The next day, Gao Feng still got up early, while Junko Muto got up later than before.

After breakfast, Gao Feng left the villa.

"Go to special high school."

After getting in the car, Gao Feng said to Xiao Hubei.

"Well, okay, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohu nodded and started the car and left the villa.

Half an hour later, Gao Feng arrived at the door of the extra-high class.

As soon as Gao Feng got out of the car, he saw Wang Manchun, Feng Manna, and a man with a beard and a cane get out of the car in two cars not far away.

The three of them also saw Gao Feng who got out of the car sucking. They were stunned for a moment, and then walked towards Gao Feng.

"Mr. Takahashi."

"Mr. Takahashi, good morning."

"My lord, Liang Zhongchun, the director of the Puppet Action Division, has seen Mr. Takahashi..."

Listening to the three people's greetings, Gao Feng nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Well, you are also working in the special high school?"

"Ah.. No, no, we came to Nantian Section Chief to report our work."

Before the other two spoke, Liang Zhongchun hurriedly replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be looking for Head Nantian. It just so happens that I want to take care of Head Nantian, so let's go in together."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Takahashi, please first..."

Liang Zhongchun said hurriedly.

Gao Feng smiled and nodded and headed inside first.

Soon the three arrived at Yoko Nantian's office, Liang Zhongchun knocked on the door first, and when the sound came from inside, Liang Zhongchun hurriedly opened it to let Gao Feng advance.

In the office, Nantian Yoko was sitting at the desk at the moment. When she saw Gao Feng coming in, she was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a smile, before she could speak, Liang Zhongchun, Wang Manchun and Feng Manna were three also walked in.

"Hehe, Mr. Takahashi, why are you here, please take a seat.."

Yoko Nantian ignored Liang Zhongchun and the three of them and greeted Gao Feng directly and politely.

"Senior Nantian is too polite. I, Masao Takahashi, are just a businessman. In front of Section Chief Nantian, I'm just a little guy who wants to investigate. It's better for me to stand." "

Gao Feng said with a sneer on his face.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Yoko Nantian was stunned for a moment, and then he knew in his heart that Masao Muto told Gao Feng.

Nantian Yoko winked at Wang Manchun and the three of them, and when Wang Manchun and the three saw it, they instantly understood and turned around and left the office.

When only Gao Feng and Yoko Nantian were left in the office, Yoko Nantian hurriedly said with a smile, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding... Mr. Takahashi is definitely a misunderstanding, how could I check Mr. Takahashi."

Gao Feng snorted coldly, looked at Yoko Nantian with a gloomy face and said, "Senior Nantian, there is only me and you here. I tell you, I, Masao Takahashi, have never done anything wrong to the empire! Although I am only a businessman, But I'm a direct descendant of the Takahashi family! You know you check me, it's an insult to my Takahashi surname! Do you understand!"

"Sorry, President Takahashi, I am also for the Empire, please understand.."

Having said all that, Nantian Yoko stopped pretending, the smile on his face disappeared, and he said without expression.

"Baga! What are you!"

Gao Feng suddenly showed an angry expression on his face, raised his finger and pointed at Yoko Nantian and cursed.

Hearing Gao Feng's insults, Yoko Nantian also blushed and said with wide eyes, "Mr. Takahashi! Please pay attention to your words, I am an imperial soldier, and you are insulting an imperial soldier now!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped him directly.

The slap hit Nantian Yoko's face, and five clear and red finger prints appeared in an instant!

Nantian Yoko covered her beaten face and looked at Gao Feng in disbelief.

"Hum! Imperial soldier? Tell you! In my eyes, Masao Takahashi, you are just a woman, an imperial woman! Believe it or not, I will send you to Lao De with a direct phone call now to comfort those Lao Des. people?"

Gao Feng's gloomy voice sounded.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Nantian Yoko woke up at the moment.

What is Gao Feng's identity? What is her identity?

She is just a woman. In this era, especially in Japan, the status of women is extremely low. She has finally climbed to this height!

And Gao Feng only needs to make a phone call, she will be sent back to China by any excuse, and then live the life of a native woman, or be sent to Lao De!

Thinking of this, the anger in her heart and the previous impulses completely disappeared, only a deep fear!

"Mr. Takahashi, I'm sorry."

Yoko Nantian bowed ninety degrees and said.

"¨"Oh, I'm sorry? Head Nantian, you are an imperial soldier, how dare I ask you to say sorry!"

Gao Feng said with a cold face.

"I'm sorry, President Takahashi, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

Yoko Nantian continued to speak in a low voice.

"Put away your pitiful face, Yoko Nantian, you have to remember that I clean up you as easily as an ant. No one can stop it, even your superior Fujita Yoshimaa can't save you!"

Gao Feng reached out and patted Yoko Nantian's head with contempt in his eyes!

After he finished speaking, Gao Feng turned around and left the office.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Gao Feng saw Wang Manchun and Liang Zhongchun standing at the door of the office. The three of them looked at him with a little more fear. Obviously, the three of them heard the conversation just now. .

"Haha, Miss Wang Manchun, I said that I invited you to dinner. I wonder if you have time at noon today?"

The coldness on Gao Feng's face disappeared, but he looked at Wang Manchun with a smile on his face and asked.

"Uh, no... I'm sorry, Mr. Takahashi, I have a lot of things to do today."

Wang Manchun said in a low voice.

"Well then, I'm really disappointed and can only wait until next time, oh, by the way, does this lady have time?"

Gao Feng shook his head in disappointment, then looked at Feng Manna and asked.

"I have time today, Mr. Takahashi."

Feng Manna said with a smile on her face.

"That's great, then I'll wait downstairs for Miss Feng Manna."

Gao Feng nodded with a smile and turned to leave.

After Gao Feng left, Wang Manchun looked at each other and entered Yoko Nantian's office.

After entering the office, the three of them saw that half of Yoko Nantian's face was swollen and swollen, and the whole person sat there in despair. .

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