Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 3 Seeing the future

The scene fell into a brief silence.

A different world? Whitebeard thought to himself. He was lost in thought.

Although Whitebeard didn't completely believe it, he didn't question it immediately. After all, he has seen too much in his life, and his mind is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Okay! Master Ban was silent for a long time, staring at Su Han closely, No matter if this is another world! Are you a god, a god of death, or a ghost... I just want to ask, will you pull us here? What is this place for?

Su Han didn't answer. He looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was very troubled in private.

How should he answer this question? Could it be that he just disliked the space in this place and wanted to have a few more people, and then you showed up?

This is too out of character!

Su Han didn't answer, and Master Ban and Whitebeard naturally didn't speak either, but the atmosphere gradually solidified. And Huang Rong...she knew her position very well, shrank her body, and tried her best to reduce her presence.

Wait! Su Han suddenly turned his eyes, thought of something, and said to himself, If this space is completely under my control, and I can create all non-living objects...

Yeah! You can give it a try.

The next moment, Su Han spoke slowly, and his answer was unexpected, Do you... want to see the future?

What do you mean? Madara's pupils dilated slightly, his samsara eyes had a blue halo circulating, and he was ready for battle.

Su Han didn't answer, his voice was as usual as before, Then, the future begins!

As soon as the words fell, the whole world changed dramatically.

What? Whitebeard's expression changed slightly.

This is it! Mr. Ban was stunned at first, and then his expression gradually became weird. He suddenly felt that this place looked very familiar...especially a few of the people in it...

Did you travel to a new world again? Or maybe!

Huang Rong tried her best to think, but the information she had in hand was too little. No matter how much she thought, she couldn't guess what the situation was.

In fact, this is the final battlefield of the ninja world. It was also a projection constructed by Su Han.

It is true that Su Han cannot create life, but he can create this virtual scene to make people feel like they are there.

at this time.

Six Paths Madara stands tall in the sky, and in front of him are Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. He is laughing, The Eye of the Moon Project! It is about to be a real success.

... Madara, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead were pulsing. He was in Six Paths mode, Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki mode, and... Eye of the Moon plan?

Is this really the future?! Madara was so shocked that he couldn't control himself. If he hadn't had the Eye of Reincarnation, he was sure that his current situation was extremely normal... In addition, the person in front of him who seemed to be the future self revealed the Eye of the Moon plan! He even suspected that he had fallen into an illusion.

in projection.

Time passed bit by bit, and a blood-red magatama samsara eye appeared on Liu Daoban's forehead, and then the moon also turned into a terrifying blood-red magatama samsara eye.

Soon, except for Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and a few others, all the humans in the distance fell into the infinite Tsukuyomi.

What a terrifying power! Whitebeard whispered. Although he was powerful, he also boasted that he could not change the shape of the moon.

The plot is constantly developing.

Finally, Rokudo Madara spoke calmly, I will be in the long history of ninjas! As the savior, I will completely resolve the battle.

He stared at Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, his voice unchanged.

Just accept it! It's over.

The next moment, a palm penetrated Liu Dao Madara's chest.

Sitting on the seat, Mr. Madara's pupils suddenly shrank, and he tried his best to see who had attacked him. However, the projection stops abruptly here.

The scene around him was no longer the scene of the Fourth Ninja War, but returned to the foggy space.

The scene fell into dead silence.

Madara's expression became very subtle and wonderful. After a long silence, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Su Han, his inner thoughts flickering, Incredible power, peeking into the future? This kind of thing was once a myth of the ninja world. Can the Immortal of Six Paths do it?!

Madara is not sure. The only thing he could be sure of was that he, with the Eye of God's Samsara Eye, would never be able to do such a thing.

He took a breath, then stared at Su Han closely, and continued, I really want to know the next development! Tell me, what price do I have to pay?

Since Su Han showed that scene in front of him, and it stopped abruptly at the end! Obviously you want to get something from him first.

Whitebeard and Huang Rong were both stunned, and then looked at Uchiha Madara in front of them strangely.

Especially Whitebeard, he had a guess in his mind.

He connected the man shrouded in mist in front of him with the Six Paths Madara who hung high in the sky, wore white clothes, and was finally assassinated and died.

The future?

Whitebeard suddenly fell silent. If that high, strange, invisible being on the throne could really see the future. So does that existence also know his future?

Su Han stopped talking.

What do you want? I want a powerful pupil technique! All kinds of powerful ninjutsu are needed.

In terms of ninjutsu, since it’s Madara, it’s not too much to give him a few S-levels, right? As for the pupil technique... I don't ask for the Rinnegan, but for the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, or the Mangekyō Sharingan, I have to give a pair, right?

And since he has no chakra in his body, should he take care of the after-sales service and get him a tailed beast as energy source? !

The plan is wonderful! But how to tell Master Ban? And this seems to be a spiritual world, and the other party can only teach him knowledge?

But if he asks for advice directly. Isn’t the force still broken? Or should I just throw it away? Is it important to learn the power of another world?

Just when Su Han was thinking about how to obtain the opponent's power.

Master Madara's body shook slightly, and then, a jet-black brilliance flashed on his body, and strange cards were peeled out of his body and floated in the void.

The first card is a graphic of a drop of blood. It was marked with Uchiha bloodline. The second card is a pair of strange and unpredictable reincarnation eyes. The third picture is the broken pillar cells...

What are these? Master Ban was a little surprised.

Su Han reflected that this should be caused by the thoughts he had just had...

Looking at these weird cards, Su Han looked confused. Just when he was wondering about the functions of these cards, a large amount of information poured into his brain in the next moment, and he understood a lot of things.

So that's it!

If you obtain these cards, you can integrate the power symbolized by these cards.

Of course, even if Su Han fuses, it is impossible to directly have Uchiha Madara's control over these powers.

He still needs to slowly hone and practice before he can finally grow to a level comparable to Uchiha Madara. Even in the end, it is not impossible for Su Han to surpass the current Uchiha Madara.

Also, on the other hand, even if Su Han obtains these cards, Uchiha Madara's power will not disappear.

However, these cards are all one-time use.

In other words, after giving a card to Su Han, Uchiha Madara cannot manifest the card a second time.

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