"Mr. Takahashi...Miss Ryoko..."

After coming in, Ming Lou walked to the sofa and called.

"Well, sit down."

Gao Feng nodded and motioned Minglou to sit down~.

After Minglou sat down, Gao Feng said, "I ordered the poisoning incident, and the task force was led by your brother Mingtai."

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Ming Lou nodded.

He actually came here to ask if Gao Feng had arranged the poisoning at the Navy Club.

"Minister, this poisoning at the Peace Conference will probably have a great impact, obviously..."

"Don't worry about this. Since your brother Mingtai has been assigned to me, I will definitely not leave him alone. The hiding spot I arranged for him is very safe and there will be no problem."

"Thank you, Minister, then."

"Well, it's fine."

Gao Feng waved his hand.

"The minister, then I'll go first, the poisoning incident, there are many things on the side of the puppet government."

After Minglou finished speaking, he stood up and turned to leave.

After Minglou left, Zhuang Xiaoman said at this time, "Haha, it's really interesting that there are four people in the family and Guohong has them all."

"Okay, don't sigh, you can contact Mingtai at night and say that this mission was performed well, temporarily hide it and don't expose it."


Zhuang Xiaoman nodded with a smile and left the villa.


A day later, at the residence of Yunzi Nanzao, Naruko Nakajima and Yunzi Nanzao were sitting at the table.

Naruko Nakajima told what happened yesterday.

Hearing Nakajima Seiko's words, Nanzao Yunzi raised his brows.

Yesterday, she also went to the scene pretending to be a waiter, but she did not contact Gao Feng. After all, Gao Feng had seen her, and she would definitely be suspected by Gao Feng when she was pretending to be a waiter.

"Senior Nakajima, do you think I am beautiful or you are beautiful?"

Nan Zuo Yunzi asked suddenly.

Hearing Yunzi Nanzao's words, Naruko Nakajima frowned and said in a slightly unkind tone, "What do you mean?"

"I'm more beautiful than you, and Masao Takahashi is indifferent when he sees me, isn't it strange that he reacts like this when he sees you?"

Nanzao Yunzi said seriously.

A look of anger flashed across Naruko Nakajima's face. Although Yunzi Nanzao said that, she still felt very uncomfortable.

"Unless there are two possibilities..."

Nan Zuo Yunzi said again.

"What is possible?"

Nakajima Seiko frowned and asked.

"Giggle, I once met such a man when I was on a mission. He only had a favorable impression of women in a certain profession, and other women did not have any favorable impressions, so the first possibility is that Takahashi Masao likes military women, look at her. Information... Feng Manna, Wang Manchun, Kawashima Yoshiko... all wear military uniforms, so are you..."

Nan Zuo Yunzi giggled and said.

And Nakajima Naiko lowered her head and thought about the possibility that Yunzi Nanzuo said.

"There is another possibility that Masao Takahashi is actually pretending, I think this possibility is the most likely."

Nan Zao Yunzi paused for a while and then said, "It's a pity. Actually, you should try it with him. You'll know if it's true or false."


Naruko Nakajima snorted and did not speak.

After a while...

"You can try on my clothes."

Naruko Nakajima said.

"Of course.. I'll try."

Nan Zuo Yunzi smiled and nodded.

Hearing Yunzi Nanzao's words, Naruko Nakajima stood up and said, "I'll go first. If you try something out, please notify me immediately."

After speaking, Naruko Nakajima turned and left.


Two more days passed..

No progress has been made in the poisoning incident at the Peace Conference. The streets of Shanghai are still full of spies from No. 76 and patrolling Japanese troops from the gendarmerie..

The second floor of the photo studio..

Mingtai frowned and sat there motionless, as if thinking about something.


Footsteps were heard downstairs.

Soon the footsteps went up to the second floor, and Yu Manli appeared, holding a stack of documents in her hand.

"Team leader, this is all the information collected."

Yu Manli walked to Mingtai and handed over the information in her hand.

Mingtai took the document and started to read it. The more he looked, the more ugly the expression on his face. The content in the document was about his brother Minglou!

The content is the report of Ming Lou as the chief financial advisor of the puppet government and the inspector of the General Administration of Customs!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Looking at the interviews on these reports, it can already be seen that his brother Ming Lou has become an out-and-out traitor! Pro-Japanese!

"There is another piece of information. Sixty percent of Ming's shares are now under the name of Fenghe Chamber of Commerce."

At this time, Yu Manli said something in a low voice.

"I see.."

Hearing Yu Manli's words, Mingtai said in a deep voice.

After speaking, Ming Tai stood up and walked outside.


On the other side, in Gao Feng's villa..

At the moment Gao Feng is sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.


The phone rang.

The nanny hurried over to answer the phone.

A few seconds later, the nanny walked over to Gao Feng and whispered, "Mr. Takahashi, the call from Section Chief Nakajima."


"Nakajima Naiko?"

Gao Feng raised his brows.

Then he stood up, walked directly to the phone and picked it up.

"Senior Nakajima, do you have time today?"

Gao Feng asked with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds and then said with a smile, "Mr. Takahashi, I want to invite you to dinner, do you have time?"

"Hehe, I should be the one who invited you, so at 12 noon, the Fulai Hotel..."

Gao Feng laughed and said.

"Good Mr. Takahashi."

On the other end of the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Gao Feng frowned and guessed what Nakajima Naiko's purpose was.


On the side of the special high school.. Naruko Nakajima put down the phone and said to Yunzi Nanzuo who was wearing a special high school uniform: "The other party agreed, at 12 noon, at the Fulai Hotel, then you will be my assistant and follow me. I'll go together, and I'll leave halfway through to create some alone time for you and Takahashi Masao."

"Hey, I have to stay alone for a little longer.."

Nan Zuo Yunzi giggled and said.

Hearing Yunzi Nanzao's words, Naruko Nakajima frowned.

In fact, Naruko Nakajima is a relatively conservative person. She married her ** husband. Although it was for information, after her husband died, she never had any relationship with other men.

So when I see some indiscreet behaviors of women, I also feel tired in my heart. Small.

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