Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 550 Su Han: The evil god of the day after tomorrow and the ruler of the old days are the sam

There's only one last question left, Su Han exhaled softly and looked directly into Nayako's eyes, Why did you suddenly appear in front of me?

If the goal of the Three Pillar Gods was to let Su Han grow up from the beginning. Then it is reasonable to wait until Su Han grows to the level of an ordinary Old Dominator... or even close to the Three Pillar Gods. Nayako will come here to show off his cards.

Now, although Su Han is not weak, the best he can do is fight a decisive battle with the incarnation of an ordinary old ruler... The gap between him and the original ruler of the old is so big that it cannot be described in words...

We were initially prepared to wait for you to grow up slowly, but! I didn't expect that Yug suddenly said that the mist space has evolved an assimilation function... that is, the strength of those who join the council will automatically be superimposed on yours. On my body. Nayako stuck out her tongue.

Su Han's eyelids twitched several times, Wait a minute, what do you mean?

Well, Nayako nodded seriously, The strength of my incarnation is probably...well, according to the standards of the main world you are in, it is the pinnacle of the Nine Palaces realm! It is only one step away from reaching it. Entering the indescribable realm of the ten directions. Oh, by the way... the ordinary rulers of the old days, by level, can all be considered to be in the realm of the ten directions.

Su Han took a breath. He understood the implication of Nayako's words. When he uses the mist space to assimilate Nayako's power, he should be able to become the pinnacle of the Nine Palaces... This is a real step to the sky. .

No, Yuge didn't know that this ability would evolve in the foggy space at the beginning? Su Han suddenly reacted.

Of course he doesn't know that Yug is a weapon maker! He knows the foggy space of the hammer. Nayako pouted, and after thinking about it, he continued to explain, Of course, the main reason is because Azathoth That part of the body has infinite possibilities and chaos...

Yuge managed to assemble the foggy space by relying on his power of omniscience and all-seeing. He even had no ability to affect the foggy space. After all, if he could control it, why would he have to cut so many Azathoth? Reincarnation. The only one who can control the foggy space is you...

However, as a creator, He still has some conveniences. Coupled with his ability of omniscience and all-seeing, there is still no problem in detecting the increase in the foggy space.

So, why didn't your body or Yug's body come in? Su Han looked a little strange.

I can't get in! Theoretically, the foggy space needs to evolve slowly... Nayako smiled bitterly, If the foggy space hadn't evolved once before, I think it would be very difficult to get in due to a bug...

After all, there are two key points in joining the Mist Space... On the one hand, it requires my ability. Within the limitations of the Mist Space, the current Mist Space can only carry the peak of the Nine Palaces realm... On the other hand, it requires me to meet your requirements. Only the subconscious mind can accept the invitation.”

Well, white hair, loli figure, delicate face... these are all in line with your hobbies. I finally created such an incarnation!

Su Han: !!!

Damn it, how can you accuse someone of innocence? !

But it's not a big problem! Nayako's eyes sparkled, You wait until you completely assimilate my power and have the peak power of the Nine Palaces. Then you can fight an incarnation of the old ruler of the ten directions realm, or the evil god of the day after tomorrow. ’s...swallow Him! You will be able to set foot in the realms of the ten directions naturally.

With the power of the Shifang realm, coupled with the fact that the mist space is originally part of Azathoth's body... you can definitely use this to inherit the full handle of Azathoth, the Lord of the Old Era.

At that time, with just one thought, you were able to explode all the rats hiding in the Sea of ​​Nothingness that blasphemed the divinity of blindness and ignorance... and then, destroy all the divinity of Azathoth on their bodies. They all gather around you!

The corner of Nayako's mouth curled up, Finish all this! No matter what plan the mastermind behind the plot used to plot against Azathoth in some unknown way, they can all be destroyed!

...Why aren't you worried that that guy might be a strong man on the same level as Azathoth? Su Han stared at Nayako speechlessly.

That is a strong man who can plot against Azathoth...

If there really is such a mastermind behind the scenes, then no matter how overestimating it is, it is not an exaggeration.

Because this is impossible! The Lord of the Era represents the pinnacle... As for the death of Azathoth, wow, there are many possibilities! After all, that guy has no wisdom. Strictly speaking, if I, or Yug, does something bad Mind, it is still possible to let it fall.

Of course, even if it doesn't work once! Just try it a few more times... Anyway, that guy has no so-called wisdom and doesn't hold grudges at all. We can try it countless times, but as long as it succeeds once... Azathoth will die.

Nayako clenched her fists, a haze appeared in her eyes, and finally she continued to smile, But it's not a big problem! That guy can only succeed once...

When you take that step... you have enough wisdom. As long as you have wisdom and control the power of the Lord of the Era, there is absolutely no possibility of death.

Yes, I say it with absolute certainty! Absolutely. The Void Sea is still in the old era... If someone can really challenge you in this era, then the status of the so-called Lord of the Era is too worthless. Some.

I understand! Su Han said softly after being silent for a moment, Let me sort out my thoughts.

As soon as Su Han thought, Nayako disappeared from the void in front of him.

After a brief silence, Su Han walked forward slowly. He looked at the World Trees next to him and recalled the scenes of him fighting evil creatures in many worlds...

Finally, Su Han stopped in front of the World Tree in Busujima Yazi's world. He gently stroked the bark of the World Tree and was silent for a long time.

Su Han suddenly thought of the world of Academy Apocalypse...

A scene in which the world as a whole fell due to a passing encounter by the Old Ones...

Nayako, Naiyako...perhaps in your eyes! The evil god of the day after tomorrow is so evil that he should all die.

But in my eyes, the innate rulers of the old days are not innocent either.

Su Han took a long breath. From the perspective of the world... there is no difference between the old rulers and the acquired evil gods.

They all symbolize the destruction of the world.

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