Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 463 Gathering the stars of the plot of the fox demon’s little matchmaker

After thinking for a moment, Tu Shan Honghong took out two cards: Claw of Insulation and Demon King's Demon Power. She felt that she had not lost her demon power and insulating claws, so she immediately made a decision and handed the two cards in Su Han's direction.

She said seriously, Then, Your Excellency, President of the Parliament... I will use my insulating claws and all my demon power to trade my future with you.

Although she did not fully believe Illya's words, and still had doubts about whether the foggy space was related to the outside world... But she at least confirmed that the condensed card would not be harmful to her.

In this case, then you might as well follow what Illya said before.

After all, if the parliament president in front of her really reveals her past and future, proving that the misty space she is currently in is really the connection between all realms... this would be of great significance to her...

Tushan Honghong bit her lower lip, and her heart stirred up... If everything was true, even that nearly unattainable wish would be possible to come true.

The two cards lingered around Su Han and slowly rotated, and the mist rose and engulfed them. Su Han stared at Tushan Honghong calmly as always, and then gently tapped the armrest with his finger, As you wish.

As the words fell, the void began to tremble. The vast river of destiny rises up, which is a sight beyond imagination.

On the upper reaches of the river of destiny, there is a scene where Tushan Honghong and Tushan Rongrong were captured by a Taoist alliance and were finally rescued by a young Taoist priest, but they were killed by a strange combination of circumstances. There are stories about King Power and Dongfang Huaizhu, stories between Tushan Honghong and Dongfang Yue... there are too many.

The lower reaches of the river of destiny are in an almost modern era, where humans and demons live and develop together in perfect harmony...

With a loud bang, the long river of destiny condensed into a bright star, hanging high above Tushan Honghong's head.

No one in the Mist Council spoke for a moment. Tushan Honghong's body was tense, and her expression was filled with joy, sadness, disbelief, and a little confusion. Her lips twitched, Is that my future?

Although what she saw was extremely limited, Tushan Honghong at least saw the harmonious coexistence between humans and demons in the future... Her dream was finally achieved, and that was enough.

Interesting! So interesting. Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster.

He looked in the direction of Zhang Sanfeng, Jiujianxian, as if talking to himself, but his words seemed to have meaning, I didn't expect that a world with a very oriental style would appear? And there are many Monsters and ghosts. But many of them are not the kind of monsters that just do evil.

Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian subconsciously rubbed the wine gourd on his waist. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were sharp as he looked at Tu Shan Honghong, Yes, a fox demon who is extremely emotional... This is... Really, I don’t know what to say.”

As the Sword Immortal of Shushan who has always been dedicated to slaying demons, he inevitably had mixed feelings when he witnessed a monster joining the council. Fortunately, the one and a half claws glimpsed earlier can vaguely prove that this Tushan fox demon is not an evil demon...

After a brief silence, the Sword Master looked at Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne with a strange expression, then looked at Uchiha Madara, Aizen... and clicked his tongue. He felt that he could understand a little... the feelings of the two parties in the parliament who had different ideas but could not be hostile to each other. Of course, only a little bit.

The Jiu Sword Immortal soon lazily lay down on the chair again. After all, compared to other Shushan Sword Immortals who hated evil and hated evil, his Buddhist character was much gentler.

After taking a few deep breaths, Tu Shan Honghong calmed herself down. She turned to look at Su Han, and bowed deeply. Her attitude lived up to her previous calmness and vigilance, and her words revealed gratitude. , Thank you! Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament... Thank you very much.

Also...please forgive me for not being able to wait to know my future story. So! I'll take my leave first.

After the words fell, Tu Shan Honghong directly entered the plot stars.

Huang Rong's eyelids twitched a few times, her expression a little subtle, but she still said, Miss Honghong... you really have a good temper. If it weren't for the fact that she was confirmed to be a fox demon, this boldness would make me doubt... she is She is no longer a charlatan from some martial arts world.

Huang Rong, Zhang Sanfeng stared at Huang Rong, a little helpless but also a little relieved, It's great that you can speak for Miss Tushan. However, no matter how hard you think, the Speaker of the Parliament will not be angry because Miss Tushan left first...

After all, the Speaker's mind is so broad that it's hard to describe it in words, Ying Zheng said quietly, Although we can't imagine how great things are in his eyes. But Miss Tushan left first! It's definitely not great. One of the things...

Ying Zheng understands this deeply. For example, as an emperor, it is impossible for him to care about trivial matters among the people.

The higher a person stands, the vaster the world he sees. The less I care about details...

In other words, it's not just the Speaker of Parliament, but No. 10 as well...it's easy to talk to them without touching their bottom line.

Of course, Ying Zheng also had some suspicions in his heart. If their bottom line was really touched, the world might overturn in just an instant...

Rick was very silent. He was staring blankly at the stars of the plot where Tushan Honghong disappeared, even if he recalled the previous scene at this moment. Still feeling nervous and unable to calm down. If you look up the river of destiny, you can see the past of the world; if you look down the river of destiny, you can see the future...

Every drop of water in the long river of destiny contains infinite information...

Maybe that's the perspective of a god? No, maybe even gods can't do such a thing.

Rick clenched his fists. He realized that if the gods could easily know the past and the future, how could they have been fighting each other for such a long time in his world? Almost brought the whole world to its knees!

In other words... Rick silently looked at Su Han, who was shrouded in fog. This person was far superior to the gods in his world...

After being silent for a long time, Rick bowed slightly to Su Han and said sincerely, Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, please allow me to offer you the highest respect.

But... allow me to apologize to you! Although I have been favored by you to join this world of miracles, and even gained the qualification to peek into the past and the future. But I cannot provide you with a reward that can meet your eyes. I just Just a weak human species...

Rick already believes in the existence of the foggy space. Although everything in front of him may still be an illusion... But if he is really hostile to him, there is no need for such a turnaround, just kill him directly.

Although Rick is very curious about the future of mankind, he also dares not provide rubbish things...otherwise he will offend the being in front of him. Based on the ability shown by the person in front of him...the fate of the human race may be even worse. Rick couldn't afford the gamble.

Su Han stared at Rick quietly and spoke, his voice as indifferent and calm as ever.

It doesn't matter, you can make up for what you owe today in the future.

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