Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 23: If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, you won't be able to survive?

Chapter 23: Staying up in the middle of the night will prevent people from living?

The high school team raised the corners of their mouths slightly. The opponent's attitude was so determined, what else could they say? …

 “Okay, remember safety first.”

 The high school team could only leave this sentence as a reminder before leaving.

“Chief instructor, I have a small request. Can you give me a few sandbags? I want to tie them to my body to enhance the effect of weight-bearing training.”

“Not much, just tie one to each limb. Five kilograms each is enough.”

 Five kilograms each, that’s not much?

 It adds up to twenty kilograms, which is about forty kilograms!

 When ordinary people do this level of weight-bearing training, they often take off their equipment before considering adding such a heavy sandbag.

It's a good thing for you, you are already carrying heavy equipment, but you still have to add sandbags to it, turning yourself into a mobile fortress weighing more than 100 kilograms.

  Oh my dear, do you know what it means to be truly hard-working?

Your training method really puts us old bones to shame!

 “Gray Wolf, go find him some sandbags!”

 The corners of the high school team’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

"Yes, sir!"

The gray wolf glanced at Zhang Chuan with his deep eyes, then quickly walked to the equipment room, took out the sandbag and handed it to Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan finished dressing quickly and immediately rushed to the top of the mountain like an arrow from a string.

His backpack was still bulging, and the bricks that had been stuffed in it had not been taken out.

 Hence, his weight at the moment is always around one hundred kilograms.

 Such a weight load has long been beyond the scope of conventional training for our special forces.

For those of us who have been on the battlefield for a long time, carrying such a heavy load on our backs can at best only be able to climb to the top of the mountain on foot. Trying to run up there is sheer fantasy!

However, at this moment, they saw that Zhang Chuan was not only effortless, but his running speed was almost the same as when they went into battle lightly.

This extraordinary physical fitness made both the high school team and the Gray Wolf feel as if they had instantly turned into soft-footed shrimps!

“High school team, we, Langya, have made a fortune this time!”

 The gray wolf sighed repeatedly.

 The corner of the high school team's lips raised slightly, "I hope so. You send someone to follow him, don't disturb him, just ensure his safety."



  When the bell rang at five o'clock in the morning, the rookie warehouse was once again filled with the pungent smell of gas bombs, and everyone woke up from their dreams.

 After more than half a month of adapting to gas bombs, these rookies no longer seem to be so afraid of its power.

 Everyone can complete the full set of weapons in half a minute, rush out of the warehouse, and assemble in place.

However, just as they were lining up, a black shadow slid rapidly down the top of the hillside.

 It was five o'clock and it was still dark, so they couldn't see the appearance of the person coming.

 When Zhang Chuan's figure came into view clearly, everyone was stunned.

“Brother Zhang? How did this kid run down the mountain? Was he taken out alone and lectured?”

 Everyone felt nervous. Zhang Chuan was sweating profusely and panting heavily as he ran to the end of the team, saluted the high school team, and reported loudly: "Report to the chief instructor, rookie No. 08 has reported and applied to join the team!"

 The high school team glanced at him coldly, "Return to the team!"


Zhang Chuan quickly returned to the last position of the team and stood still.

“Are you all wondering why rookie No. 08 ran down the mountain?”

 The high school team looked at everyone and asked questions.

 No one responded, but judging from everyone's expressions, it was clear that they were full of curiosity.

“Because while you were still sleeping soundly, he got up at three o’clock in the morning and asked me for physical training!”

“In just two hours, he has successfully made two trips to and from the top of the mountain!”

 The rookies were collectively dumbfounded.

Is this guy crazy?

 Having been tortured for half a month, it was hard to get a good night’s sleep, yet you actually took the initiative to get up early to train?

 Is there any mistake?

 Your physique is already insane, but you are still working so hard. How can ordinary people like us survive?

“People who are better than you work harder than you. But you, your eyes haven’t been fully opened yet!”

The high school team's voice suddenly rose and they shouted: "Gray Wolf, pull the water pipe over and let them wake up!"


 Gray Wolf and his men immediately pulled two water pipes and sprayed the rookies wildly. Everyone was soaked and looked very embarrassed.

 “Are you all awake?”

 The high school team asked loudly.

 “Wake up!”

Everyone tried their best to shout out the answer.

“Don’t think that after the devil’s training week, you are a member of the Wolf Fang! Let me tell you, you are still far from being truly qualified!”

“Passing Devil Week can only prove that your physical fitness and perseverance have barely reached the passing line! But in other skills, you are still far behind!”

"So, we will enter the second phase of skills training. In two months, we will conduct comprehensive special skills training for you, including special combat, assault operations, precision shooting, tactical use, camouflage penetration, reconnaissance and counterattack Dozens of skills such as reconnaissance and electronic information technology!”

“Requirements, all skills must meet our standards! Once the deadline is up, those who are unqualified will still be eliminated!”

“During this period, physical training will be carried out throughout! So now, everyone, armed with cross-country ten kilometers, start!”

"Rookie No. 08, you must keep up too! It's one thing for you to train on your own in private, but you must also participate in group training! Anyone who fails to reach the finish line within the specified time will still be deducted points. Points will be deducted Finally, we are facing the same fate of elimination!”


 Zhang Chuan and all the rookies responded in unison.

 After half a month of training, they have become accustomed to the tough instructor's iron-blooded methods of the high school team.

 Here, you have no right to choose, except to obey or obey, otherwise you have no choice but to pack up and go home.

 Everything depends on strength. If you can't hold on, it means you are not qualified to become a special forces soldier!

 (End of this chapter)

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