Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 614 614. Serial diss spree? Charlotte, who is more attractive to it: close the microphone, b

In this situation where eyes need to be closed, Charlotte can still perceive subtle changes in the surrounding environment.

After a moment, Charlotte closed the goggles.

The lenses retracted immediately, fitting into the goggle holders on the left and right ears.

This time, in the light, she could see everything around her more clearly.

And the "little queen" next to her, as Charlotte thought, did not intervene in her turning on the lighting equipment.

It's just that neither the "Little Queen" nor Alpha really understands Charlotte's "doing nothing".

After all, even wearing goggles before, Charlotte could move without hindrance.

Although the goggles inevitably have some limitations, and the field of vision is not as good as that of the light, but for someone with Charlotte's strength, the difference is not too much.

So, why is she doing this?

Simply want to see more clearly? Or is there any other purpose?

The green "little queen" thought about this, but didn't do anything for the time being.

Charlotte re-entered the botanical garden without saying a word, making it impossible to find out any details.

When they came here for the first time with the search and rescue team, they stood outside the "Botanical Garden", because the dome of the "Botanical Garden" was very high, so they couldn't see the top of the inside very well.

Now that I walked in, I discovered that there were blue sky and white clouds on the top of the "Botanical Garden".

However, Charlotte certainly wouldn't think it was a real sky.

If she guessed correctly, this should be a virtual dome, which used scientific and technological means to project images.

In other words, what you see is an illusion.

People's five senses are easily deceived by various advanced technological means.

This kind of virtual image technology is also a relatively popular technology in today's Star Federation.

However, there are differences in technology, and the cost will naturally be different.

Judging from the imaging of the sky here, the virtual imaging technology used here should be relatively high-end.

Look at the sky and clouds, quite realistic.

The slowly floating white clouds look pure and elegant, quite dynamic and beautiful.

So natural, like real clouds.

It is the blue sky, all pure and soft colors, without any sense of falsehood.

The "Botanical Garden" after the lighting equipment is activated, it is now in daytime mode.

Since the search and rescue team went out, most of the attention of "Little Queen" has been on Charlotte.

At this time, compared with the people on the other side, Charlotte was more able to catch its gaze.

Even for intruders, in the eyes of this "little queen", there are high and low levels of interest.

Even if it doesn't want to admit it, Charlotte is more attractive to it.

It is also obviously more interested in Charlotte's mode of action.

"Little Queen" spoke quickly, with a rather mocking tone: "What's the use of turning on the lighting equipment? After a while, the water floods over, so you can't see clearly?"

As he said that, he laughed again: "It's so interesting, you can appreciate how you are drowned! I think you can try the state of being unable to breathe now, hahahaha!"

It is happy by itself, as if the pain and death of others are the most interesting things to it.

Sweet face, bad "personality".

Charlotte looked at the oxygen mask she was carrying. There was not much oxygen in reserve, and it could not support underwater operations for too long.

Talking about it is better than nothing, it will come in handy after all.

Charlotte ignored the "little queen" who was smiling happily, and she didn't have the time to spare.

However, seeing the other party dangling around her, Charlotte finally said, "Little Queen, why don't you take a break first."

The implication: close the microphone, be quiet, and disappear for me.

This time, the "little queen" once again felt that she was underestimated: "Why should I listen to you? What are you? Don't try to order me! I want to watch you dying!"

Charlotte looked at it, and opened her mouth perfunctorily: "How can this be an order? Even if you don't show up, can you observe me from the side?"

It was not enough after saying this, Charlotte added another sentence: "To be honest, this green is really not suitable for you."

The sentence added at the end, I don’t know if it is true or false, but it is always full of diss.

Bloody Queen: "..." I felt insulted by words again.

Alpha: "..." Master's serial diss gift package, you deserve it.

From Alpha's point of view, the owner thinks that the "little queen" is too ugly and noisy, so she hastily made it disappear.

It's still smart, knowing how to stay quietly by the owner's side, and doesn't interrupt at will.

Charlotte said nothing, but according to the character of the "Little Queen", of course it will not be obedient.

However, after thinking about it, it felt that the intruder's time was running out.

Therefore, in order to see the other party's dying struggle as soon as possible, the "little queen" did not argue any more.

This time, it readily dissipated the avatar.

It's just that although the image has disappeared, it still pays attention to this place.

Charlotte didn't care about it, and instead opened the map here.

In an instant, the three-dimensional map image model was presented in front of Charlotte through the projection of the optical brain.

On the suspended three-dimensional model, all paths are clearly marked, including this square square.

As can be seen from the map, the square is surrounded by a very large unknown waters.

And Charlotte had discovered it long ago. According to the map, the unknown waters here should be connected to the dark river outside.

After careful analysis of its location, the underground river should be a pure natural river in the mountain.

However, because the channel of the dark river is not in the pyramid, Alpha's map model does not clearly mark the direction and size of the dark river.

Charlotte thought, since it can communicate with this huge water area and withstand the flow of water in this water area, the underground river will not be too small.

But at this time, the connection between the water area and the dark river is closed.

Also, for now, there seems to be no one in this pyramid.

Except for the artificial intelligence "Little Queen", there should be only those weird creatures left.

In short, Charlotte did not find any "indigenous residents" along the way.

Regarding this point, Charlotte also took the time to ask Alpha before, and got the same answer.

If the Pyramid lost its owner, if it is still connected to the dark river, it will most likely have an impact on the surrounding environment.

After all, there are so many strange non-human creatures in the pyramid.

If it is always connected to the outside, the creatures inside will escape, which will definitely attract the attention of the world.

As far as the "snake face monster" in the water area is concerned, it is not easy to mess with.

If you let it go out, it is tantamount to a mouse entering the rice tank.

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