Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 24: How can there be such training for shooting?

Chapter 24 How can you train shooting like this!

It was another nail-biting ten-kilometer cross-country trip in full gear, and Zhang Chuan was as tired as a dog at this moment.

However, fortunately, at the last moment, he pushed himself to the limit, and his physical fitness value jumped up by five points.

Following this, the system also added five points to him, which allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief and prevent him from fainting.

He collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, but a stubborn smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

These days are really not for humans.

Thinking about the hell-like special training in the past half month, plus the ten physical points he just obtained, his physical fitness has only increased by twenty points in total, which is such a small improvement.

From this point of view, the stronger your physique becomes in the future, it will probably be as difficult as climbing to the sky if you want to improve it even a little bit.

 He ​​raised his hand to open the personal information interface and glanced at:

Name: Zhang Chuan

Identity: Recruit Danzi

Physical attributes: Strength 300, Agility 300, IQ 180

 Skills: Deadshot Shooting (mastery 40%), Fighting (mastery 30%), Chameleon Disguise (mastery 30%)

“Barely, it’s still far from three times the strength of a normal person. When I officially join the Wolf Fang, I will have to be at least three and a half times the strength of a normal person.”

“Old Zhang, how did you get into shape like this?”

Zhuang Yan and Lao Pao squad leader were breathing heavily while staring at Zhang Chuan, their eyes full of jealousy.

"you do not say."

Paratrooper Deng Zhenhua looked shocked: "You didn't even climb two mountains, but you still ran with us for ten kilometers. The most important thing is that you were the first to cross the finish line. Are you made of iron?"

Zhang Chuan smiled bitterly: "Practice with all your strength."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

“Everyone, gather together within five minutes and run to the shooting range at full speed! From today on, shooting training officially starts!”

At this moment, the loud voices of the high school team exploded on the playground.

 As soon as they heard this, these rookies were instantly shocked.

“It’s finally time for shooting training! This time, I want you to see my marksmanship!”

“Haha, this time, I want to let the guys from Langya know that our field troops are not easy to mess with either!”

“Shooting, that’s my specialty, I must impress those old birds!”

 For a time, the rookies were all excited and eager to start practicing.

 “Hey, Lao Zhang, how is your shooting?”

 Paratrooper Deng Zhenhua bumped Zhang Chuan’s shoulder with a look of anticipation.

 “Let’s make do.” Zhang Chuan said modestly, not wanting to pour cold water on Deng Zhenhua.

 “Haha, you have finally found a project that can overwhelm you!”

Deng Zhenhua said proudly: "Let me tell you, the marksmanship of our paratroopers is famous in the Eagle Division! In the entire military region, they are also well-known as good hands!"

“I have almost lost my self-confidence after being suppressed by you for more than half a month. Now I can finally regain my position by shooting!”

Zhuang Yan, Lao Pao and Chen Xiwa tried their best to suppress their laughter and looked at Deng Zhenhua with some sympathy.

“Zhang Chuan just said a few words of modesty, but you took it seriously.”

"Even the chief instructor admires Zhang Chuan's marksmanship. You still want to compete with him?" "Isn't this asking for embarrassment?"

Deng Zhenhua felt the gazes of the three of them and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, you question the marksmanship of my paratroopers?"

Zhuang Yan waved his hand and sneered: "How dare you? Paratrooper, you are a born ruthless character. How dare we underestimate you."

Deng Zhenhua snorted coldly: "We'll see, I'll surprise you when the time comes!"

 After a while, everyone gathered together and ran towards the shooting range.

They were divided into three groups, with fifteen people in each group. Zhang Chuan and Zhuang Yan were in the last group.

“Distance, two hundred meters, human target!”

“The requirement is that thirty rounds of bullets in the magazine must be fired within forty seconds, and at least twenty rounds must hit the target to be considered qualified!”

 Gray Wolf held a stopwatch in his hand and loudly announced the rules to the new recruits.

"Human target? Two hundred meters?" The recruits were all confused.

This requirement does not sound harsh, and even seems a bit childish to these elite night fighting troops.

“It seems that the special forces’ requirements for shooting are nothing more than this!” Deng Zhenhua’s lips curled up into a smile.

 There are not a few people who have similar ideas.

 Zhang Chuan is the only exception.

Intuition told him that Langya’s training test could never be that simple.

 There must be something fishy in this!

 “The first row is ready, ready, start!”

 Gray Wolf gave the order, and the fifteen recruits in the first platoon took action immediately.

 They were about to show off their skills and give Langya a showdown, but suddenly they discovered...

 “Holy shit! The gun was all broken into pieces! What the hell!”

 Someone screamed in surprise.

“The scope is also blocked! How can we aim at it?”

“Damn it! Who can finish shooting in forty seconds and hit the target more than twenty times?”

  The recruits were instantly panicked.

But the arrow was on the string and he had to fire it. He could only bite the bullet and race against time to assemble the firearm.

 The recruits at the back were dumbfounded when they heard the movement in front.

 The gun was dismantled to pieces and the sight was covered...

To fire thirty bullets and hit more than twenty hits within forty seconds is simply a fantasy!

 These veterans of Wolf Fang obviously deliberately created problems for them!

 How can anyone take a shooting test like this?

 (End of this chapter)

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