Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 189 188 Spiritual Planting and the Hundred Arts of Cultivation

Chapter 189 188. Spiritual Planting and the Hundred Arts of Cultivation

A complete set must at least be able to attack, defend, recover, and escape. Among them, the defense must also be able to prevent spiritual attacks.

Thoughts raced in my mind.

"external force……"

Not knowing this, Song He suddenly thought of this word.

There is no doubt that this spiritual plant set is definitely an external force.

But the spiritual plant that is integrated with oneself does not seem to be an external force. It is the kind of existence that grows in the dantian from a seed and turns into a natal plant treasure.

Can you take advantage of it?

His ability is equivalent to installing a magical power on the spiritual plant.

Song He's imagination was wide open.

If you say you need to rely on yourself and cannot rely on external forces...

There really is such a thing!

Thunder disaster!

The thunder calamity when the monk advanced!

The path he is taking now is considered a heretic that is different from the ordinary cultivation path, and... he has not even mastered the golden elixir yet.

Moreover, even if the golden elixir is condensed and powered by so many spiritual veins in the Mi Shen Tree, there seems to be no need to worry about whether it can survive.

For some ordinary monks, especially those who rely on the resources of their families or sects, the threat of thunder tribulation is still quite high.

There are many ways to resist thunder tribulation, but generally speaking, relying on external forces to resist thunder tribulation will result in deficiencies in one's cultivation. The main manifestations are in longevity and mana.

Yes, you can't survive all the thunder tribulations by yourself. Borrowing too much external force will affect your longevity after advancement.

This is very, very critical.

To know,

Maybe the monks from the big families don't care how their descendants can surpass the heavens in cultivation and become giants, but longevity is indeed a big problem.

Even if there are many ways to extend one's life, it is still a pity that one lacks longevity. So, can one come up with a set to deal with thunder catastrophes?

He was greatly moved.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head.

Because none of the spiritual plants currently planted can resist thunder tribulation. There are that kind of spiritual plants, although there are many types, but all of them can only be taken out by participating in the Cave Heaven Trial.

It seems that there are only two types that can be purchased directly.

Although finished products could be purchased on the market, he still wanted to cultivate them himself.

"I still have to take my time...but can you arrange for someone to help me with the trial?"

Song He felt deeply that he was short of time, and he really didn't have the patience to go to the cave and practice slowly and leisurely for a few weeks or even a month.

In his opinion, at least most of the so-called "trials" in Dongtian are a bit of a waste of time...

"It seems that the cultivation of bacterial bodies has to be put on the agenda." Song He frowned and murmured to himself: "It will be more convenient for me to have more clones..."

When he thought of the bacterial body, he thought of Senior Brother Jiang.

It seems that I will have to invite him to have a nice meal and drink in a few days.

Let's see if we can get the mother plant of Fu Xian fungus.

"Let's settle these things first."

Shaking his head and throwing all the chores behind him, Song He looked at a rather gorgeous spiritual plant in the Mishen Tree——

The branches and leaves of the Lingzhi are all warm green, and the leaves are swaying gently like pieces of feathers, with wisps of wind surrounding it.

Each one is about three or four inches.

Elegant and bright.

It gives people a wonderful feeling that it is dancing in the wind.

[Name]: Feng Xiyu

[Level]: Third level middle grade

[Status]: Partially mature (55%)

①. Wind Breath Feather (Purple): This spiritual plant will absorb the power of wind spirit during the growth process. When the power of wind spirit is enough, it will automatically form feather-shaped spiritual leaves.

Using divine consciousness can activate the spirit leaves and temporarily grant oneself the "Wind Escape Technique".

The duration of the wind escape technique is determined by the level of the entry, the level of the spiritual plant, and the absorption of wind spiritual power.

Current duration: twenty breaths.

②. Partial wind spirit transformation (white): Part of this spiritual plant will be transformed into the body of wind spirit.

The current position is: leaves and branches.

When this entry is upgraded to orange or above, it will become the entry "Wind Spirit Body".

‘It can be triggered by using spiritual power... How should I turn it into a suit? ’ Song He stared at it and thought for a moment.

This spiritual plant leaf, which is similar to a talisman, seems to be held directly, and there is no need to turn it into a set.

‘Feathers, wings. ’

He thought for a while, then used his spiritual consciousness to pull out the leaves one by one, and then slowly formed the shape of wings.

But at this moment it is only the prototype of a wing.

If the spiritual consciousness used to maintain it is removed, it will disperse immediately.

This is obviously inappropriate.

Nothing but its own form.

'At least you have to have a certain amount of intelligence... Can you use formations? Simple spiritual planting doesn’t seem to work either. ’

Some time ago, Senior Brother Zhao gave him some knowledge about formations. Naturally, there were some quite peculiar ones in them. For example, it only needed a touch of spiritual consciousness to trigger them.

Another example is that it can detect the monk's physical and mental condition, and will trigger it automatically when the situation is critical.

There are many formations and complete types.

To be honest, if many things can really be made...

That was much more powerful than the intelligent systems Song He had seen in science fiction movies in his previous life.

The various arts of cultivation cannot be underestimated.

He can transform spiritual plants at will. Does that mean he can combine spiritual plants with these various arts of cultivation? It would be a bit arrogant to just rely on spiritual plants blindly.

For example, if you look at the "early warning system" in the formation, if you go to the spiritual plants, there are only four or five types of low-level spiritual plants that can be used.

It is also a bit difficult to cultivate, and it is not a high-street product that can be seen everywhere.

But when it comes to formations, anyone with the title of formation master can do it.

And not much material is used.

How to combine it is a question he needs to consider.

Song He felt that a qualified suit should have a certain degree of "intelligence".

Situational crises can trigger themselves.

After all, many times, you may be instantly restrained by traps or formation talismans, and even your consciousness will be frozen and solidified.

‘It’s too late to find someone to do it now. Let’s see if these kids can give me a surprise. ’

He sighed and put that aside for now.

Later, he prepared something that could restore mana and consciousness. This was even better. Restoring mana was what he had been studying.

For example, something like an "external spiritual bag" can be used to quickly devour and restore mana.


He has it ready.

gourd! While he was sleeping, the gourd produced a lot of gourds filled with the essence of the Five Elements. He only needed to mix them with water, and they were perfect for restoring mana.

Song He's spiritual consciousness took out a gourd and played with it carefully - the gourd was delicate and beautiful, and you could hear the sound of water inside when it was shaken gently.

He carefully opened the mouth of the gourd, and immediately, streams of spiritual liquid containing the power of the five elements poured out from it. The spiritual liquid was colorful, like a five-color spring.

Follow Song He's spiritual consciousness to control the surroundings.

There are about fifty drops of this Five Elements Spiritual Liquid, and each drop contains extremely pure Five Elements Spiritual Energy, which is evenly distributed into fifty parts by Song He.

Immediately afterwards, Song He put them into a teacup-shaped magical instrument - this magical instrument was actually a fusion device that could mix the spiritual liquid into the prototype of the pill pill.

Senior Sister Liu, who had been keeping in touch with him, used this magic weapon to mix the juice of the potato.

Now it's just right to use it.

Put in the Five Elements Spiritual Essence Liquid, then add the spiritual spring water with abundant spiritual energy, then close the lid of the magical instrument and start it...

After a moment, there was a soft sound.

There is already an extra pill inside the tea cup, which is wrapped with a layer of clear spiritual spring on the outside and colorful pills inside. If you look closely, you can see that there is a shell on the surface of these pills.

It is this transparent shell formed by the gathering of spiritual energy that maintains the integrity of the elixir.

Make sure they don't fall apart just by picking them up.

"Let me call you the Five Elements Replenishing Pill."

Song He picked up one and put it in front of his eyes to appreciate it carefully. Such a beautiful thing, plus the pure spiritual energy inside, would not be ugly to any being who relies on spiritual energy to survive.

However, it is not yet complete success.

After one hundred of these "Five Elements Replenishing Pills" were produced one after another, Song He placed them in a huge banyan tree located inside the Mi Shen Tree for storage.

The banyan tree is actually an evolved version of the small cabinet banyan tree... called the "big storage banyan tree", which is suitable for storing items that require aura to be maintained.

And during this process, the vitality in the banyan tree will overflow into the elixirs, injecting some vitality into them.

It can be said to be much better than any spirit storage container.

The array, spiritual plants, and elixir methods plus refining were mixed together in this way, and finally a small elixir was completed.

Moreover, there was no need for Song He to put any effort into this process - it stands to reason that even such a simple elixir would require some techniques.

But the fact is: there is no brainer.

Well...it just costs some spiritual stones.

Similar to this wonderful magic weapon that can be mixed with spiritual liquid, each one is worth a top-quality spiritual stone, and it still needs to be made by a specialized Yingxingtang monk.

It was at that time that Song He knew...this thing actually had a "patent"!

The core formations and formation patterns inside are all registered in Yingxingtang. Only monks with permission can learn them. If you want to dismantle them and study them.

There is also a self-destruction formation here.

Every monk who learns this formation must pay a certain amount of spiritual stone fees. After being divided by the sect, this part of the fee will be stored in the monk's sect jade talisman.

In this way, you only need to concentrate on research to harvest a huge amount of spiritual stones, and the sect will provide you with food and drink - the world of immortality is so big, and where can there be more abundant raw materials than the Lingye Sect?

It’s no wonder that some strange magic weapons are produced.

Only when you have money can you have motivation.

Why work so hard if you don’t get paid?

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