Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 4 Samsara Eye, Hashirama Cells, Uchiha Fire Release!

This is perfect.

Su Han clenched his fists, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face. If he could obtain these cards, it would be easy to break through the difficulties in the outside world.

He forcibly suppressed his emotions and softened his voice, If you want to know anything, just make an equal exchange!

Interesting. Master Ban glanced at these cards, and the information naturally appeared in his mind.

You can give these cards to anyone in this space, so that they can have the seeds of these powers.

Of course, the information in Madara's mind also told him that after giving the card to others, his power will not disappear, but a card can only be manifested once.

He thought for a moment and took out three cards, namely Hashirama Cell, Rinnegan, and Fire Release Ninjutsu Mastery.

Banye flicked it gently, and the three cards instantly floated in front of Su Han.

An unknown existence. Please tell me, what can I know if you give these three cards?

Even though he has an unruly personality like Mr. Ban, when he calls Su Han at this time, he also uses honorifics.

Most of what you want to know!

Su Han had already thought of many sexy operations through previous manifestations of the illusion. Immediately, a thought occurred, and stacks of comic books instantly appeared in front of Uchiha Madara.

Huh?! Mr. Ban paused and his expression became strange. He picked up the top comic and started flipping through it. And this is the Naruto manga, which tells the story of Uzumaki Naruto.

The Yondaime Hokage, the era I am living in now... is still the era of the Third Generation. In other words, is this really a story from the future?

His heart was shocked, but Master Ban did not stop his palms and watched bit by bit.

I want to ask, Whitebeard opened his mouth. Finally, he looked directly at Su Han, and did not ask himself questions about the future. Instead, he asked softly, Can I look at the newspapers and books in that guy's hands?

If Madara himself has no objection, Su Han replied.

Let me talk about this kind of problem after I finish reading it myself. Master Ban was very cold.

Actually, if you want to watch it together, that's no problem. Su Han laughed dumbly, and the void twisted with his thoughts, and another card condensed. Landed in front of Master Madara.

This again? Master Ban frowned and looked at Su Han in confusion.

Pinch this card. If you want, you can enter the illusory world I just showed you before! Su Han explained softly, The events that happened are the same, but the sense of immersion and scenes in the illusory world are more Be grander.”

Is this like this? Master Ban pinched the card and thought, and the surrounding scene changed dramatically. Suddenly entering the opening scene of Naruto.

Huang Rong looked at the extremely real scenes around her, and even reached out to grab the arm of a little girl walking past her. But he didn't catch it, it just made waves in the void.

A real illusion! Huang Rong looked at the isolated yellow-haired boy in the distance, her eyes twinkling.

Then, this meeting is over for the time being. Although Su Han wanted to go to the real world immediately and escape from the predicament in the shortest time, he still pretended to be calm on the surface, If you want to leave, just think in your heart Just leave!

After the words fell, Su Han's figure gradually disappeared.

Huang Rong's eyes flickered and she suddenly asked, Then what should we call you?

Su Han's disappearing body paused for a moment, and he replied, The members sitting on this chair are members of the Parliament of the Heavens.

You... just call me the Speaker of the Council.

real world.

Su Han suddenly opened his eyes and panted slightly. He turned his palm and three cards appeared.

Hope it's useful!

As soon as Su Han had the idea of ​​merging three cards, the three cards merged into his body silently.

Is this how it turns out to be integrated? It can be said to be quite idealistic!

Su Han complained a little. Immediately, he suddenly realized that the existence of the foggy space in his mind was actually quite idealistic.

With the next breath, a large amount of knowledge emerged in Su Han's mind, and he felt no pain.

Su Han felt as if he was practicing various fire escape ninjutsu thousands of times. Continuously use the Sharingan, and then let these eyes evolve little by little, and finally evolve into the Samsara Eye... Integrate the Wood Release Cells into the body...

Suddenly opening his eyes, Su Han's pupils turned blood red, one of the magatama was also spinning rapidly, and then the second magatama appeared quickly, and the third magatama... the magatama merged into one, turning into an eternal kaleidoscope. And the kaleidoscope gradually changes towards the Samsara Eye.

However, it only changed for a moment, and soon the Samsara Eye shrank into an eternal kaleidoscope again.

The Samsara Eye can be used! But it consumes too much, so it's not necessary.

After realizing this, Su Han did not force it and looked around again. The world became different in Su Han's eyes.

There was a faint black mist rising in the void, and outside the door, strange tentacles were dormant on the wall and on the ground, squirming from time to time.

Su Han suddenly felt horrified and subconsciously exited the eternal kaleidoscope state and returned to the three magatama. Only then did I no longer see those weird tentacles outside the door!

That was just now, Su Han wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a gloomy expression, This is not a ghost world at all.

It looks like it has been mentally contaminated...more like, the mythical world of the Cthulhu series?

If the eternal kaleidoscope wasn't a symbol of Yin Escape, it would have symbolized extremely strong spiritual power. Su Han felt that he might have some mental problems after that glance.

After a brief silence, Su Han shook his head, No matter whether there are ghosts or these weird gods in this world, the most important thing now is to leave this room.

Su Han stood up slowly. He first checked his body. To his relief, it might be the fusion card. So he is not like Madara, who has the big face of Senju Hashirama on his chest...

Hashirama's cells are just like the power he possesses, extremely docile, and are constantly giving him chakra at this moment.

The chakra provided by Hashirama's cells is very limited... It seems that you need to develop it yourself! Only then can you have Madara and the inexhaustible powerful chakra at the level of the first generation!

Su Han shook his head, stepped lightly with the sole of his foot, and rushed to the door with a swoosh. He made several seals, took a deep breath, and suddenly exhaled.

Fire Escape, the art of extinguishing powerful fire.

The door was torn open instantly. The blazing flames rushed straight into the dark and strange corridor, burning and replacing all the ghostly objects.

A sharp wail sounded, countless tentacles danced in the flames, and Su Han's figure rushed into the gloomy corridor.

Countless tentacles stained with flames that had not yet been burned out rushed towards Su Han's body. The three magatama in Su Han's pupils turned, and all the tracks of the tentacles were clear in his mind.

He just turned slightly sideways, dodged all the tentacle attacks with the smallest movement, and like an arrow from the bow, he finally hit the glass at the end of the corridor.

With a clanging sound, Su Han's body rolled several times in mid-air, throwing away all the glass shards, and landed firmly on the wall.

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