"By the way, I will release a fake news at that time to see if Takahashi Masao will fall into the trap."

Nakajima Seiko thought of something and said again.

"Fake news? Fake news probably won't work..."

Nanzao Yunzi directly shook his head and vetoed.


Nakajima Seiko frowned suddenly.

"Takahashi Masao's intelligence network is so large, and almost everyone in the upper echelons of Shanghai has an interest in him. If he obtains an actionable intelligence, he will definitely take action after confirming the authenticity in advance. Give the real information!"

Nan Zuo Yunzi said.

Hearing Nanzao Yunzi's words, Nakajima Naruko frowned and thought for a while. Although she didn't like Nanzao Yunzi very much, Nakajima Naruko had to admit that she was right.

"Then I'm playing tricks on the real intelligence. It just so happens that there will be an express to Shanghai the day after tomorrow, and there are some important personnel of the intelligence and the Japanese army in it."

When Nakajima Naiko said this, there was a flash of determination in her eyes, knowing that when she made this decision, she would definitely take a big risk! If the express bike blows up because of her leak, then she can be said to be a traitor to the Empire.

"Senior Nakajima is really cruel."

Nan Zuo Yunzi sighed with emotion.


Soon it was noon, and Gao Feng drove to the Fulai Hotel.

The Fulai Hotel is not a meal spot, it is actually similar to a hotel. After Gao Feng arrived, he directly chose a room.

Not long after entering the selected room, there was a knock on the door and the voice of the waiter: "Hello, President Takahashi, Section Chief Nakajima is here."

After hearing the sound, Gao Feng took a deep breath and walked to the door to open it.

This time, Gao Feng has already made up his mind to have something happen with the other party. After all, when Nakajima Naruko came to see him, he would definitely leave behind him. If he killed her, he would be too suspicious!

The last time at the Navy Club, Gao Feng wanted to take Nakajima Naruko upstairs to kill her, not afraid of being suspected because there were Mingtai and Yu Manli on the scene. Mingtai and Yu Manli.

The door opened. Naruko Nakajima in a military uniform appeared in sight, and behind her was a female assistant in a military uniform.

After seeing the appearance of the female assistant, Gao Feng's heart suddenly showed strangeness.

It was the woman who was hit by a car in Xiaohubei before!


"Hehe, Section Chief Nakajima, who is this?"

Gao Feng asked Nanzao Yunzi who was behind Nakajima Naruko.

"Oh, she's my assistant, can I go in, Mr. Takahashi?"

"Please come in.."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

Then Nakajima Naruko and Nanzao Yunzi entered the room, and when they came in, Gao Feng closed the door directly.


The door was closed with a muffled sound.

After the door was closed, Gao Feng walked behind Nakajima Seiko and put his hand on Nakajima's waist.

Nakajima Seiko's body froze for a moment, but she quickly reacted and took a few steps forward calmly and said, "Mr. Takahashi, don't worry, sometimes it's the theme that comes after the mood, isn't it?"

Hearing Nakajima Seiko's words, Gao Feng shook his head and said, "Why waste time."

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng took a few steps towards Nakajima Seiko's position.

But just two steps away, a figure came over, and that person was Nan Zuo Yunzi.

I saw Nan Zuo Yunzi leaning towards Gao Feng weakly and boneless, and a numb voice sounded: "President Gaoqiao, my class leader is a little too shy, why don't we have a drink first? ?"

"Oh? Hehe, good."

Gao Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

Then the three walked to the table in the middle of the room and sat down, then chatted and drank wine.

After about half an hour...

There was a knock on the door.

"Report, Section Chief Nakajima has a mission to report to you..."

Hearing the voice outside the door, Naruko Nakajima's face deliberately showed displeasure, she glanced at Gao Feng apologetically, then walked to the door, opened it, and walked out.

Soon she walked in again and said apologetically, "Taoqiao-kun, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you today."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Gao Feng asked in doubt............

"There is an express train that is going to leave from Shanghai. There are some important officials in it. I need to take a train to check it out. Mr. Takahashi also knows the situation in Shanghai. Those Chinese people are too rampant, and we must take precautions. "

Nakajima Seiko shook her head and sighed.

"Are you in such a hurry? Can't you wait an hour to go back?"

Gao Feng asked again.

"I'm afraid not, because the car will leave the day after tomorrow. Chief Fujita told me to go back immediately. Mr. Takahashi, I will leave first and let my assistant stay with you."

After Nakajima Naruko finished speaking, he turned to look at Nanzao Yunzi, and said sternly, "You stay here and accompany Mr. Takahashi well!"


Nan Zuo Yunzi nodded hurriedly.

Then Naruko Nakajima left the room, leaving only Gao Feng and Yunzi Nanzao in the room.

"Mr. Takahashi.. Now.. it's just the two of us. Are you still drinking?"

"Hehe, don't drink anymore... What's so good about this wine?"

Gao Feng smiled and waved his hand, then stood up and walked towards Nan Zuo Yunzi.


Until more than eight o'clock in the evening, Gao Feng left the Fulai Hotel and returned to the villa by car.

At the door of Zhuang Xiaoman's villa, Gao Feng got out of the car and entered the villa.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoman in the villa was sitting in front of the sofa and reading a book.

When she saw Gao Feng come in, she put down the book and asked, "What mission?"

"Well, there is a task that you need to confirm first."

Gao Feng walked over to Zhuang Xiaoman, sat down and nodded.

"What mission?"

Then Gao Feng talked about what happened today.

After listening to Gao Feng's narration, Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and said, "The information that Nakajima Seiko said is most likely a trap, and the purpose is to test us. It is possible that this information is false. There are no important officials, but a carload of soldiers ambushing!"

"No.. Naruko Nakajima won't be that stupid. Ambush and traps must exist, but express trains must also exist! After all, if you want to catch prey, you must put something in the trap that can attract the prey. Row.".

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