dragon ball world

"Woohoo, I hope nothing happens."

Bulma's eyes were staring at the deep space outside the space ship, and her expression became quite complicated.

If that doesn't work, she really can only use the power of the chat group to help herself.

In the chat group

【Busujima Saeko: Speaking of which, it is really scary that the 'aura' system can be cultivated to be so strong. There will always be powerful people who destroy the planet.】

【Fu Xuan: If it were to destroy the planet, I and Luofu's generals would be able to deal with it. However, in Miss Bulma's world, there are also the existence of the Transcendent Order and the God of Destruction that dominates the universe.】

【Fu Xuan: This level is the most terrifying in any universe.】

【Chika Fujiwara: I’m suddenly curious about the personalities of the other Gods of Destruction.~~】

【Kanroji Mitsuri: Definitely not as good as our God of Destruction. The other Gods of Destruction should all be bad guys--】

【Hell Fubuki: As the God of Destruction, you shouldn’t destroy the planet casually--~】

【Hell Fubuki: I'm a little curious about Miss Fu Xuan's world. Is there any star god that can destroy the universe?】

【Fu Xuan: This... As far as I know, Niang Wu should be considered a relatively powerful star god, with the power to destroy half the universe.】

【Fu Xuan: Actually, there is very little information about the Star Gods in my universe. If you want to know the differences between the Star Gods, only the God of Destruction can understand it.】

【Nangong Nayue: What a vast world. 】

Nangong Nayue couldn't help but sigh, compared to the vast universe, the small fights of the demons on the earth are completely insignificant.

【Tohsaka Rin: Sister Nazuki, would you like to share the magic knowledge of different worlds? I am very interested in the magic knowledge of your world.】

【Nangong Nayue: Magic? You are talking about magic, it is not an easy technique to master. ]

In order for a witch to master magic, she needs to make a contract with the devil.

Xingyue's magic circuit actually gave Nangong Nayue a feeling of light up.

Shape Moon, the eve of the Fourth Holy Grail War

"Dad hasn't sent Sakura out yet, and if he says it directly, he will definitely anger him. I can only think of ways to accumulate strength and become stronger through the chat group. Then I will be qualified to speak."

Tohsaka Rin thought silently.

Even if he said that the Matou family was not good, Tosaka Tokiomi would not believe it. In Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes, his daughter went to a good place and became a magic family. The heir.

Who would have thought that the old guy Matou Zōyan just wanted to take advantage of Tohsaka Rin. Thinking of what happened to his sister, Tohsaka Rin felt a little distressed.

No matter what, he had to find a way to prevent Sakura from being sent out.

The existence and the future of the chat group members are beginning to change. The Raiden general guarding the Inazuma Castle in Teyvat noticed the existence in front of him.

"Eternal variables..."

General Raiden opened her eyes. She stared at the two people who appeared. The sword in her hand suddenly pointed at the existence in front of her.

Her fingers resisted General Raiden's sword, as firmly as steel. The weapon trapped in General Raiden's hand

"How is it possible..."

General Thunderbolt was a little distracted.

"Have a good sleep"

"It's not you we're looking for, General."

Roya pursed his lips, and in just a blink of an eye, he appeared behind General Thunder.

‘With a snap, Roja patted General Thunder on the neck, causing General Thunder to fall down and pass out directly.

"Is she a doll created by the movie?"

Regarding the existence of General Raiden, Raiden quickly understood the existence of General Raiden.

"That's right, the most perfect doll that can execute her will and execute 'eternity'."

Roya smiled slightly and hugged Raiden Zhen again,"You will be able to see Raiden Movie soon."

After taking care of General Raiden, Roja brought Raiden Zhen into the Pure Land of One Heart.

The inner world built by Raiden Movie came to the uninvited guest.

In the Pure Land of One Heart, looking at the two people who appeared here, Raiden Movie couldn't help but tremble. , one can imagine the excitement and complexity of the mood

"You are, sister…"

·· ·········Asking for flowers··· ···

"What Dreams told me is indeed true, sister, you are resurrected"

·· ·········Asking for flowers··· ···

Raiden is truly resurrected. Inazuma's first-generation Thunder God was also the mainstay of Raiden movies, but it was completely wiped out in the past Battle of Kanrea.

All this resulted in Lei’s film’s obsession with pursuing ‘eternity’

"It's me, I'm resurrected, Shadow."

Lei Dianzhen stretched out his hand and took Lei Xingqing into his arms. They met again after five hundred years. At this moment, Lei Xingqing's eyes were filled with tears.


These five hundred years have been too hard for Ying.

"I know everything. I learned about Dao's wife's current situation through Liyue. Lei

Dengzhen caressed Ying's cheek,"Don't make yourself work too hard, Ying"



"‘The"Eye Hunting Order" and the"Lockdown Order" have caused turmoil in Inazuma. I came here this time to hope that you will lift these two orders."

When Ying heard this, he couldn't help but raise his head and looked at Raiden Zhen in front of him,"Is there any problem with my order? In pursuit of eternity, I should have done nothing wrong, onee-sama…"

"I want to ask, sister, who is this..."

At this time, Lei Movie noticed the existence of Roja.

"This is the God of Destruction, a god from outside the sky, even stronger than Sky Island."

Lei Dengzhen whispered in Ying's ear,"This is a very powerful person, don't mess around and make this adult angry."

She was really worried that Ying Hui would mess around and provoke this God of Destruction.

"It is also because of the God of Destruction that I can be resurrected, and by chance, I can meet you again."

After his resurrection, Raiden felt a little unreal.

However, to be able to see his sister again after five hundred years, Raiden was really overjoyed and looked very happy.

"god of destruction…"

"A god from outside?"

Lei Yingbao squinted his eyes, his expression a little subtle. Although Roja resurrected Raiden Zhen, Yingbao was indeed very happy.

However, Yingbao felt that Roja always had some bad intentions.

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