Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 169 The bald invincible hero out of interest (first update)

The tentacle disappeared silently, and Poros was still lying on the bronze chair, motionless. If he wasn't still breathing, one would have thought he was dead.

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and stared at Boros. After a brief silence, he took a deep look at Su Han.

Just now, when he stared at the tentacles rising under the mist from a distance, he felt that his spirit was polluted. It is really hard to imagine what kind of pressure Boros, who was directly exposed to these, was under...

Compared with the mental pollution I felt last time when I wanted to peep into the truth about the Speaker, and the methods used by the Speaker to punish this guy this time, the difference is too far. Uchiha Madara's heart was throbbing and he couldn't calm down. .

However, he was also sure that the Speaker did not actually care about them peeking into His essence. He simply felt that they could not bear the harm caused by looking directly at God, so he covered his body with mist. This is a means of protecting them.

Aizen lowered his eyes and remained silent, obviously having strange thoughts in his heart.

Accelerator closed his eyes slightly. When he saw those tentacles for the first time, his calculation power automatically began to analyze. If he doesn't react quickly, he will close it in time. I'm afraid he's lying there like Boros now.

He almost got hurt by accident, and he still had nothing to say. Who made him so curious?

The overlord of the universe should be far behind the top combat power in our world! Accelerator said to himself in his heart, But that bald man, I don't know much about his situation. Although he said he would punch seriously, it seemed that he didn't feel it. serious?

Su Han sat quietly in his seat, overlooking the bottom. He was not too worried about Boros' situation. After all, when he punished him, he used his authority to observe Boros's limits in advance.

Finally, Boros regained his composure. He raised his head and stared at Su Han closely. His eyes were full of fear and enthusiasm, and he whispered, I understand.

Although he is the overlord of the universe, he has an arrogant personality. But when the gap between the two sides is so huge, no matter how arrogant the character is, it has no meaning. The most basic law of the universe is that the weak eat the strong.

However, Boros did not hold grudge against Su Han at this moment because of the previous situation.

First, there is no point in holding a grudge against such a powerful being. Second, at this moment, compared to the previous embarrassment, he was more concerned about the future.

Since there is a being like the Speaker here who is far above him, then there might be a being similar to him. If there is a chance, I can have a close fight with a guy who is similar to myself. Then he will truly realize his dream.

Well, next! Let me explain the foggy space to you two. Weber spoke quickly.

Although he was a little frightened by the power Boros showed, it would be really great if he could build a relationship with Boros because of it. After all, this is the overlord of the universe, and the value of his favor is indescribably high.

And with the other party's little explanation, Poros's expression also changed.

It's not a universe. Are you beings from other universes? And that mist...the president of the parliament is an indescribable existence that is independent from the universe!

Tang Hao straightened his body and sat on the chair. No longer as drunk as before, with sharp eyes, he looked at Boros, and then glanced at Su Han.

He thought to himself, The legendary world of gods? No, this may be another big world! The president of the parliament is most likely a super big man who surpasses the gods in the world of gods.

It's a very simple reason. Boros was able to unleash a planet-destroying blow in the real illusion before!

And even a hundred-level titled Douluo can't destroy the world. So Boros is most likely a god who is superior to level 100 Douluo?

Of course, Tang Hao has never seen that kind of existence, so he is just guessing. But if his guess is correct. The Speaker of the Council who suppressed Boros to such a state without even moving... is beyond words to evaluate.

Boros's body suddenly shook, and cards appeared out of thin air one after another. For example, super high-speed regeneration, super powerful vitality, meteor burst, collapsing star roaring cannon...

Huh? Boros suddenly stared at one of the cards, Has the spaceship I'm in also condensed?

Thoughts flashed in his mind. Of course Boros had no idea of ​​sending the spaceship out. After all, he and his men were still roaming the stars in a spaceship. If they are really sent out, it's really hard to say what their fate will be.

Even if Boros can survive in the universe, many of his weak men cannot.

After a brief silence, he took out six cards: super-fast regeneration, super-powerful life, super-powerful physical fitness, super-powerful energy, meteor burst, and star-collapse roaring cannon. He threw it in the direction of Su Han.

President of the Parliament, I use these! in exchange for my future.

Su Han looked indifferent on the surface, the mist rose, and he put away the six cards. In fact, there is no peace of mind. These six cards contain Boros' power enough to destroy the earth.

After merging Boros's power and matching it with my original power! Maybe I can become a semi-saint in terms of body and blood? Or even stronger? Su Han had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't be sure. After all, everything must be based on experiments. .

In the final analysis, he has never seen what a real sage looks like in the real world.

Su Han's body was shrouded in mist. His hand was on the armrest of the chair. With just a gentle squeeze, the mist suddenly changed.

The vast river of destiny suddenly emerged. It is a story about a bald man as the protagonist, whose interest makes him a hero.

Weird people appear one after another. They are powerful, terrifying, burning, killing, looting, destroying cities, and can even destroy the earth... there are too many powerful enemies.

However, in front of the bald man in yellow clothes and white cloak, no matter what the enemy was, he could defeat them all with one punch.

What the bald hero possesses is overwhelming power in the face of all enemies. In fact, Boros once again caught a glimpse of himself being killed by a bald head. And then there was the scene where his space fleet was destroyed...

However, no matter how fast he reacts, it is useless, after all, this is far from the end. Soon the chapter belongs to Hungry Wolf.

After a few breaths, the long river of destiny suddenly gathered into terrifying and deep stars, floating quietly above Boros' head.

It really makes people care. Accelerator narrowed his eyes, he was rarely interested at this moment.

Because of his computing power, Accelerator had just seen the most information, so he had a rough impression of the bald man named Saitama.

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