Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 29: Instructor Yingying, how are my skills?

Chapter 29 Instructor Yingying, how are my skills?

This classroom is spacious and bright, equipped with all kinds of top-notch technological facilities, including satellite-connected computers and satellite communication equipment. It feels like you are in the command center of a future battlefield.

At this moment, the other special forces soldiers were all wearing military green headsets. The cursor was racing on the computer screen in front of them, and lines of code were rolling like clouds.

Some people are weaving an impenetrable network security network, while others are trying their best to solve system problems, like wise men bravely navigating a maze.

 In today's information wars, seizing control of an opponent's electronic information or stealing their stored strategic secrets often determines the outcome of the battle.

Just like what the movie "Wolf Warriors" depicts, whichever side has the best move in electronic information warfare can provide unparalleled backup force to the frontline troops. Even a precise information attack may destroy the enemy's network. The system was instantly paralyzed, and the commander lost contact with his subordinates. Its destructive power is self-evident.

At the door of the classroom, the high school team told everyone: "Other computer classrooms are being upgraded and maintained, and we can only use this one for the time being."

“According to today’s teaching arrangements, some veterans of our Langya Army will also undergo electronic information technology training. The number of computers here is more than enough. You can join in the study together.”

“Old comrades are busy with their own projects and will not interfere with you.”

“The first three rows of seats have been reserved. You can just go in and sit down. The instructor will teach you the basic operations.”

 Before the high school team finished speaking, Gray Wolf had already led them into the classroom.

They took their seats one by one, while the veterans of the Wolf Fang sat quietly in the back row, concentrating entirely on their own computer operations and not paying much attention to the new students.

In the center of the podium, sat a female instructor about thirty years old. Obviously, she was the instructor responsible for teaching Zhang Chuan and the others electronic technology.

The high school team walked into the classroom and whispered a few words with the female instructor.

During the conversation, the high school team glanced at Zhang Chuan, and the female instructor also looked at Zhang Chuan meaningfully.

 Zhang Chuan is not stupid. Although they could not hear their conversation clearly, judging from the expressions of the two, the high school team clearly planned to use the help of this female instructor to give Zhang Chuan a head start in electronic information technology.

From the perspective of the high school team, electronic information technology is an extremely difficult skill.

Not only these fledgling recruits, but also experienced special forces soldiers need to receive this type of training regularly, just like the experienced veterans in the classroom at this moment.

This is enough to show that the Wolf Fang Special Forces has extremely high requirements for the information technology level of its soldiers.

 Those who can become special forces usually have at least a high school diploma. Many of them are even former military officers and have received formal education at military academies.

 Hence, they have some understanding of computer technology.

 After the high school team led the others away, the female instructor Li Yingying stood up and faced the new students below and said:

"Hello everyone, I am the instructor of your electronic information technology course. My name is Li Yingying. From now on, you can call me instructor or instructor Li."    "I believe that you all should be aware of the importance of information technology in special forces. "Understand how critical this skill will be for our Wolf Fang Special Forces to carry out special missions in the future."

“I won’t say much about its importance. Now, I would like to investigate first, have any of you learned basic electronic information technology? If you have, please raise your hands.”

As soon as Li Yingying finished speaking, everyone raised their hands almost at the same time.

 Except for Zhuang Yan and Zhang Chuan who are privates, half of them are non-commissioned officers and the other half are officers.

Noncommissioned officers have served in the original army for many years and have naturally received relevant training in information technology; officers, not to mention, have been assessed on this subject during their military school years.

Zhuang Yan went to university before joining the army, and this course was also offered in the university. In addition, he is an academic master, and it is easy to master basic information technology.

 In the end, only Zhang Chuan was left.

Zhang Chuan joined the army directly after graduating from high school. Although information technology courses were offered in high school, students generally did not pay enough attention to them because they were not college entrance examination subjects, so he only learned the most basic operational knowledge.

However, don’t forget that just now, he has integrated Dr. Banner’s knowledge and skills.

Dr. Banner’s seven doctorates include electronic information engineering, and his information technology capabilities are among the best in the Marvel universe.

 So, after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Chuan also raised his hand.

 All new students in the room have raised their hands.

 “Very good, you are all honest.

 Actually, I have read each of your files. This is just a test of whether you are realistic.

 Since everyone has a certain foundation, the next study should be relatively easy. "

Li Yingying said, walked straight to Zhang Chuan and asked: "No. 08, I noticed that you were a little hesitant to raise your hand just now. Have you really mastered some basic knowledge, or are you just raising your hand to save face?"

 A group of new students all locked their eyes on Zhang Chuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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