Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 168 Boros: Liar, you didn’t use your full strength at all (Leader of the Alliance Liuxi in t

Who touched me? Poros' voice was low and calm. He quickly followed the eyes of everyone present and saw Su Han on the bronze throne.

Is that you? In that prophecy, the opponent on earth who can be evenly matched with me?

Poros suddenly paused in his words, and he realized something was wrong. If this was really Su Han's hand, then the gap between him and Su Han was undoubtedly so great that ordinary people could not imagine it.

Is this a close match? This is clearly crushing! It was inconsistent with the prophecy... Moreover, Boros clearly remembered that before he closed his eyes, the spacecraft was still traveling towards the earth, and the distance was very long... No matter from which angle you think about it, it is impossible to reach the earth so quickly.

Is this somewhere else in the universe? Poros looked deeply, Although I haven't reached the earth, I still encountered an extremely powerful being, even one whose strength is far superior to mine.

No! The more Tony Stark listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He frowned, You have been talking about some weird things just now? Earth! Universe? Are you an alien?

Alien? Poros was obviously stunned for a moment, but then he turned around, If you are an earthling... I am indeed an alien to you. But that's not right!

Boros was completely confused. Is this really the earth? The promised close battle! Why did it turn into a completely crushing battle?

He wanted to usher in a vigorous battle, and it didn't matter if he died because of it...but what he wanted was not to be tied to a chair without the ability to resist. This is also a shame for him.

Su Han stared at him quietly, his voice remained unchanged as before, Universe Overlord Boros... this is not the world you were originally in!

The scene fell silent. Tony Stark's expression froze, and only four words echoed in his mind... Overlord of the Universe? This time, a cosmic overlord is added! !

What is the Overlord of the Universe? Tony Stark was not sure about this. He had communicated with Thor in reality, and finally determined...their world was called Thanos, a guy searching for Infinity Stones. He is the overlord of the universe!

And now...another cosmic overlord has entered the foggy space.

It's terrible. Tony Stark muttered to himself, but he found that he was not surprised at all. Even if the next moment a demon or god from his heyday joins the foggy space, he feels it is a matter of course.

Because the power of the Speaker of Parliament is so huge and incredible. Beyond the world.

After a short pause, Su Han continued, Unfortunately, I saw your death.

What? Poros was stunned for a moment.

Su Han's fingers lightly tapped the back of the chair, and suddenly Boros' body bloomed with brilliant brilliance, and real illusions appeared around him.

This is it? Aizen pushed up his glasses and looked serious.

Accelerator raised his eyebrows, shrank his pupils to the smallest size, and scanned the surroundings.

This is the interior of a spaceship.

Poros sat high on his throne. He looked down at the guy in yellow clothes with a bald head and an ordinary face. Are you my enemy?

The battle begins.

Boros exploded with terrifying speed, hitting the bald head from different directions in all directions. The bald man just protected his body with his hands.

This kind of speed, Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, and his fingers tightly grasped the armrests of the chair, and he also has this kind of power.

It is really an extremely terrifying thing to create such terrifying fluctuations simply with the physical body. But as time passed, Whitebeard realized that he was shocked too early.

Because, Boros quickly shed his armor and entered the second state...

Yes, this is his true full strength.

Even if he is severely injured and his body is torn apart, he will still heal at an extremely fast speed, and his strength is strong enough to destroy everything. In this way, he will not lose even when faced with the existence of god-level monsters.

However, what he faced was the unusual bald Saitama. Even the attack he risked everything on was useless. The opponent just used a serious punch.

The spaceship, which was as huge as a city, exploded into large swaths of sparks, and the atmosphere was torn apart. Nothing could stop this punch. Even the Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, which could destroy planets, was shattered by this punch.

At the end, Poros's body was dry and he lay on the ground. He heard Saitama's admiration for his strength and suddenly laughed, That's a lie...you obviously didn't use all your strength.

Then, he died completely. The illusion of reality ends here.

Poros sat blankly on the chair, with no thought of struggling. His mind was in a state of confusion, seeming excited, melancholy, confused, and a little bit unbelievable.

...Earth? Boros clenched his fists.

It's a lie. The Star-Collapse Roaring Cannon is enough to destroy the earth! The most important thing is that bald head with a crude style. Tony Stark's voice trembled. He no longer knew what to say at this moment, and was quite incoherent. This scene is so shocking.

Jieao and Uchiha Madara were silent at this moment. With the Samsara Eye, he clearly felt the difficulty of the two people in the picture.

Not to mention the bald monster who was calm and calm from beginning to end, and defeated the overlord of the universe with one last punch...

Even Boros, who has the power to destroy the earth, finds it difficult to deal with.

Even if he enters the complete Six Paths mode, controls the power of the Ten Tails, has an immortal body, and can drive the Jade of Seeking the Way... his hope of victory is slim...

Okay, Su Han's voice remained as smooth as ever, The end of the future does not mean the present...

Boros, you have violated the iron law that members of the council cannot hurt each other! But considering that you have just joined the council and don't know the situation... the punishment should be a little lighter.

Boros was stunned for a moment, and then he found that the chains wrapped around him had turned into strange tentacles.

With the contact of these tentacles, his consciousness suddenly felt an extreme coldness. It was as if he was looking directly at an indescribable and incomprehensible existence, as if he was seeing the destruction of worlds one after another.

What on earth is this? Poros' voice trembled, and his body tensed.

As the overlord of the universe, there is no doubt about his mental tenacity, but at this moment he almost collapsed... It cannot be said that his will is not strong, but it should be said that this kind of distortion that can destroy the world has too much pollution on his spirit.

End of update, go to sleep

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