Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 549 The new master of the Old Ones! The only heir to the authority of Azathoth

Is that so? Su Han nodded with a subtle expression, and then asked, Continue talking! Didn't I say before that there was something fishy about Azathoth's death... Moreover, I didn't say anything about the relationship between me and the Old Ones. contact.

Well, Nayako nodded slightly, she organized her words, The reason why Azathoth's death is strange is that after his death, no race was born to dominate the next era...

The two seem to have no connection, but in fact the connection is very deep... This judgment was made by Yug. That guy claims to be omniscient and omniscient, and the credibility of his judgment is still very high.

And after our exploration, we have basically determined that... Azathoth's death is most likely related to the many acquired evil gods that have devoured Azathoth's divinity.

...Wait a minute, why does this involve the Evil God Hou Tian? Su Han was completely confused. The Evil God Acquired is the main opponent currently faced by the Mist Council.

But strictly speaking, the power of the acquired evil god is far behind that of the innate evil god. The Evil God Acquired cannot even compare to the Old Ones, let alone the master among the Old Ones... Azathoth.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the evil god to threaten Azathoth.

There is no way! Based on the analysis, whoever benefits the most is the one who did it. When Azathoth dies, the only ones who benefit are these rats who usurp the blind and foolish divinity.

Su Han: ???

Your inference is too arbitrary and irresponsible, right? !

Raising an eyebrow, Nayako continued to speak, Of course, I understand your doubts. The strength of these rats is indeed a problem now. However, it is an indisputable fact that these rats have gained the most benefits!

So taken together... the real purpose of the mastermind behind this is probably to make these mice really grow up.

When all the blind and foolish divinities are devoured by the rats in all worlds and they grow to their peak, it is possible that the mastermind behind the scenes will emerge.

A flash of coldness flashed in Naiyako's eyes, But by that time, His purpose must have been achieved! That guy is in the dark now, and we are in the open... We don't know all his information! So we can do To destroy all the plans He wants to accomplish.

Is this the fundamental reason for the emergence of the Mist Parliament? Are we here to hunt down the mastermind? Su Han showed a look of surprise. He thought of what Nayako said before about the mist space being created by Yug.

Su Han was not surprised why the old ruler didn't take action.

After all, the Old Ones were extremely divided, and probably only a few smart people, such as the Three Pillar Gods, were aware of this matter. But obviously, they don't have the appeal of Azathoth. Even if they know it, they can't get the entire group of old rulers to join forces.

That's part of the reason! After all, the Evil God Hou Tian was born and separated from each world... Then we might as well give other people in those worlds the possibility of escaping from the world. Let these other people check and balance the Evil God Hou Tian, ​​and it will be much easier for us.

...Then who am I? Su Han frowned.

Well, I told you before! Part of the foundation of the mist space is the corpse of Azathoth... Nayako said with a smile.

...You mean, I am the reincarnation of another part of Azathoth's body? Su Han said tentatively.

The guess is very reasonable, Nayako smiled as always, Unfortunately, zero points.

Do you have any misunderstandings about the strength of the God of Blindness and Stupidity? If you are really the reincarnation of a part of Azathoth's corpse, your essence will surpass us three pillar gods as soon as you are born!

Nayako curled his lips and continued, Even if you are a newborn, your strength will definitely reach the level of an ordinary old ruler... As time accumulates, you will naturally have the power of the three pillar gods... even in After a long time, it is normal to surpass the Three Pillars of God.

... Su Han said that he was speechless.

I, Yug, the Black Goat guy, cut the remaining part of Azathoth's body into a billion parts, and then threw them into different worlds... allowing them to reincarnate independently.

If these reincarnations have a high enough affinity with Azathoth, they should be able to naturally resonate with the final weapon created by Yug, the foggy space.

Su Han's eyelids twitched several times, So, I am the one who stands out among the billions?

Probably so, Nayako said with a bitter smile, Even if these billions of reincarnations of Azathoth are truly born and have their own consciousness! They won't live long... Generally speaking, they are born in the fifteenth year of life. The one who died at this age and lived the longest was no more than twenty years old. Moreover, none of them can resonate with the foggy space.

I, Yug, are almost in despair! That Black Goat guy doesn't matter... He himself is not interested in the conspiracy of the sacrifice of Lord Azathoth in the old era. Nayako pursed his lips.

She stared at Su Han, with excitement and touch in her eyes, But, at this time, you appeared.

Sixteen years old. The ordinary reincarnation of Azathoth is dead at this time... You are still alive! And you have successfully resonated with the mist space. At that moment, Yug and I knew that we had made the right bet. .”

Su Han took a breath of cold air. Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he felt like everything was connected.

He knew very well that he was reborn and traveled back through time... and before he was reborn and traveled back through time, the other Su Han was undoubtedly dead...

In other words, the original Su Han actually failed...

Su Han always thought that the mist space was the golden finger that he brought through time travel, but now he understood that it was not... the mist space was the death of the original Su Han, and Su Han traveled through it, which caused Su Han to come back to life. Born... a miracle.

Do you understand? Nayako said word by word, You are not Azathoth, you are the miracle of our old rulers! You are the only possibility to break the conspiracy of the old era.

In fact, you are the only one who is likely to grow into the new Lord of the Old Ones in the future! The one who will inherit the authority of Azathoth and rule the entire group of Old Ones.

...I understand. Su Han nodded slightly.

Although Su Han did not fully believe Nayako's words, the omniscient and omnipotent power of the foggy space told him that Nayako did not lie, and his divination power did not detect the conspiracy behind Nayako...

In addition, the information Nayako said can be matched with the information in his hand... Taken together, the credibility is very high. Basically, there is a 70% to 80% certainty.

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