the other side..

The orphanage of Junko Muto, the children in the orphanage are sitting together at this time.

At the front, Junko Muto smiled and said, "There will be a doctor and sister nurse to check everyone's health later. Don't be afraid. If anyone doesn't cry, I will reward them with a piece of candy."

After speaking, Junko Muto took out a small cloth bag from behind, and she opened the cloth bag to reveal the rock candy inside.

Seeing those rock candies, the children sitting below made their eyes lit up and almost drooled.

Seeing the children's appearance, Junko Muto smiled and put the candy away and said, "Only children who don't cry after the examination will have candy."

"Got it, Aunt Junko!"

The children shouted in unison.

At this time, a staff member of an orphanage not far away came over.

"Miss Junko, the doctors and nurses I contacted have arrived."

"At the door? I'll go right over."

After Junko finished speaking, she said something to the children below and left the courtyard.

Soon she came to the door of the orphanage, and saw two doctors in white coats, a man and a woman, standing there with medicine boxes in their hands.

Junko Muto hurriedly walked over, bowed his head and said, "I'm so sorry, I asked you to come over in person. The children in the orphanage are too young and there are too many to go to the hospital. I'm really sorry."

Looking at Junko Muto's actions and words, the male doctor smiled and waved his hand to say it was okay, while the female nurse beside her frowned slightly.

"You are japanese?"

the nurse asked.

"Hey, yes, the kids are already waiting, let's go in now."

Junko Muto just smiled and nodded to the nurse's question.

I don't know how many people have asked this question since she established the orphanage, and she's used to it.


The doctor nodded and the three entered the orphanage.

In the next time, I will check the children's bodies. Because these children are only about two or three years old, they are very young and have little courage. Therefore, some children were so frightened that they cried when they checked their bodies.

A child crying creates a chain reaction, so many children cry too.

Looking at the crying children, Junko Muto took out rock candy and started coaxing.

All of her actions were watched by the nurse. At this moment, the nurse had an inexplicable look in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

after an hour..

All children's bodies were checked.

"There is nothing wrong with the children, everything is normal."

The nurse walked up to Junko Muto and said.

"That's great, thank you, thank you so much, oh yes, it's your reward."

Junko Muto said hurriedly took out a hundred dollars and handed it to the nurse.

The nurse was stunned when she saw one hundred dollars, and then reached out to take it.

"It's nothing, we'll leave first."

The nurse turned around and left.

"Please wait."

At this time, Junko Muto thought of something and said hurriedly.

"What's the matter, is there anything else?"

The nurse asked suspiciously.

"That's right, I still have several orphanages under construction, and I may have to trouble you for a while. Because I am Japanese, it is difficult to find a doctor, and Japanese doctors and children are very resistant. The only two doctors who promised to come and help check the child's body are you two, so please, please agree."

Junko Muto hurriedly bowed after speaking.

Hearing Muto Junko's words, the nurse was slightly stunned, then she looked at Muto Junko in surprise and asked, "How many orphanages do you have?"

"Well, yes, but it's under construction. It'll be ready in about a week."

Junko Muto nodded and said.

"Well, just find us directly when you need it."

"Okay, by the way, what's your name, Miss Nurse? It's more convenient when I find you."

Junko Muto asked.

"Oh, my name is Cheng Jinyun."

"Cheng Jinyun, okay, I remember it."

"Well, then we'll go first."

After speaking, the nurse turned and left.

After the nurse left, Junko Muto packed up her things, then found the staff of the orphanage and left the orphanage after explaining a few words.


At night, Uncle Li hid in Dianminglou and told Uncle Li about his meeting with 'Gao Feng'.

"It's almost certain now that the officer Cheng Jinyun met before was not Gao Feng."

Finally, Minglou concluded.

"Well, I also reported the matter of Gao Feng to the above. The above ordered us to continue the verification. After confirming that the identity of the mysterious person is Gao Feng, they will send someone to come in contact with him."

Uncle Li nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll go first if I have nothing to do."

After Minglou said, he stood up and left.

But Cheng Jinyun, who had not spoken at this time, suddenly said, "Wait a minute, team leader, Uncle Li, I have something very strange here, and I can't tell if there is any problem."

Hearing Cheng Jinyun's words, Minglou stopped. He looked at Cheng Jinyun suspiciously and asked, "Comrade Cheng Jinyun, what's the matter?"

"There is an orphanage that is driven by a Japanese woman's car..,"

Cheng Jinyun recounted what happened today.

After finishing speaking, Cheng Jinyun said again: "In the end, the Japanese woman said that she also established several orphanages. I think what is the purpose of her establishment of orphanages? Is there really such a kind and simple person who just wants to adopt children and take care of them? Does she have any other purpose?"

Hearing Cheng Jinyun's remarks, Uncle Li and Minglou both began to think.

For a moment, Uncle Li said, "We really should investigate this matter. Although the Japanese army does have good people, if the Japanese woman just adopted the child, it would be fine, but if there is something in it, then those children are very good. Dangerous."

"I think there should be no problem here. The Japanese woman is just helping the child. If she really has no purpose, then she will not look for Comrade Cheng Jinyun."

"One more thing, when she paid the money, she took out a hundred dollars at once, and also established several orphanages. The orphanage is a charitable organization, without any profit, it can be said to lose money, which shows that there is no shortage of this woman. money, so she can use money to force other doctors to come over.”.

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