
Gao Feng shook his head, then asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, it's just that something happened to the Chamber of Commerce, it's not a big problem."

Zhuang Xiaoman shook his head and said.

"What happened?"

When Zhuang Xiaoman said something happened to the Chamber of Commerce, Gao Feng frowned slightly, Feng and the Chamber of Commerce were too important to him!

Most of the reason why I can have such a large network in Shanghai is because of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce!

If there is no Fenghe Chamber of Commerce, how can there be so much money to bribe those Japanese officials!

So now after hearing Zhuang Xiaoman say that something happened to Feng and the Chamber of Commerce, he suddenly became nervous~.

"There are problems with some financial bills, it is estimated that someone is greedy."

Zhuang Xiaoman said with a sigh.

"Someone is greedy? Who?"

Gao Feng frowned even more. He gave a lot of money to Feng and the people in the chamber of commerce. It can be said that their monthly salary is comparable to the income of a normal family for half a year! Who is greedy for money with so much wages?

Then someone is greedy this time! What will someone do next time?

"Check it out for me! You must check it out!"

Gao Feng's voice cooled.

Hearing Gao Feng's tone, Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

"I went to my office first, and came to me directly after checking it out."


Then Gao Feng left Zhuang Xiaoman's office.

It's afternoon..

There was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in.."

Gao Feng said after hearing the voice.

Then the office door was pushed open, and Zhuang Xiaoman walked in with a complicated expression.

After seeing the expression on Zhuang Xiaoman's face, Gao Feng asked in a deep voice, "Is it clear?"

"Well, I checked it out."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

"who is it?"

Gao Feng asked.

"It's Wang Chuang..."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"What? Wang Chuang?!"

Gao Feng stood up directly and looked at Zhuang Xiaoman in surprise.

On the other hand, Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said, "It has been confirmed, people have been arrested, and Wang Chuang has also explained it."

"Bring people in."

"it is good."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and walked out.

Soon Zhuang Xiaoman came back, and at the same time, there were three people behind her, and two people came in with one person.

It was Wang Chuang who was escorted in!

Looking at Wang Chuang who bowed his head and stood there without saying a word after coming in, Gao Feng frowned, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

three years ago..

That is, when he first came to the Shanghai Military Intelligence Station as the leader of the second team of the Action Section, this Wang Chuang was his subordinate! At that time, he was just a very oily soldier, but after being reprimanded by himself, he changed himself!

After several actions, Gao Feng felt that this person was good and stayed.

Going underground in recent years, although Gao Feng said that he rarely met Wang Chuang, he still treated them very well. Basically, he stopped doing some dangerous things and let them manage the internal affairs of the chamber of commerce!

Unexpectedly, he had a problem in the end!

Thinking of this, anger appeared on Gao Feng's face!

"Group.. Leader.."

Next, Wang Chuang called out in a low voice.

"Wang Chuang..."

Gao Feng also called out coldly.

"Humble. Humble job!"

Wang Chuang said with a trembling voice.

"Am I being bad to you old men?"

Gao Feng asked.

"it is good."

Wang Chuang was silent for a moment this time and then said in a low voice.

"Then what difficulties did you encounter?"

Gao Feng asked again.

This time Wang Chuang was silent for a longer time, then he shook his head and said, "No difficulty."

"Then why?"

Gao Feng's voice became a little colder.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Wang Chuang didn't speak this time, just stood there with his head down.

Looking at Wang Chuang's appearance, Gao Feng walked up to Wang Chuang and kicked him directly!


The huge force made Wang Chuang fly out and fall on the coffee table two meters away! The coffee table fell a few pieces! On the other hand, Wang Chuang was struggling to get up with blood coming out of his mouth!

But before he could get up, the two team members who had just brought him over directly pressed him to the ground.

"Tell me, what's going on, it's not my family's fault to say it out..."

Gao Feng said.

When he heard this sentence, Wang Chuang trembled, and finally said: "Team leader... I'm sorry, I was wrong, you have been good to us in the past two years, you have been very good to us, you are too good to us. , that's why I did this..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"I'm raising my aunt outside, and I'm going to the casino...I...I'm sorry for the team leader."

After Wang Chuang's words, the office fell into silence.

At this moment, Gao Feng looked at Wang Chuang who was still lying there. After watching for a long time, he waved to the two players next to him and said, "Buy it."


The two team members pulled Wang Chuang away.

"Team leader, you are going to harm my family, you said the team leader. The team leader..."

Wang Chuang, who was pulled out, shouted loudly.

But just after shouting, a team member directly stretched out his hand and slammed it on his chin, and the chin fell off.

The sound stopped abruptly..

In the office, Gao returned to the desk and sat down, while Zhuang Xiaoman looked at Gao Feng and hesitated.

. . . 0

"Find a few people to kill all of Wang Chuang's concubines outside, and also kill all those with children. His wife and children will see if they know anything. If they don't know, send them abroad."

Gao Feng said coldly at this time.

"Well, okay, I'll do it right now."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment.."

Gao Feng stopped Zhuang Xiaoman again.

"How many other old team members have followed me before?"

"And... there are five more including me."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Well, send all those old team members to the fraternity, and take all their families."

"it is good."

After Zhuang Xiaoman finished speaking, he turned and left.

After Zhuang Xiaoman left, Gao Feng sighed.


In the end it will become!

This incident of Wang Chuang reminded him that he trusted the people around him too much, and his previous caution and caution had long since disappeared.

Looks like I'll have to be more careful in the future!

Thinking of this, Gao Feng stood up and left the office directly.

Two days later, the team members who had followed Gao Feng to the present and his family took a ship to Baodao, and then from Baodao to Laomei.

The team members didn't say anything about the matter of leaving, because after Wang Chuang's incident, their position on Gao Feng's side also became embarrassing, so it was a good thing for them to leave.

day 3..

There were three murders in Shanghai, all of whom were young and beautiful women. Small.

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