Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 297 Su Zhu: What the hell are these shadow ninjas! (Third update)

Su Han sighed quietly, and was not surprised. The special nature of Cthulhu-type evil objects meant that this information must be blocked.

After all, once it is unlocked... Not to mention the world is in turmoil, the death toll will increase exponentially... Not to mention, there may be people who crazily worship and sacrifice evil objects...

After roughly understanding the trend on the Internet, Su Han threw the phone aside in dismay.

He lay lazily on the chair and muttered in his mouth, If you want to break through to the Five Elements Realm... there will be many evil things to kill. It would be great if you can encounter the evil things in the Sage Realm.

But... once you have truly reached that state, it will be difficult to descend directly into the world, right?

Su Han had a headache. The evil beings who could rival saints and sages...the ones that were stable were the acquired evil gods who had completed their transformation. This complete version of the evil god is completely different from Cheng Kun and those descendants of the evil god who have merged with the evil god's divinity...

They cannot come in real form, at least they cannot come directly to low-level worlds... Even in a world of the level of Naruto and Pirates, at most, only the incarnation of the evil god can come.

Therefore, Su Han wants to find such existences and hunt them down and devour them... How easy is it?

How about trying to project your spirit into nothingness? Su Han fell into thinking. With the ability of the ancient mage, he can already use his own power to enter the world of nothingness and travel in it at will.

Although he was a little tempted, Su Han thought about it for a long time and put the idea behind him.

The reason why this plan was abandoned was very simple... it was simply dangerous and a waste of time.

After all, the soul projection is not the real body. If he really encounters the evil god of tomorrow, the possibility of defeating him cannot be said to be completely impossible... but it is very low.

The most important thing is that nothingness is too big. If you are going to encounter the evil god in the world of nothingness, what is the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?

Shaking his head, Su Han closed his eyes and entered the Cultivation Moon.

In the evening, Su Zhu came back to cook. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the shadow ninja doing various housework at home, and his lips trembled violently. She even felt the auras of several shadow ninjas among them, no less powerful than herself. She has now reached the peak of the one-yuan realm...

Just when Su Zhu's body tensed up and prepared for battle, Friday's calm voice suddenly sounded, Miss Su Zhu... please don't panic, these are the master's summons! They obey the master's words very much.

Su Zhu paused and was silent for a moment. She glanced at the many shadow ninjas at the scene with a strange expression. Realizing that they really had no intention of fighting, they stood up in unison and bowed slightly to themselves.

Okay... maybe it's some weird magic, although I've never heard of it. Su Zhu rubbed his eyebrows, remembering the strength of his brother, and suddenly calmed down.

After thinking about it on Friday, Su Zhu was not surprised. After all, all her knowledge reserves come from Li Hongxue, and Su Han's strength is far superior to Li Hongxue... Is it natural to control any means that Li Hongxue doesn't know yet?

One more thing, Friday said as always, if Miss Su Zhu needs to do anything, you can ask them to work together to help.

Huh? The corner of Su Zhu's mouth twitched. She looked at the group of monsters in front of her. After thinking for a long time, she tentatively said, Go and buy groceries for me?

Suddenly, two shadow ninjas walked out, bowed and bowed, and then lurked into the shadows. After only a dozen breaths, the two shadow ninjas returned with a large amount of vegetables, fruits and meat.

I... Su Zhu was stunned and suppressed his urge to swear. He took two deep breaths. Su Zhu suddenly thought of something and spoke hurriedly, Did you pay?

Don't worry. Friday's voice was the same as before, Now is the information age, and the transfer of wealth can be completed through the Internet... I have already paid for them.

Su Zhu walked into the kitchen in a daze.

Moreover, no matter what she did today, there was always a shadow ninja at the table to help her immediately. It could be said that cooking was the easiest thing she had ever done.

During dinner, Su Zhu stared at Su Han and hesitated several times.

Whatever you want to say, just say it. Su Han glanced at his sister.

Those ninjas?

You don't like it. Su Han was very surprised.

Although they look a little mysterious, they are very capable. Although they have not been together for a short time, even Su Han has very good senses about shadow ninjas.

No...or should I say it's too good, it's a bit hairy. Su Zhu muttered, and finally let out a long sigh. Instead of dwelling on this aspect, he changed the subject, I'm watching the news, Su Shen Wang went to Liangxi to provide disaster relief again? And he also used his great supernatural power to blow up meteorites.

You don't know the truth? Su Han couldn't laugh or cry.

I really don't know. Su Zhu shook his head very honestly, I asked Master, and she said she didn't have the authority to disclose it... If I'm really curious, I'll come back and ask you.

That's right. Su Han's eyes flickered, and he nodded immediately, It's a matter of course... After all, the incident this time was too big.

Under Su Zhu's curious gaze, Su Han said softly, To summarize in a slightly simpler way... the cracks in the sky over Liangxi are out of control! A huge group of hundreds of thousands of evil objects fell directly on Liangxi.

The scene was silent. Su Zhu looked at Su Han blankly, his mouth slightly opened, No...it can't be right? This is impossible!

It's not that Su Zhu doesn't believe Su Han, but because this matter is too unbelievable.

Her teeth trembled slightly, Also... Su Han, if such a big problem really occurs in Liang Xi, it will be a major event that shocks the whole world! Even the news of evil things may not be able to be suppressed.

Forty years ago, a similar event occurred. At that time, Huaya was caught in the quagmire of war... But after that matter was dealt with, under official control, the news was finally under control...

But that time was different from now... now is a highly networked society.

What happened forty years ago really happened, and no matter how hard the authorities try, they may not be able to truly control it.

After all, the speed of communication in the information world is too fast... It is possible for a sandbox image to be circulated throughout the entire network in one day using Kuokou WeChat, sweeping through all major groups.

So, I took action to solve it, Su Han laughed dumbly. He pointed at the black shadow ninja beside him and joked, I solved the high-end combat power. As for the hundreds of thousands of little guys, these seemingly The slightly scary guys have all been dealt with.”

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