Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 70: Drills are like actual combat! This is what you taught us!

Chapter 70 Exercises are like actual combat! This is what you taught us!

 “Cobra Action Team received, please give instructions!”

"Commander, we have successfully rescued him, but the Wolf Fang special forces team has escaped and we are pursuing him! The commander is injured and can no longer withstand the bumps. We have a team member to take care of him on the plain grass in the A91 area. You are responsible for flying the helicopter to pick him up first. Commander, please reply!”

“Operation Cobra received it! Immediately fly the helicopter to the commander, I’ll leave this to you, over!”

 “Received, completed!”

 The members of the three commandos all breathed a sigh of relief after listening to the company commander's instructions.

 The commander was rescued, at least they didn’t lose too badly.

“This time, am I completely in your hands?”

 The commander of the Blue Army looked at Zhang Chuan and said with a wry smile.

 He also saw through Zhang Chuan's strategy.

 Have the Cobra Operations team drive over with an armed helicopter, obviously intending to take away their armed helicopter.

Then, either fly an armed helicopter to eliminate the remaining members of the Black Tiger Special Forces, or take yourself directly back to the Red Army territory.

The Black Tiger Brigade does not have the abnormal strength of Zhang Chuan, and cannot shoot down the armed helicopter with just a few shots.

 This guy is extraordinary.

 Zhang Chuan smiled but did not answer.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Chuan saw an armed helicopter flying over the desolate mountains.

 He quickly stood up and waved to the helicopter.

With camouflage painted on his face, the people above him couldn't see clearly what he looked like from such a distance.

Furthermore, he was also betting that the members of these commandos did not know all the soldiers of the special forces company.

Just like the Wolf Fang Brigade, which has a size of close to a thousand people, the selection and training of the commando team is carried out independently.

  They are not mixed up with the combat company at all, and the opportunities to encounter them during normal missions are even rarer. It is impossible for everyone to recognize them all.

 Unless they are senior military officers.

 Besides, he is now wearing camouflage and the special training uniform of the Black Tigers.

 “Get down!”

 The Cobra Captain roared.

 “As commanded!”

The pilot controlled the armed helicopter and slowly descended.

In the blink of an eye, seven people fell down like heavenly soldiers and generals, and two of them stood guard, guarding the surrounding area.

The remaining five, carrying a stretcher, strode towards Zhang Chuan and the leader of the Blue Army.

They were walking very fast, apparently unaware of the danger quietly lurking beneath their feet.


 Suddenly, one of the team members stepped on a landmine and froze there motionless.


 The captain of the Cobra Special Forces shouted suddenly, everyone's faces turned pale and they stopped quickly.

 But it was too late, a grenade flew in front of them.

 “Grenade! Take cover!”

The captain's eyes widened and he yelled, and several people quickly got down.


 The grenade exploded.

Those guys rolled out of the explosion circle without any injuries.


 “Bang! Bang!”


Following this, seven or eight grenade explosions sounded one after another.

 The grenade thrown by Zhang Chuan detonated the entire minefield! All five team members were in the minefield and were eliminated at once.

 “Bang bang…”

At this time, Zhang Chuan rushed out quickly, pointed his gun at the two stunned sentry members, and eliminated them cleanly!

 The armed helicopter was less than fifty meters away from him.

 The pilot realized that he had been tricked and was about to take off to escape.

 But it was too late. Zhang Chuan leaped onto the helicopter and put the gun on the pilot's head.

“Comrade pilot, you are out, land!”

At this time, the helicopter was less than half a meter above the ground. Even if the pilot died, the helicopter would be fine and he would not be considered out.

 The pilot had no choice but to turn off the engine.


The seven members of the Cobra Commando team were ashen-faced!

They couldn't figure it out. Aren't the people who attacked them one of their own?

 How can you still fall into the trap?

They knew the company commander and knew it was him as soon as they heard the voice.

 But this time Zhang Chuan ignored their surprise and doubts, turned around, took the leader of the Blue Army and walked to the helicopter.

“Brothers, thank you for your equipment, I appreciate it!”

Zhang Chuan sat in the driver's seat, waved to the Cobra team below, and then started the helicopter.

 While training at Langya, they all had basic helicopter driving training.

Although it can't fly like top experts, it is still no problem to drive.


Watching the helicopter fly away, the seven members of the Cobra team felt as if they had been slapped in the face for no apparent reason, but they could not get angry.

After Zhang Chuan got on the armed helicopter, he immediately took the leader of the Blue Army and flew to the territory of the Red Army.

Of course, he would not choose the road through the barren mountains and mountains.

Who knows if there will be other armed helicopters over there. With his driving skills, if they encounter one, they may be shot down in an instant.

 So he changed direction. Anyway, this helicopter is already in their possession. If the Red Army doesn't know that it has been taken away, they won't launch missiles or bombs for no reason, right?

On the other side, the two commandos in the barren mountains never expected that Zhang Chuan would take the leader of the Blue Army back to the Red Army's territory in the other direction.

 Two hours later.

  Fang Command.

He Zhijun and the others stood outside excitedly.

 Entering the territory of the Red Army, Zhang Chuan was not afraid that the communication signal would be intercepted by the Blue Army. He had already contacted the headquarters through Langya's radio station!

He Zhijun and others couldn't believe their ears when they heard the news that Zhang Chuan had captured the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army.

 After repeated verification, I believed it was true!

At this time, the roar of armed helicopters was heard in the air.

 That's right, Zhang Chuan drove a helicopter and really brought the leader of the Blue Army back!

 The helicopter stopped. Zhang Chuan and the leader of the Blue Army got off the plane. He Zhijun immediately ran over and saluted: "Hello, chief!"

 Other Wolf Fang special forces soldiers also stood at attention and saluted.

Looking at He Zhijun's serious look, the leader of the Blue Army looked unhappy and shouted: "He Zhijun, you are so courageous! You even dare to capture me! Do you, the Wolf Fang Brigade Commander, still want to do this?"

He Zhijun's heart tightened and he immediately became uneasy.

 When Zhang Chuan came back with the chief, he was a little worried.

 Although it was an exercise, capturing the opponent's top commander alive was something that had never been heard of in Chinese history.

Not to mention that the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army is also the leader of the military region and his direct boss!

 Isn’t this a slap in the leader’s face?

But Zhang Chuan had already done this. What could he do? He had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply loudly: "Report to the commander, the exercises are like actual combat! This is what you taught us!"

The leader of the Blue Army sneered: "He Zhijun, are you setting a trap for me? Use the tricks I taught you against me?"

He Zhijun quickly laughed: "Chief, that's not what I meant, I..."

Before He Zhijun finished speaking, the leader of the Blue Army had already laughed: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore! You look so nervous, you are far worse than Xiao Zhang! When Xiao Zhang arrested me, he was never worried What will happen to me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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