"Okay, Mr. Fujita, but... you really don't plan to stay?"

Hearing the words of Yoshimasa Fujita, Yunko Minamizao's face showed a look of pity, and then those watery eyes looked at Yoshima Fujita.

Seeing the appearance of Yunzi Minamizo, Fujita Yoshimasa hurriedly left without looking back!

Although he had never seen Nan Zao Yunzi before, he still knew something about Nan Zao Yunzi!

It can be described as a beautiful snake!

Relying on her own beauty, she has seduced many important targets of the national army, and it is said that she is the kind who can eat people without spitting out bones!

After Fujita Yoshimasa left, the smile on Minamizuo Yunzi's face disappeared. She took a look at the top document of Masao Takahashi, and then threw it back.

No need to look at the documents, the first time I met Takahashi Masao today, Nanzao Yunzi felt that this person is not simple!

As for why you think it's not easy?

It's just a woman's intuition, and Nan Zuo Yunzi believes in his own intuition!


The next day, early in the morning...

Gao Feng is eating breakfast in the living room.

The voices of the nanny and Minglou came from outside the door, and then Minglou's figure appeared at the door.

"Mr. Takahashi..."

After Minglou came in, he saw Gao Feng sitting at the table eating breakfast, and greeted him with a smile.

"Huh? Have you eaten? Come and eat some."

Gao Feng pointed to the food on the table and said.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Takahashi."

Ming Lou smiled and walked to a seat, then picked up a bun and started eating.

"What's going on here?"

Gao Feng next to him asked while eating steamed buns.


Minglou glanced at the nanny not far away.

"It's okay. Let's talk."

"Okay, Uncle Li contacted me yesterday, and he said, Minister, you seem to know about a missing comrade from the Red Party?"

Minglou asked in a low voice.

"Well, I know one, but I don't know if it's a lost comrade from the Red Party."

Gao Feng nodded and admitted directly.

"Then who is this comrade?"

Minglou asked.

Hearing Minglou's question, Gao Feng couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Minglou, are you talking to me now as a military commander or as a Red Party?"


Minglou opened his mouth.

Seeing that Minglou didn't speak, Gao Feng continued with a smile, "Don't be stunned, come and continue to eat."

"Yes, Minister."

Minglou lowered his head and put the buns in his mouth into his mouth and started to eat.

Next, Minglou no longer asked about the Wasp, and the two communicated about the current situation in Shanghai.

"Because of the heavy casualties, No. 76 now manages Shanghai's underground intelligence. The head of No. 76's Intelligence Section is Feng Manna, and the deputy team leader has become Wang Manchun. Liang Zhongchun, the head of the Action Section on the puppet government side, is assisting No. 76. Manage Shanghai."

"According to the team members we placed on No. 76, we learned that although No. 76 has been vigorously searched in Shanghai, no useful clues have been found, so our brothers are still safe at present."

"Fujita Yoshimasa is also in touch. First, the special high school must be reorganized, but I expect it will take at least a month."

The discussion continued until noon.. Minglou finally left Gao Feng's villa.

After Minglou left, Gao Feng also went directly to Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters by car.

When the car was halfway through, Xiaohubei, who was driving in front, suddenly slowed down and pointed to a direction outside and said, "Mr. Takahashi, that is the woman we hit yesterday."

Hearing Xiaohubei's words, Gao Feng looked in that direction, and then saw a woman in a white dress, with a dome hat on her head, walking a little strangely.

Seeing the way the woman was walking, and the fact that he happened to pass by, Gao Feng really thought that the woman was waiting for him on purpose and pretending to show it to himself.


Gao Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay. Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohu nodded and then slowly stopped the car.

After the car came to a complete stop, Gao Feng got out of the car and walked directly towards the woman.

That woman was none other than Nan Zuo Yunzi, who was sent to Shanghai by Tu Fei. When she saw Gao Feng get out of the car and come over, her expression was obviously stunned!

She really didn't want to have a chance encounter, but it was really a coincidence or the other party came to her on purpose!

As for the reason why she walked a little strangely, it was because her waist was hit by a car yesterday, of course it was hit on purpose.

"Hello, miss, see you again..."

Walking in front of Nanzao Yunzi, Gao Feng said with a smile.

"You... hello."

Nan Zuo Yunzi took a step back nervously, then frowned slightly and lowered his head, afraid to look at Gao Feng.

"Did you go to the hospital yesterday for your injury?"

Gao Feng pointed at Nan Zuo Yunzi's waist and asked.

"Look.. I've read it, thank you sir, I have to leave beforehand."

Nan Zuo Yunzi said in a low voice and turned to leave.

As a Japanese ace agent with rich experience, Nanzao Yunzi knew that he had successfully attracted the attention of Takahashi Masao. No matter whether the other party came to look for him on purpose or just happened to pass by, he just got out of the car and asked his own The injury means that he succeeded.

Now that it has been successful, Nanzao Yunzi believes that it is not necessary to develop too fast, men like the feeling of conquest, and being conquered so quickly will make Takahashi Masao feel dull!

Looking at Nan Zuo Yunzi walking directly into the distance, Gao Feng stood there thinking.

At this moment, he was a little suspicious of whether this woman did it on purpose yesterday.

It's so similar after all!

Your own eagle eye will not deceive people, the other party definitely has an identity!

But it still needs Gao Feng to determine whether it is close to himself!

Going to the driver's seat, Gao Feng said to Xiao Hubei, "Go follow this woman and make sure where she lives. I'll just drive the car."

"Ah, Mr. Takahashi, can you drive?"

Xiaohubei asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, old driver, come down quickly."


Xiao Hubei obediently got out of the car, and then chased in the direction the woman left.

Gao Feng also got into the car on the spot, and then drove the car towards the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

After half an hour...

The car arrived at the headquarters of Fenghe Chamber of Commerce and came to the door of Zhuang Xiaoman's office. Gao Feng pushed the door and walked in, and then saw Zhuang Xiaoman sitting at the desk with a gloomy face and looking at the documents in his hand.

After hearing the movement, Zhuang Xiaoman raised her head and saw that it was Gao Feng who came in. The gloomy expression on her face dissipated a little and she said with a smile: "Why are you here today? Do you have a mission?".

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