Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 69: Are the current recruits so strong?

Chapter 69: Are the current recruits so strong?

 One new soldier can easily kill two of their Wuzhi and two groups of troops!

 Now another new soldier appeared and killed ten of them!

 And they didn’t even have a chance to resist!

Isn't this too perverted?

 Are the new generations so strong now?

“Seniors, I’m sorry!” Zhang Chuan waved to them and said with a smile.

 “No! Are you really a new recruit?”

 The commander of the special operations company shouted.

 “It’s guaranteed to be replaced if it’s fake.” Zhang Chuan smiled.


 The ten people looked at each other.

They, a group of senior special forces soldiers, were all wiped out by a new recruit!

If word of this gets out, I don’t know how many people’s jaws will be shocked!

"How many of you are there? When did you ambush the people behind you? I remember we scouted the area behind you, but we didn't see even a single figure."

 The commander of the special operations company asked.

Zhang Chuan put away their communication headsets and said, "I'm the only one. I climbed up from the cliff and went around behind you."

 “A person? A cliff?”

 The expressions of the ten people suddenly changed.

Didn’t Xiao Hei say that people carrying blue army equipment are coming this way?

 How come there is something on the other side of the cliff?

 Besides, in this case, aren’t there two people?

 Did Xiaohei lie to us?

 Zhang Chuan’s next move made their jaws drop to the ground.

“Seniors, is it me you are talking about Xiao Hei?” Zhang Chuan held his earphones and said with a smile in Xiao Hei’s voice.


Ten people looked at Zhang Chuan stupidly.

 “You...you can actually imitate our voices?”

Zhang Chuan did not answer, but turned on their radio and shouted through the headset of the commander of the special operations company: "Everyone who heard it, please answer! Repeat! Everyone who heard it, please answer! Over!"

This time, Zhang Chuan used the voice of the commander of the special operations company.

 This shocked them.

Now, they finally understand how Zhang Chuan carried out precise strikes behind them!

 It turned out that the Xiao Hei who contacted them was Zhang Chuan!

 Xiao Hei "sacrificed", and the members of the second group who followed them also "sacrificed" together!

Zhang Chuan deliberately gave them wrong information and led them here. He took the opportunity to climb up from the cliff on the other side and sneaked behind them...

 Sound in the east and attack in the west!

 A seamless show of attacking from the east to the west!

This guy, just use an almost identical voice to imitate it and make them believe it is real!

 Now, he plans to use this method to deal with the remaining opponents!

 What a genius!

How could someone imitate someone else’s voice so much?

 “The four teams have been confirmed!”

 “Cobra Ops is online, waiting for instructions!”

 “The Black Panther team got the message!”

 “Thunder Commando has received the message!”

 There are actually four teams participating in the battle!

Zhang Chuan was a little surprised, his eyes fixed on the commander of the special company.

"We discovered the whereabouts of the Wolf Fang Special Forces and the commander! This guy is very cunning and hides very deep! But what is certain is that he is moving in the direction we explored before, and he is seriously exhausted and cannot hold on. "Too long!"

“Report your current location immediately!”

 Zhang Chuan immediately found the marked map from the company commander.

 Not long after, the three commandos reported their approximate locations.

 Zhang Chuan took a look, what a guy!

 They are all located at key nodes on the road he must pass!

These locations are easy to defend but difficult to attack, and are especially suitable for ambushes! If he didn't know better, he would probably fall into their ambush, even if he was good at concealment and reconnaissance.

"Great! You stay where you are! We will find a way to lure the Wolf Fang special forces member into your ambush circle!"

With that said, Zhang Chuan put away his communication tools and collected all mines, explosives, grenades and other equipment from them.

 These will be the key to clearing other teams!

Seeing Zhang Chuan striding away, the company commander of the special company and other members of the Black Tiger Special Forces looked at each other, speechless.

"Company Commander. We did not lose unjustly."

A lieutenant said to the colonel and company commander with a wry smile.

 Others also smiled bitterly one after another, obviously impressed by Zhang Chuan's strength.

The colonel and company commander sighed bitterly: The Wolf Fang Brigade is really amazing! The recruits are so awesome!

“Company commander, do you think the rest of us can stop this kid?”

asked the lieutenant.

 “Looking at the current situation, it’s very difficult.”

The colonel and company commander narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction where Zhang Chuan disappeared. "Have you noticed? It's at least more than ten kilometers from the command post to here. He has been carrying the commander on his back for so long, and he still wants to deal with us, but you see just now Doesn't he look a little tired?"

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Indeed, even if they carry this equipment for more than ten kilometers, they will be exhausted.

Not to mention that Zhang Chuan was carrying someone on his back.

But Zhang Chuan's appearance just now showed no signs of fatigue at all, as if he had run twenty or thirty kilometers with a weight of two hundred kilograms on his back!

Excellent physical fitness, accurate marksmanship, master of disguise, reconnaissance expert, climbing expert, excellent tactical thinking and the unique ability to imitate sounds

 Such strength is rare in the entire army.

 Now, it just depends on luck.

The colonel company commander smiled bitterly: "This time, our Black Tiger Brigade was completely defeated by the Wolf Fang Brigade. It was a complete defeat!"

 Everyone was silent and speechless.

 The four teams are not densely distributed, about a few kilometers apart.

Except for the fourth team, which is still on the steep **** of the mountain forest, the other three commando teams are hiding in the rock valley behind.

That was the most difficult place for him to deal with.

 Because the vegetation is sparse, you can almost have a panoramic view of the surrounding area for several kilometers from the top of the mountain!

It would be okay if he lay there without moving, but with the camouflage skill, they might not be able to find him.

 But as long as he moves with the commander on his back, he will definitely fall under their eyes.

What’s more, it’s unknown whether there are armed helicopters over there!

 There is another important reason.

 The three commandos formed a simple triangular encirclement.

 When either side is attacked, the other two sides can quickly provide support, and many key positions have been occupied by them.

 Now, not to mention him alone, even the entire special-purpose company would not be able to go 500 meters!

Therefore, Zhang Chuan understood that it was not the time to confront them head-on, and had to use the "fishing" method to defeat them one by one!

 As long as half of them are killed, the rest will not be a problem!

 Zhang Chuan looked at the time while running. It was already five o'clock in the morning.

By the time he reached the rocky valley, it should have been bright.

As for the seven or eight people in the fourth team who were still in the mountains and forests, Zhang Chuan didn't use any tactics to deal with this team. He just went over and dealt with them one by one.

 This is not difficult at all!

 After solving this team, Zhang Chuan directly changed into their clothes!

 Then, he led the Blue Army commander to an open grassland surrounded by minefields.

 Finally, pick up the communication device: "Cobra Action Team, please answer if you hear it! If you hear it, please answer!"

 (End of this chapter)

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