"Then our identities have not been exposed?"

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned suddenly and asked.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem. By the way, Minglou will contact us during this time."

"Well, okay, I see."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded, then walked to the telegraph and sat down again.

After a while, Zhuang Xiaoman received a tentative telegram from Minglou.

"There is news from Minglou."

Zhuang Xiaoman said to Gao Feng.

"Well, get in touch with him and ask what's the matter."

Gao Feng said with a hum.

"it is good."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded, then put his hands on the telegraph and started sending.

Da da da..

There is no regularity to the sound of the telegraph.

five minutes later..

"Minglou hopes to meet with us."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Agree to meet!"

"Yes, ah.. what?"

Zhuang Xiaoman looked at Gao Feng in surprise.

"Agree to meet. If you refuse, Minglou will think it's strange and may be more suspicious."

Gao Feng said.

"Isn't it exposed after meeting?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked with some doubts.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng gave Zhuang Xiaoman a weird look, and then said, "Do I have to go to meet him?"


Zhuang Xiaoman was taken aback.


On the other side, Minglou's face showed excitement after seeing the content of the meeting.

"Quick, ask the other party the time and place..."

Minglou hurriedly said to Mingcheng.


Mingcheng nodded.

Soon the opposite side sent the time and place to meet.

The location is in a western restaurant in the French Concession, and the time is 12 noon two days later.

Seeing the time and place, Minglou's face showed a touch of joy.

We finally meet!


Two days later, the meeting place was called the entrance of Frank West Restaurant, and Ming Lou arrived here alone.

After stepping into the western restaurant, Minglou went directly to the second floor, and then walked to the door of a box.

Knocking on the door, a man's low voice came from inside.

"Come in.々"."

After hearing the sound, Minglou took a deep breath, suppressed the nervousness in his heart, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the box, Minglou saw a long-faced man sitting at the table and looking at him.

The man is the same as what Mingcheng described before, with triangular eyes and no eyebrows.

"Sit down."

Just as Minglou was looking at it, the opposite 'Gao Feng' said.


Ming Lou nodded and hurriedly sat down.

After sitting down, 'Gao Feng' said, "You said in the telegram that you asked to meet, what is there to report?"

"Sir, this time I'm here..."

Minglou began to speak.


On the other side, in the Japanese consulate, the real Gao Feng and Muto Masao are sitting together drinking tea.

"Takahashi-kun, you and Junko have been married for almost a year."

Masao Muto sipped his tea and asked.

"Yes, father, it's only a month and a year."

Gao Feng nodded and said.

"Well, it's going to be a year, Takahashi-kun, do you and Junko have anything to hide?"

Masao Muto sighed and then asked.

Hearing Muto Masao's words, Gao Feng was stunned for a moment, and looked at Muto Masao in confusion: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Hehe, it's time for me to hold a grandson, do you understand what I mean?"

Masao Muto smiled and said directly.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Gao Feng's face, and he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Hey!"

"Well, your current chamber of commerce has a very large scale, and money will never be made. Family is the most important thing."


Gao Feng nodded hurriedly.

"And... recently..."

dong dong..

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the voice interrupted what Masao Muto was about to say.

Masao Muto frowned and said, "Come in."

Then the door of the office was opened, and a Japanese officer hurried in. After he came in, he saw that Gao Feng was also in the office. ."

Hearing the words of the Japanese officer, Masao Muto frowned again, and he said to Gao Feng, "Hehe, Takahashi-kun, go back first, remember what I said to you just now."


Gao Feng nodded and hurriedly stood up and left the office.

After leaving the office, Gao Feng frowned slightly. He also heard what the Japanese officer just said!

Emergency information?

What kind of emergency information made Muto Masao so cautious, even avoiding himself?

I was puzzled, but because it was the daytime, Gao Feng couldn't do anything, so he had to find another way to get the emergency information.

After leaving the consulate, Gao Feng drove directly back to the villa.

Not long after arriving at the villa, Zhuang Xiaoman came in from the door.

"¨"Yangguai has returned."

Walking across to Gao Feng and sitting down, Zhuang Xiaoman whispered.

"Well, how's it going? What did Minglou say?"

Gao Feng hummed and asked.

"It's all useless nonsense, but it's mostly tentative."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng nodded again. He thought of what happened at the consulate and said, "Wait, you will arrange for me to collect all the information and photos of the cronies around Muto Masao."

"Masao Muto? Are you going to attack your father-in-law (of money)?"

Zhuang Xiaoman raised his brows and asked.

Gao Feng couldn't help but glared at Zhuang Xiaoman at the corner of his mouth, and then said what happened at the consulate today.

"Masao Muto can't make a move for the time being. If we want to get this information, we can only learn it from the confidant of Masao Muto."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Zhuang Xiaoman also understood the importance of the matter, she nodded and turned and left the villa.

After Zhuang Xiaoman left the villa, Gao Feng sat on the sofa and suddenly thought of what Masao Muto told him when he was in the consulate.

One year. Yuan.

Junko has not responded..

There is indeed a problem between the two, and the problem lies with Gao Feng!


The problem here is not a physical problem, and Gao Feng deliberately made Junko unresponsive. As for what method to use, there are actually too many methods. .

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