Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 28: The Hulk's talent awakens!

Chapter 28 The Hulk’s talent awakens!

In the next half a month, when it was just dawn, the Wolf Fang troops were using bullets as grass, sending them box after box to the shooting range non-stop. .

Since joining the army, these new recruits almost vomited from their first live ammunition shooting.

Zhang Chuan also specially selected those two hours every morning to chat with everyone about his marksmanship secrets and actual combat stories.

What he didn't expect was that despite his eloquent preaching and teachings, those veterans of the Wolf Fang who had experienced many battles actually dropped their work, gathered in a circle, listened with interest, and took notes seriously.

I thought to myself: Aren’t you my teacher too? Is there really anything wrong with Baba coming to learn from me?

After noon, and then into the night, various trainings on camouflage, surprise tactics, urban warfare (street fighting) and so on took turns.

After practicing such a set of special operations skills, Zhang Chuan's performance was jaw-dropping. Every achievement almost broke the existing record of the Langya Army.

Speaking of disguise, as long as Zhang Chuan is involved, no matter whether he is a veteran of Langya or a new recruit, he is guaranteed not to be found; conversely, if Zhang Chuan goes to look for others, he can see the flaws in the other person's disguise at a glance, even if the other person is Even a veteran of Wolf Fang can catch him without fail.

As for the surprise attack tactics, Zhang Chuan had only practiced the movements for three days, and he was already thinking that the future training of Langya veterans and recruits would be based on this standard.

 As for city battles, he can single-handedly challenge five or more opponents, and easily take down them all.

 In short, no matter what kind of special combat skills, in Zhang Chuan's hands, it is as if he was born with it, and he can fly with ease.

Had it not been for fear of any repercussions, the Langya Army would have long thought about letting Zhang Chuan alone undertake all the teaching work of combat skills.

 Zhang Chuan’s talent is really impressive!

 Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the day of assessment finally arrived.

 After a rigorous screening process, almost one-third of the recruits were unfortunately eliminated because they failed the shooting test and other special operations skills.

 There are only about thirty people left in the team, but this does not mean that they are already qualified special forces.

There are still three months of devil training waiting for them. If they are not careful, they may be kicked out at any time.

But having said that, the thirty or so people who have been able to survive until now are all potential stocks and have extraordinary talents.


At this time, Zhang Chuan suddenly heard a system notification sound in his head.

“The host assisted the Wolf Fang troops in training new recruits, and all the personal achievements he made broke the existing records of the Wolf Fang. After a comprehensive evaluation of the system, it was decided to give the host the following rewards: +20 physical attribute points, and +1 knowledge and skill for Dr. Banner.”

 “Dr. Banner? Hulk?”

 Zhang Chuan's eyes lit up and he was full of expectations.

“System, do you mean that I now have the ability of the Hulk?”

Many friends who like Marvel movies love Hulk's infinitely powerful yet naive character. Every time they see him show off his power in a movie, they get excited and excited. The system responded: "It's not the Hulk himself, but Hulk's Banner state when he returned to his human form."

Zhang Chuan was stunned for a moment, "What's the difference? Aren't they both the same person? It's just that one is before the transformation and the other is after the transformation. The form and consciousness are different."

“There is a big difference between the two.”

The system explained:

“Banner is an extremely smart and rational person. He has almost reached the highest peak that humans can reach in various academic fields. Hulk, on the other hand, only knows how to fight and has no reason. Strictly speaking, he cannot be considered a normal human being.”

“The skills rewarded by this system are limited to Banner’s knowledge level.”

 Zhang Chuan was a little disappointed, "What are the specific contents of Dr. Banner's knowledge and skills?"

 He found that he knew the Hulk fairly well, but he knew very little about Dr. Banner.

System answer:

"Banner has earned a total of seven doctorates in academia, including nuclear physics, biology, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, mathematics, electronic technology and astronomy. In addition, he has done research on gamma ray weapon development, wormholes He has also made considerable achievements in the fields of space theory practice and biotechnology membrane evolution.

It can be said that his knowledge covers almost every corner of academia, and he has reached the top level of the industry in almost every field! "


Hearing the system’s introduction, Zhang Chuan suddenly felt a sense of respect for Dr. Banner.

People often say that it is difficult to get a doctorate. He actually has seven doctorates, and he also has in-depth research in other niche fields.

How much intelligence and talent do you need to do this?

No wonder Banner is known as one of the most awesome superheroes among many Marvel fans.

While Zhang Chuan was chatting animatedly with the system, he had already followed the team and walked into a building under the guidance of instructor Langya.

Tonight, they will receive new training there—electronic information technology!

ˆ No matter it is modern war, contemporary war, or future war, information warfare has become an indispensable part of war, and its status is becoming more and more important.

Countries are vigorously developing information-based mechanized troops. Even special forces must master basic information technology.

 (End of this chapter)

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