Variables…eternal enemies.

The biggest change appeared in her single-minded Pure Land, the existence that completely destroyed all the maintainers of heavenly principles.

I wonder if such a guy has any bad intentions when he resurrects his sister.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in this land. To resurrect Raiden Jin is just to agree to your sister's request."

Roya smiled slightly, and his eyes fell on the thunder movie,"No matter what, I helped resurrect your sister, so you can put a smile on your face, Thor."

His words made Lei Qianqian frown slightly, showing a slightly reluctant expression.

"Shadow, don't mess around."

Hold Yingbao's hand and feel the real temperature of thunder and lightning. The unreal feeling like a dream made Yingbao feel a little better.

His sister was really resurrected.

"Sorry, Lord God of Destruction"two two"two two three" three", Ying she is not very good at sociability."

Leiden Zhenze quickly turned his gaze to Roja in front of him,"This time, I am very grateful to you for helping me to resurrect. I will agree to whatever you ask for."

"Ah ha, you don’t need to think of me as some vicious guy, my demands are not excessive, how about you be my wife."

Roya held Raiden Zhen's hand and said with a gentle expression,"Since I met you, I have thought about it, Zhen is a woman who is very suitable for being a wife."

"Eh, is it so sudden?"

Leiden's face turned red. It is true that there were no suitors for Raiden in the past, but those who pursued the Demon God gave up after some setbacks.

There is a difference between the Demon God's long life and the people under his command. For Ina Wife's children People, Raiden would only treat it as a child's nonsense, but the love of a god made Raiden have to be serious.

"I've always been more direct."

Roya pursed his lips and looked at Ying Bao gnashing his teeth, looking like he was burning with anger but unable to show up. The joy in his heart was not ordinary.


"But, can you give me some time? A lot of things are happening to Dao Wife now. I want to work with my sister to manage Dao Wife first."

Leiden really nodded, and Roja didn't expect that Leiden would really agree so quickly.

However, if Leiden really agreed, then he would have a reason to go one step further with the first-generation God of Thunder.

"Shadow, have you considered lifting the 'Eye Hunting Order'?"

Leiden Zhenze set his sights on Lei Qianqian,"The eternal path you follow should not be at the expense of Ina Wife."

"Sister, did I do anything wrong?"

Ying Bao looked aggrieved. She clearly wanted to follow eternity. Her path to eternity was also to fulfill her promise to Ina Wife as the God of Thunder.

‘The"Eye Hunting Order" and even the"Locked Country Order" are just by-products of her pursuit and exploration of the eternal way.

For hundreds of years, I have endured loneliness and loneliness, relying on meditation to escape wear and tear.

"You should actually take a look at Inazuma today. The Eye of God is the wish of the people. What has been given to people, why should we take it back?"

I learned from Zhongli about Dao's wife's current situation. Lei Dian is really worried about Dao's wife's current situation.

"Your pursuit of 'eternity' should be to avoid the sanctions of heaven. The path of eternity is nothing more than a forced choice under the pressure of heaven."

Roya chuckled. His words made Lei Qianqiu silent for a moment. She couldn't deny it.

"I come from the outer world, but the outer world is also very vast, countless compared to the world as vast as Teyvat."

He snapped his fingers, and the ability of the dark plane was activated. From Teyvat to countless stars in the universe, strange worlds appeared in front of him.

"This is..."

Staring at the scene in front of him, Lei Qianqian couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Do you know what the God of Destruction is?"

"I am the God of Destruction who rules over these countless billions of stars and can destroy billions of stars with just a single movement of my hands."

He said calmly, and the scene turned, and a star system was wiped out under his power.

This was exactly the scene where Luo Ya showed his power when he first met Liang Bing.

"Apart from me, there are twelve people with similar strength to me, so you don’t need to fear the laws of heaven."

Roya raised his head slightly, stared at the thunder movie in front of him and said,"If you want to become more powerful, I can give you a different choice."

"Even the eternity you are chasing can be achieved..........."

For a moment, Lei Qian couldn’t help but be stunned............

If the picture shown to the person in front of me is true, then the devil himself, even the law of heaven, will be vulnerable in front of this person.

"Shadow, the God of Destruction is very powerful. If you want to pursue a new field, you can ask the God of Destruction for advice."

Leiden Zhen couldn't help but smile, and said to Yingbao,"I know you are still confused, but I can assure you that with the God of Destruction here, the laws of nature cannot deal with Ina Wife."

"Rice Wife will also open a new page in history and enter a new world."

Hearing this, Yingbao raised his head and looked at Roya in front of him,"Can I become as strong as you? I will never give up on the pursuit of 'eternity'"

"It might be a little difficult to get to one tenth of my level, but you can give it a try."

Roya said and couldn't help but smile,"Maybe you can try the path of [Star God]"

"It is somewhat similar to the Seven Gods of Teyvat, but different from the Seven Gods. This is a system from another universe. Each Star God is the peak at the end of a road."

"If you train to the point where you can annihilate the planet with just one thought."

Compared to the power system of 'qi', the world of Teyvat is basically in the world view of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. The Thunder movie needs to go further. The Star God system may be 3.5 more suitable.

3.5"Star Gods also have such Strength?"

Lei Qianqian murmured in a low voice. He came back to his senses a little. The shock brought by Roya just now made Lei Qianqian unable to calm down for a while.

"Before talking about the Star God, would you like to have a three-color dumpling? I heard that you like to eat sweets and read light novels. It is said that if you can't eat sweets, your heart will collapse and you will roll on the floor."

Luo Ya smiled teasingly. At some point, he had three-colored dumplings in his hand and stuffed them into Ying's mouth.


The taste of sweets in her mouth made Yingbao addicted. She was about to yell at who dared to arrange herself like this.

However, the smell of sweets made her captured directly.

"It really hasn't changed at all."

Thunderbolt shook his head secretly. Looking at Ying Bao's cute appearance, he couldn't help but think of the past.

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