Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 464 Gathering the Stars of Game Life Plot

Rick paused for a moment. After careful consideration, he made up his mind and leaned forward again, Then, I'm begging you.

Su Han didn't reply. He tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest. The foggy space shook slightly, but this time it was not the long river of destiny that appeared, but an endless true illusion.

At the beginning, in a peaceful world, two children of different races were playing chess. After the little boy won, he opened his mouth to tell a story without leaving any records.

Rick's pupils suddenly shrank, he looked dazed, and opened his mouth, but in the end he swallowed dryly.

Is there such a calm and peaceful world on the mainland? Besides, those two children are human, right?

As the plot continues, Rick soon understands that the boy is telling a story six thousand years ago...

At this moment, it was like a hammer crashing on his head, completely confusing Rick's thoughts.

Soon, the plot got on track.

This is a continent that has been at war all year round. There are countless powerful races, and under the control of the gods behind each other, they have started wars. The elves died and even turned into black ash with extremely powerful destructive power... Human beings struggled to survive in such a situation.

Rick soon appeared. First, he met the mecha type when he was a child. Then time passed quickly and quickly entered the scene when he grew up and led two of his men to go out for reconnaissance, but they encountered a strong man from a hostile race.

In order to continue, Rick had no choice but to order his men to die, all for the sake of continuation for more people.

...this kind of thing. Whitebeard's expression was deep. He gradually understood the background of this world, and his mood became heavy at this moment.

Although there are fishmen and giants in the world of One Piece, these races all recognize their human identity...

In this case, I suddenly saw another world. Other races similar to humans are not humans... and in that world, humans are just the humblest ants, and even if they are exposed, they will suffer disaster...

Even though Whitebeard has been through a lot, he still can't be calm at this moment.

Bastard thing. Jiu Jianxian stared at the screen closely and almost squeezed out these words through his teeth. His expression was extremely gloomy.

To him, those non-human races are monsters and monsters! Human beings are actually forced into this situation by demons and monsters? What a humiliation.

In fact, other human beings such as Conan and Uchiha Madara also have very ugly faces.

The illusion of reality is implemented bit by bit. After Rick in the picture returned to the gathering place, he asked himself repeatedly. What is the meaning of human life? Kill nine hundred and ninety-nine people for one thousand and one people, until the last person is sacrificed...

Everything is meaningless, human beings are just hanging on in this situation.

Confused, desperate...but depressed. This is a true portrayal of the human condition in this era!

And after going out again, Rick met the mecha species that was of great significance to him... Hubie.

As the plot gradually progressed, Jiu Jianxian, who was still grumbling from time to time at the beginning, gradually calmed down and was completely attracted to his attention.

Aizen stared deeply at the real illusions around him, and tried his best to collect the information revealed in these real illusions.

Hubie's journey to pursue the heart, the secret marrow of the goblin species exploded, and even Rick truly understood and established the purpose of this war, and he founded the Ghost Organization. And he tried his best to use strategies to push the war to the end little by little...

The illusions kept flowing, and they were wonderful to the extreme. Even at the climax, members of the parliament held their breath subconsciously.

In the end, the armored species put everything on the line and challenged the strongest god of war, Artosh. And Rick, who won the bet, finally let the Star Cup appear before his eyes...

However, he couldn't hold it up.

He was bruised and bruised, almost dead.

Next, comes the appearance of Tetu, the God of Games. The god named Tetu held the Star Cup and rewrote the new rules of the game, thus ushering in a new era.

And the god of games was the little boy who told the story to the little girl six thousand years later.

The real illusion slowly dissipated, and the Mist Palace fell into deathly silence for a while.

All the members of the council looked at each other, they looked at each other, their mood at this moment was difficult to describe in words.

Uchiha Madara's lips twitched, but before he could say anything, there was another loud bang, and the river of destiny emerged.

What's going on?! Sawada Tsunayoshi's expression suddenly changed drastically. Whitebeard looked calm on the surface, but he also subconsciously clenched the armrest.

This time, The River of Destiny unfolds the story of Sora and Shiro six thousand years later.

Endless images are flowing. The previously extinguished real illusions turned into dots of light and merged into the long river of destiny. In the end, the plot stars suddenly condensed above Rick's head.

...A true illusion, coming together with the river of destiny? Conan stared at the plot stars above Rick's head with a strange expression. After a moment of silence, he looked in Su Han's direction again, until he felt a stinging pain in his mind that was unbearable, and then he looked away, thoughtfully.

I understand. Aizen suddenly spoke, with an inexplicable luster in his eyes, There should be two, or two pairs of destined protagonists, in Mr. Rick's world...

One pair is Rick Hubi, and the other pair is blank... There are six thousand years between them.

The Speaker of Parliament may have used this method based on some special considerations to show us such a future...

Suddenly thinking of something, Aizen paused for a moment and said meaningfully, Speaking of which, Blank and Rick Shubi are very similar in appearance! In addition, there is a gap of six thousand years... Could they be soul reincarnations or something? Where’s the connection?”

Su Han's brows twitched and he muttered in his heart. Although the appearance of both parties is indeed almost exactly the same, it seems that Blank is not the reincarnation of Rick Shubi...

Of course, he had such thoughts in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud. Let the members of the parliament speculate.

There is a great possibility. Kuchiki Rukia nodded. She and Aizen were the Gods of Death, so they did not think that death of human beings in this world was the end.

After thinking about it, she added solemnly, Speaking of which, this world is too strange. I never thought that such a world would appear... Obviously in many previous worlds, even if humans were at a disadvantage, they were still at a disadvantage. It will definitely not fall into dust like this.”

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