, then rolled her eyes and bumped the other person with her shoulder in dissatisfaction:"Go away, I'm not in the mood to joke with you, can't you comfort me?"

But her mood has improved a lot, and she is not as depressed as before.

Although she said so, she is actually strong-willed and does not want to expose her weakness. Comfort will only make her mood worse.

Perla and Lingke both thanked her, but Perla seemed to be a little depressed because she messed up. Lingke has been worried about the other party, and Luo Yu just comforted the other party. Perla, this little girl, is sensitive and it is difficult for her to listen to advice, but at the same time she is also tough and has a strong ability to self-regulate.

""Luo Yu, thank you for your help, otherwise I... really don't know how to get out of this." Bronya came over and thanked him, but there was an inexplicable emotion in her tone.

She was very grateful for Luo Yu's help, otherwise she really didn't know what to do, but at this moment her heart was also filled with countless puzzles and questions.

Bronya had just come down from the snowfield and knew nothing at all. She knew nothing about the lower area and encountered the situation just now.

Why are there still so many people living in the lower area? Obviously, this place should have been eroded by the rift.

Why do these people hate the upper area so much?

Why does Luo Yu seem to know people in the lower city?

There are many similar questions, and now she has too many puzzles and entanglements in her heart.

"That Luo Yu, you are very familiar with the lower level area……"After hesitating for a while, Bronya asked her doubts.

"This incident was a coincidence.

Luo Yu did not hesitate to answer, and told how he"coincidentally" learned about the lower district. What happened afterwards was all true. Bronya listened and understood the situation, her expression sometimes gentle and sometimes sad.

"I see... So you've been helping here all this time, which seems to be your style."After a few minutes of simple explanation, Bronya had roughly understood it, and a forced smile appeared on her face.

She probably also understood what was going on, and many of her doubts were answered.

If she had heard about this kind of thing before, the first thing she would have thought of was the rules. Beloberg had expressly banned the roads between the upper and lower areas, but when she came to the lower area, she knew the situation here, and knew these hidden things, and her thoughts changed quietly.

Although she was taught to become a Silver Mane Iron Guard since she was a child and remembered the rules that could not be violated, she was first a human being with her own values. After knowing everything, Bronya looked at Luo Yu There was tenderness and dejection in his eyes.

This is indeed what he would do, and it even makes people feel that it is natural. Will he always appear where help is needed and bring help to everyone?

And she is always ahead...knowing nothing and not doing anything for it.

Restoring her depressed mood, Bronya told Luo Yu the purpose of her visit, and then asked him about his affairs and situation in the lower district with concern. She had a lot to say. Seele didn't speak at first, but when she saw Luo Yu finished telling Bronya, the other party began to ask questions as if he was concerned, and it was endless. She finally couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted and said

"Hey! Now that everything is fine, you should hurry back to your upper class area. Our lower class area cannot accommodate a big shot like you, lest you dirty your beautiful dress that looks expensive."Her tone was full of sarcasm. Xier had always been malicious towards all the people in the upper class area, and she hated them more than the wanderers. She just refrained from attacking them directly because she knew them and Luo Yu.

After she finished speaking, she also glanced at Pera. However, because of the experience of her companions before, she did not say anything unpleasant, but her expression was not very good.

Facing this kind of gaze, Pera just lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

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