Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 298: A certain Mr. Emiya who cuts off Mr. Jin’s elbow, who wishes to remain anonymous (fourt

In summary, although Liang Xi walked a circle on the edge of danger... but fortunately there were no casualties.

Wait a minute, Su Zhu suddenly reacted and pointed his fingers around in disbelief, That's all? They are so strong.

Su Han stared at Su Zhu speechlessly. It wasn't until Su Zhu lowered his head to see if there was anything wrong with his appearance that he lightly tapped the table with his palm.

When the ancient mage's illusion-building ability was activated, the surrounding area turned into a noisy battlefield like a real illusion.

Like a tide of evil things, they were raging in the extremely distorted mirror image of Liangxi, and the number of black shadow ninjas that were only much larger than the evil things came out one by one. Then he fought head-on with these evil things.

Every moment evil things are torn to pieces, and shadowy ninjas are killed and turned into phantoms.

Su Zhu had completely lost her voice. She just stared blankly at everything around her. After half a stick of incense, Su Han completely put away the illusory projection.

The previous grand battle scene lingered in his mind for a long time. Su Zhu was silent for a long time, then turned his head, stared at Su Han, and said with a wry smile, Can these black shadow ninjas be able to summon so many? I doubt... You alone can fight a total war.”

Su Han took a deep look at Su Zhu, Total war? Do you have a misunderstanding of the destructive power of the truly top powerhouses?

Su Zhu was stunned for a moment. After he came to his senses, he immediately stopped talking and lowered his head obediently while eating.

Yes, without the checks and balances of powerful men at the same level, a god king is enough to dominate an entire country.

It's not that technology is weak... but after all, the development time of science and technology is only a hundred years, and the emergence of cultivation methods has run through the current history of mankind... The development time of the two sides is too far apart. It would be strange if science could catch up so quickly.

After returning to his room, Su Han sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and entered the misty space.

Above the hall, the mist rose, and a figure gradually formed on the bronze throne.

Su Han stared down and found that there were not many people in the foggy space at this time. He muttered in his heart, Don't these guys need to work? They stay in the foggy space all day long.

Su Han was puzzled. Su Han can understand that a semi-retired person like Whitebeard spends a long time in the foggy space.

But Madara Uchiha, you, the mighty ninja sect of the ninja world, don’t you need to deal with all kinds of government affairs?

Don't you often go out and give speeches to inspire the world? By the way, study the major ninja villages in the past, study the will of ninja, the will of Uchiha, etc., and brainwash the younger generation of ninjas?

Also, aren’t Huang Rong and Ying Zheng emperors? The emperor is so free! Fishing in space every day...

Although he was complaining about his psychology, of course Su Han also knew that these guys could bring their work to the month of cultivation to complete... plenty of time without being overly exhausted...

There is still quite a while before the Holy Grail War. Weber sighed quietly, I really want to see the Great Emperor, and I also really want to see the top heroes of all eras.

Aren't you afraid now? Whitebeard laughed with amusement, Obviously when you first saw the Holy Grail Stars, you were wondering whether you should steal your teacher's holy relics to participate.

Of course you won't be afraid when you are strong. Tony Stark glanced at Webb, I heard from the mage that he has mastered the self-protection fighting skills of the mage. There are also a series of substitute deaths, souls Projection, space magic...

Anyway, even if he rolled up his sleeves and confronted Jin Shining directly, and finally won... I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Su Han looked strange. He controlled No. 10 to condense his body and complained, Sure enough, is the Master the main force in the Holy Grail War?

Weber was about to retort something, but then his body froze and he said in shock, No. 10...

Surprised, Weber quickly came to his senses and said with some dissatisfaction, Even you can't say that... What does it mean that the Master is the main force of the Holy Grail? My situation is a special case! The Holy Grail War... no Is it still a battle between servants?”

The average master... can ensure that he does not hold back his followers, and can deal with the opponent's master to the greatest extent... That's enough! He is a very qualified master.

You are wrong, No. 10 said coldly, In the Fifth Holy Grail War, Caster's master beat King Arthur with his bare hands... Also, in a certain parallel world, Saber's master, Shirou Emiya, fought in the final battle. , single-handedly killed Gilgamesh.

There was silence in the Mist Hall. A group of people stared at No. 10 dumbfounded, frightened by his revelation.

Wait a moment! Illya suddenly raised her palm and asked cautiously in disbelief, Mr. No. 10...the Shirou Emiya you are talking about?

Of course it's your brother. No. 10's words were as smooth as ever, You should have been prepared in this regard, right? Shirou Emiya in your own world, and Shirou Emiya in Miyu's world. …”

If that's the case... then isn't it a matter of course that Shirou Emiya also exists in other parallel worlds?

...That's what I said. Illya stammered. She had seen the Holy Grail Stars and knew how powerful and terrifying Gilgamesh was.

The Treasure of the King is the prototype of all the Noble Phantasms in history. Even top heroes like King Arthur and the King of Conquerors are no match for him in a head-on battle...

Perhaps looking at the entire human history, he is not the strongest... But no one would question Gilgamesh as one of the top heroic spirits.

That gentle brother of his family killed Gilgamesh? How?

Is it surprising? No. 10 said calmly and indifferently, Even Shirou Emiya, who travels the world beautifully, broke through the Holy Grail War in one night?

...Huh? Illya looked at No. 10 blankly, then turned to look at Su Han.

Su Han said nothing. Although he sent Illya's plot stars, Miyu brother, the hero Emiya...he only revealed part of it.

Moreover, the information he revealed about Shirou Emiya from the other world was scattered and scattered, and you could easily overlook it if you were not careful... That's why Illya was so shocked when she heard the news.

Weber was silent for a long time. He took out several cards and looked at Su Han with some anxiety. President of the Parliament... I am very curious about the world lines mentioned by No. 10. I wonder... whether these cards are of sufficient weight. enough?

I've recovered a little and am sorting out the details...Fourth update, I still owe another update...Good night

Thinking of the monthly ticket for extra updates, the alliance leader’s extra updates, and the lack of updates... I helplessly hugged my weak, pitiful and helpless self...

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