Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 613 613. Cheeky Charlotte: I know you follow me, but you are not my type

According to Charlotte's deduction, the purpose of "Little Queen" is not only that.

Lowering the partition wall and bringing in water from the outside waters is probably only the first step.

After all, it should be very clear that just flooding with water won't kill her.

Therefore, Charlotte can be sure that the speed of the water flow will not always maintain this state.

Now, the reason why it let the water flow in little by little is just to make her more anxious and panicky.

Who made this "little queen" have such a bad personality? Always takes pleasure in torturing others.

Even if he wanted to take her life, he wasn't going to give her a happy one.

Therefore, Charlotte deduced that the speed of the water flow would definitely change later.

"Little Queen" must have a back move.

But during this tense confrontation, Charlotte was also distracted by other things.

Counting from just now, this "little queen" has been appearing in front of her in an explicit image.

In other words, the search and rescue team on the other side doesn't need it to manage?

Charlotte raised her wrist to check her optical brain, and the time had already exceeded 30 minutes.

The "little queen" had put down her cruel words before - the whole pyramid will be completely closed in 30 minutes, and it will never be opened again.

This pyramid has more than one entrance and exit, but whether it is the main entrance or the side entrance, as long as it is a serious door, it will seal and lock them.

Charlotte pondered for a moment, and immediately asked, "Alpha, what's the situation with the search and rescue team?"

Regarding this point, Charlotte felt that she needed to know, because it was related to her next action choice.

Alpha originally wanted to wait for the master to escape successfully before reporting.

But now, since the master asked, it answered truthfully.

"Master, although there were some casualties, the search and rescue team has successfully left here." Alpha reported, "This is all thanks to the master, who restrained this 'Little Queen' and won more opportunities for them."

Otherwise, judging from the situation just now, it is impossible for the search and rescue team to go out within 30 minutes.

The "Little Queen" has killed them, and the search and rescue team has a large number of people, and it is possible that the entire army will be wiped out in the end.

It's a pity that in the middle of the journey, too many situations were created on the master's side, so that the "little queen" had to divert his energy to her side.

Only then did the search and rescue team have a chance to breathe, and took advantage of the opportunity to escape.

Alpha briefly explained the situation, and his words were full of praise for Charlotte.

However, Charlotte herself did not look complacent at all.

From her point of view, after learning of this fact, she also relieved her worries.

Since going out for missions, each operational unit is a whole.

It is impossible for Charlotte to leave other people alone and escape alone.

In that case, the follow-up tasks still have to go on.

For example, the superior will send more people in to search and rescue those trapped team members.

After all, the search and rescue teams that entered the pyramid just now included Team 1, Team 3, and Team 4, as well as their respective reinforcement teams, as well as the entire scientific research team.

Overall, the number of people is very large.

There was no way Ares Randall could have given up on them all without trying.

Instead of coming in to rescue those people after going out, it is better to hope that they can go out successfully now.

Hello, hello, hello everyone, it's a disguised way to save everyone trouble.

Otherwise, when it comes to the second rescue step, the situation will only become more complicated.

Now, Charlotte is really fighting alone.

In her opinion, she is the only one left in this pyramid at present.

For fighting alone, Charlotte is not afraid at all.

Similarly, even though Bloody Queen said that the entire pyramid will be completely closed in 30 minutes and will never be opened again, Charlotte is not worried.

There is a saying that "one person can feed the whole family without worrying about it", and now as long as she can escape, the entire search and rescue mission will be considered a success.

As for the method of escaping, Charlotte had a preliminary idea long before.

The meaning of "little queen" is nothing more than blocking all serious entrances and exits.

Well, it's not desperate yet.

However, before Charlotte could practice her ideas, the "little queen" who had been standing beside said very displeasedly: "They are quite capable, and they can still give you a gift every 10 minutes. Escape within 30 minutes."

However, it quickly looked at Charlotte again, and the accusation was very obvious: "The intruder is all your fault. If it wasn't for paying attention to you, I wouldn't let them take advantage of it!"

Charlotte's goal has now been achieved, and she is unwilling to argue with the "little queen" on this issue.

So, she said very perfunctorily: "Well, I know, you have been paying attention to me."

Bloody Queen: Why does it sound weird?

Alpha: Come here, Master, she is going to start teasing people again!

At the end, Charlotte said coolly again: "But forget it, you are not my type."

Bloody Queen: "..." Shameless intruder!

Alpha: "..." The master became thick-skinned, and no one else had anything to do.

Charlotte was still standing at the gate of the "Botanical Garden", and next, she was about to start "working" again.

"Alpha, activate the lighting equipment here." Charlotte said.

In Charlotte's view, as long as the entrances and exits on both sides of the square are not opened, escape in a more convenient way.

For the rest of the actions, the "little queen" will not interfere with everything.

After all, turning on the lighting equipment is nothing at all.

Even if the "little queen" intervenes halfway and prevents her from using the lighting equipment, Charlotte still has goggles, so moving in the dark is not a problem.

So, on the face of it, there is absolutely no need for it to intervene.

Hearing Charlotte's order, Alpha started working immediately.

In this critical moment, it will not be as leisurely as its owner, and even occasionally skin it.

In Alpha's self-awareness, he has always felt that he is a more serious artificial intelligence.

It is only occasionally biased by its owner.

Well, yes, occasionally.

In an instant, as Alpha completed the control of the lighting subsystem of the square square, including the "Botanical Garden", all the lighting equipment in the entire square were turned on.

As before, it was as bright as day in an instant.

Charlotte's vision was not affected, and the goggles well mitigated the impact of the strong light.

It was the same in the "Botanical Garden" before. When a strong light source appeared in an instant, the rest of the search and rescue team immediately activated the goggles to ease their sight.

In case there is any unexpected situation, they have no time to respond.

But for Charlotte, it doesn't matter even if she doesn't have goggles.

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