Until the evening.. Zhuang Xiaoman came to Gao Feng again.

After the two briefly said a few words, they went directly to the study.

When they got to the study, Zhuang Xiaoman closed the door and said, "The message was returned from above, and the location of the hidden 100,000 people was found out."

"anything else?"

Gao Feng nodded and asked.

"there is none left."

Zhuang Xiaoman shook his head.

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoman shaking his head, Gao Feng frowned and thought.

He soon understood the meaning of his superiors. After all, there are too many 100,000 people. If you look for them, it is easy to find them, but it is very difficult to rescue them. After all, 100,000 people are rescued, what will you do after they are rescued? He must be detained around Shanghai, otherwise Lao German and the Japanese army would not talk about things in Shanghai!

The Shanghai side was already occupied by the Japanese army, and even if 100,000 people were rescued, they could not take it away! On the contrary, it will anger the Japanese army, resulting in even greater casualties!

After thinking about this, Gao Feng sighed.

at the same time..

Inside the consulate, Masao Muto's office, now Masao Muto and Yoko 29 Nantian are sitting opposite each other.

"Consul Muto, the reason I'm here this time is to investigate the disappearance of your assistant Goro Matsushita. Was there anyone else present when Goro Matsushita reported the matter to you?"

Nantian Yoko asked.

Hearing Yoko Nantian's words, Masao Muto said without thinking: "No one was there at all. At that time, there were only me and Goro Matsushita in the office, and there was absolutely no possibility of a third person present."

"Then Consul Muto, does anyone know that Goro Matsushita knew about this? Please recall it carefully, before or after Goro Matsushita came to your office."

Nantian Yoko asked again.

This time, Masao Muto frowned, and he began to recall carefully. After a while, he said, "When Goro Matsushita came in, Takahashi was talking to me again, but it couldn't be Takahashi."

"President Takahashi?"

Nantian Yoko asked with a frown.

"Well, yes, Head Nantian, you wouldn't suspect it was Takahashi, would you?"

Masao Muto nodded, then frowned and asked Nantian Yoko.

Hearing Muto Masao's words, Yoko Nantian hurriedly smiled and waved his hand: "Hehe, Consul Muto, what kind of person is President Takahashi, even if I doubt anyone, I won't doubt President Takahashi."

"Well, that's good, well, since there's nothing else to do, please leave the head of Nantian first. I still have some things to deal with here."

Masao Muto nodded with a sullen face and saw off the guest directly.

Although Yoko Nantian said so, Masao Muto didn't believe her words.

"Okay, that bothers Consul Muto."

A far-fetched smile appeared on Yoko Nantian's face, then turned around and left the office directly.

After Yoko Nantian left, Masao Muto went directly to the desk, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Junko? Where's Takahashi?"

When the call was connected, Brother Muto Masao asked with a smile.

Junko's coquettish voice came from the other end of the phone: "Dad, you're just looking for Takahashi-kun, not Junko."

"Hehe, I'm mainly looking for Junko, that bad boy Takahashi is just an incidental."

Masao Muto said with a smile.

"Hee hee, Takahashi-kun is changing clothes upstairs. We were just about to visit you."

"Well, okay, then come here."

Muto Masao finished and hung up the phone.

An hour later, in Muto Masao's office, Gao Feng and Muto Junko were sitting together, while opposite Muto Masao was sitting alone.

"I'm really sorry, because there were too many guests yesterday, so I couldn't come to visit my father yesterday."

Gao Feng lowered his head and said apologetically.

"Yeah, a lot of people came yesterday."

Junko Muto also nodded and said.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, we are a family and we don't need to be so polite. After all, your chamber of commerce is so big now, we must have a good relationship."

Masao Muto smiled and waved his hand.


Gao Feng nodded hurriedly.

"Well, but sometimes no matter how big the business is, you have to remember the family. The one I'm sorry for in my life is Junko's mother... ah."

Having said that, Masao Muto sighed.


Junko Muto, who was on the opposite side, hurriedly walked to Masao Muto's side and shouted.

"It's okay.. Father, I hope you can be happy in this life. After you have children, we will resign from the job of consul to help you take care of your children and enjoy the joys of heaven and man."

Masao Muto continued to sigh.

On the other hand, Junko Muto was completely blushing.

She glared at Masao Muto full of shame, and then trotted out of the office amid Masao Muto's laugh.

After Junko Muto left the office, Masao Muto looked at Gao Feng and said, "Remember what I said just now, have a child with Junko as soon as possible, this is a request from someone who wants to be a grandfather."

"Hey! I see."

Gao Feng lowered his head and said hurriedly.

"Well, one more thing, I had an assistant named Goro Matsushita before. He disappeared. Because he knew some special things, the disappearance case was taken over by the special high class, and Yoko Nantian, who was in charge of the special high class, suspected you. "Did you do this?"

Masao Muto hummed and asked.

After asking this sentence, Masao Muto kept looking at the expression on Gao Feng's face.

On the other hand, when Gao Feng heard that Yoko Nantian doubted himself, his face was subconsciously dazed and puzzled.

"Father...why do you suspect me about this? I don't even know about the disappearance of Goro Matsushita."

Then Gao Feng hurriedly explained.

Listening to Gao Feng's explanation, Masao Muto reached out and interrupted: "Since it's not you, you don't need to know about it, but Yoko Nantian is very scheming. Do you need to pay attention to understand?"

"Hey, I got to know my father."

Gao Feng nodded hurriedly.

Ten minutes later, Gao Feng left Masao Muto's office.

Walking out of the consulate, Gao Feng saw Junko Muto standing there, dumbfounded.

"Junzi, what's wrong? What are you thinking?"

Gao Feng walked over and asked with a smile.

"Ah.. no.. I didn't.."

Junko Muto woke up and hurriedly shook his head and said.

"Okay, so now do you want to hang out or go home?"

Gao Feng asked.

"Takahashi-kun, let's go home."

"it is good."

Gao Feng nodded, then pulled Junko Muto into the car.

It's night time soon..

This night, Junko Muto worked extremely hard. .

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