Spirit Plant: I have an entry panel

Chapter 188 The idea of ​​187 spiritual plant set

Chapter 188 187. Idea of ​​spiritual plant suit

"Successful. It seems that my guess was correct."

With the help of the connection with the Mi Shen Tree, Song He's consciousness became even more peculiar, and he had even penetrated the Abyssal Soul Branch and saw the situation inside the soul branch.

He saw... there were several strange talisman chains surrounding the little shark's soul. The lines of those talisman chains were clearly visible, flowing with gray light.

There is also such a chain of runes extending in the lotus, entwining towards the soul of Lao He, who has reached the extreme of illusion.

At this time, Song He didn't realize how terrifying this was!

His attention was attracted by the runes.

‘Oh, these runes are really strange. ’

His eyes lit up, and he immediately recorded those runes with his powerful spiritual consciousness without saying a word.

But before he could record half of it, he suddenly felt dizzy and slightly tingling.

"Ah? How long has it been since my consciousness?"

Only then did he realize that his sea of ​​consciousness was actually empty, and the four-season consciousness flower that he had cultivated with the help of the God-forging method was on the verge of collapse.

This situation was so bad that he quickly withdrew his consciousness and tried his best to burn the memorized runes into a special jade slip.

Then, he took out a bottle of wine from a valley in the Mi Shen Tree and drank it directly.

The clear and sweet wine relieved the stinging pain in his head very well. Some of the bright white light dust scattered by the moon on the Mi Shen tree blended into his meridians, slowly restoring his consciousness. knowledge.

"Oh, you have to be careful about this kind of thing, depletion of spiritual consciousness... That's really serious."

Song He breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that everything was okay.

As a person who cherishes his life extremely, since he used the goggles given by Senior Brother Lu to study the runes last time, he has never had his consciousness consumed so violently.

Overdraft may indeed squeeze out potential, but he is currently taking a prosperous road, so why bother squeezing himself?

roll? It is impossible to roll a roll, even in this life.


Lao He's matter has come to an end.

What follows is a long period of growth.

With the Heyunqing Immortal Lotus as the foundation for growth, I think that when the soul recovers, it should be stronger than before, and it should not die so easily.

"Old He is recovering...perhaps he will be conscious and able to communicate with you after a while, so don't worry."

Song He told his junior sister and junior brother about the situation and comforted them a few more times.

The two children looked at each other, hugged Song He's arms on the left and right at the same time, and smiled happily: "Thank you, brother!"

"Then be obedient and help your brother go to the Deacon Hall to send out a sect mission?" Song He took out a jade slip and shook it.

Inside this jade slip is the task of opening up the cave that he took the time to do. It has permission requirements and can only be seen by some people.

At the same time, he was also going to let Chen Yao come to the door on his behalf to say hello to those easy-to-talk uncles.

I think they will understand what I mean.

"Okay, okay! Leave it to me!" Kang Jue excitedly grabbed Song He's jade slip and ran away.

Ye Rong was left frowning.

"Senior Brother Song, is there anything I can do for you?"

He raised his head and asked eagerly.

"Yes, of course..." Song He chuckled, "I need you to help me take my cousins ​​to the cave to meet my two senior brothers and sisters.

Your mission is very important. "

"Okay!" Ye Rong immediately ran to the cave of the evil-fighting clan without saying a word.

Watching him leave, the smile on Song He's face faded a little, and he sighed: "It's time for me to plan the Lingzhi issue."

Thinking about the entries I currently have.

His consciousness created a human-shaped body in the Mi Shen Tree, and he said to himself:

‘The safety of those junior brothers and sisters is the top priority, so... defense, everyone must have defense capabilities. ’

Along with his consciousness, a Morning Lumen flower was inserted into the humanoid head - this thing was the foundation.

Later, he contacted Jinchou again.

The latter was happily gnawing a huge peanut in his cave with his legs crossed. Suddenly he heard Song He's voice, and the peanut fell to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Song, yes, what's the matter?"

The voice coming from the sky was filled with a gentle smile: "I need help from fellow Taoists for one thing. How many mature and usable lichen strains are there?"

When she heard that she was asking about the situation of Jin Lichen, Jin Chou immediately became energetic. She replied without thinking: "There are two hundred plants that can be used."

"Send them all."


Without saying a word, Jin Chou immediately began the work of transporting the huge brocade-like leaves to the location designated by Song He.

After the things were delivered, Song He began the transformation work.

The first thing added was an entry called "Rongguang"——

[Melting Light·Explosion (Purple)]: This spiritual plant can absorb spiritual light and store it in the leaves. When stimulated by divine consciousness or spiritual power, all the spiritual light will burst out instantly.

This entry can ensure that it can explode in case of danger, and the bursting aura can definitely repel the surrounding black tide monsters.

Since the special properties of brocade lichen do not require fusion, Song He temporarily added a hundred pieces, which is expected to be one per person. If there are many people coming to help, then more will be added.

Anyway, it can be recycled after use.

The added lichens were all transported to the area where the morning lumens were planted in the Mishen tree, allowing them to absorb the flower light in the huge light pool.

Then, Song He looked at the Dawn Lumen again.

An entry called "Aura Ray" has been added to it. With this entry, the aura can be gathered into a line and emitted.

It only requires spiritual control to achieve effects similar to some magic weapons.

Once the condensed flower light is shot out, it will be absolutely lethal to the monsters in the black tide.

It and the brocade lichen just now can attack and defend together.

Next, it’s time to fly away and heal the spiritual plants - although as a disciple of the masters in the sect, he must have the means, but Song He is actually testing his own spiritual plant set now.

After he saw the Iron Feather Divine Guard, he had been thinking about whether he could use many spiritual plants to form a suit. Even people with slightly lower magic power could work together to defeat the powerful.

With the entry, he can combine the abilities of spiritual plants at will.

This is his unique advantage.

It can be said that it is equivalent to having an external magical power - much more convenient than a talisman.

Since he is not prepared to fight life and death himself, he must train a group of subordinates who can go out and fight for him anytime and anywhere.

An existence similar to the Iron Feather Divine Guard of Master Feiyu.

The spiritual plant suit is one of the current ideas.

Thanks to "The Prodigal Son Ah Le", "Old Book Friends 8012", "Yunzhong City", "Book Friends 20191111170322865", "The Invincible and Invincible Grandmaster", "Memories of Liufeng", "Azure and Other Smoke", " "Shiyu Priest", "My Happy God", "Night Flowers Extraordinary", "Book Friends 20200729183940975", "Book Friends 160509000801716", "Wangwang Little Bei", "Why Can't You Sleep at Night" and the monthly tickets of the big guys Thank you very much for the recommendation vote!

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