Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 129: Langya will surely make a comeback and regain its former glory.

Chapter 129 Langya will surely make a comeback and regain its former glory!

The temperature at the base of Changbai Mountain is about minus ten degrees now, and outdoor training is already so cold that people are shivering. If it drops another twenty degrees, the extreme cold of minus thirty degrees is terrifying just thinking about it.

Zhang Jun, a high-ranking leader in the Southeast Military Region, participated in the preparations for the army's special warfare elite competition.

 After an in-depth discussion, He Zhijun gave him a comprehensive understanding of the grouping arrangement of the "Wolf Fang" team in this competition.

It has to be said that He Zhijun, as an experienced special forces captain, has a unique vision. Even Zhang Jun could not find any flaws in the "Langya" grouping plan.

Whether it is to strive for good results in the competition for the "Wolf Fang" or to maximize the potential of the entire commando team, letting Zhang Chuan become an independent combat unit is obviously the best choice.

After Zhang Jun left, He Zhijun continued to guide the "Langya" commandos in pre-match training.

After personally explaining the demonstration, He Zhijun left the meeting, leaving "Timber Wolf" Geng Jihui to lead the remaining eight team members to practice fighting, shooting, concealment and other skills.

 At this time, the "Langya" commando team was officially divided into two independent combat groups for training.

Geng Jihui was responsible for leading other team members to do regular training, while Zhang Chuan went deep into the Changbai Mountain military base alone and took advantage of the opportunity to skillfully use his many skills.

 Zhang Chuan checked his ability profile:

Name: Zhang Chuan

Rank: Captain

 Physical energy value: 350

 Skill package:


 “Deadshot” shooting skills (fusion degree 30%)


 “Captain America” fighting skills (fusion degree 40%)


 "Skrull" Disguise-

 “Spider-Man” Climbing Technique-

 "Dr. Banner" knowledge treasure house


 “Iron Man” radar early warning system (covering 500 meters)-

 "Cyclops" tactical knowledge summary-

“Quicksilver” short-distance teleportation skill (range of influence: 1 meter)

Although these skills did not bring Zhang Chuan an obvious advantage in the game, "Quicksilver"'s ability to temporarily increase speed gave him a lot of tactical inspiration.

 After sorting out his thoughts, Zhang Chuan returned to the "Langya" training ground.

 Suddenly, a provocative voice sounded:

“Hey, look where these young commandos came from, and they need to undergo special adaptation training?”

  When the "Langya" team members heard the sound, they all opened their eyes in anger.

Zhang Chuan recognized that this group of people were also contestants, and their armbands showed that they were the "Flying Dragon" commando team of the Southwest Military Region.

“Oh, aren’t these ‘Sirius’ and ‘Gray Wolf’? Are you the two leading the team?” the other party joked.

 "Sirius" and "Gray Wolf" looked confused and felt vaguely uneasy. Could it be...

Zhang Chuan had doubts and recalled the situation of the last competition.

 “Let me tell you, they don’t even know you.”

Another "Flying Dragon" player mocked, "Chen Long, you eliminated three of them last time, and they haven't remembered you yet. What a failure!"

“Indeed, Chen Long, you were too merciful to them last time!” His teammates agreed.

 “It seems that this time we will make them remember it deeply!” Chen Long sneered.

 Chen Long? The third best player last year?

 From the dialogue and the logo of their "Flying Dragon" special forces, the "Wolf Fang" members immediately knew the identity of the other party.

Facing the ridicule of the "Flying Dragon" team members, "Sirian Wolf" and "Gray Wolf" remained silent. After all, they lost three to one. It was a fact that their skills were inferior to others.

“The tide is turning! Even if your ‘flying dragons’ are extraordinary, that’s just the past!” Geng Jihui showed no sign of weakness and immediately counterattacked.

Other "Wolf Fang" team members are also prepared.

“Haha, you are indeed the legendary ‘Spike’, a newcomer is in charge, and even the captain is a novice!”

"There are seven rookies out of ten, and one is acting alone. It's really ridiculous!" "I think the top management of 'Langya' is quite wise. Anyone they send will be at the bottom. It's better to let the newcomers train and lose with confidence!"

 “This decision is so brilliant, it is simply a model of wisdom!”

   The members of the "Feilong" made fun of everyone in the "Langya" with each other's words.

Zhang Chuan, who couldn't bear it anymore, gave a thumbs up and then pointed downward:

"I am Lone Wolf, the newcomer who fights alone. You'd better pray not to meet me, otherwise I will let you know how the 'Flying Dragon' became a 'Deleted Dragon'!"

 Chen Long sneered when he heard this: "The young man's tone is not bad. Did he not brush his teeth or was he drunk and talking nonsense last night?"

“Chen Long, don’t worry about this kind of arrogance. He may be proclaiming himself a king in a certain corner and he really takes himself seriously.”

 “I seem to have heard the biggest joke of the year!”

“Okay, okay, don’t waste time, you don’t really want to encounter this ‘wolf fang’ in the game, do you? No, no?”

"Arrogant boy, I will return your words to you!"

Chen Long snorted, "You'd better pray that you don't meet me on the battlefield, otherwise you lost last year and it will be the same this year!"

“What’s more likely is that you won’t run into us at all and just pack your things and go home!”

“You newbies who don’t know the heights of the world will sooner or later make you experience true despair!”

 After leaving harsh words, Chen Long left arrogantly with the "Flying Dragon" commando team.

“The ‘Flying Dragon’ commando team has gone too far! Geng Jihui, are we just going to let them be so arrogant?”

 “Evil Wolf” Qiangzi was filled with indignation.

 Zhang Chuan held down Qiangzi who was about to charge forward: "Calm down! They may be deliberately provoking. If you really want to teach them a lesson, you have to do it on the battlefield!"

"Siberian Wolf" agreed: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. If we encounter them, let them see the power of our younger generations!"

 He turned to "Sirius" and asked: "Is this Chen Long really that powerful?"

“You have seen Lao Gao’s strength before. When we were at our peak, the three of us together were eliminated by Chen Long within ten seconds.”

“Six or seven years ago, our ‘Langya’ was a real powerhouse. We definitely had a place among the top special forces in the country, and we could even break into the top three!

 But now, alas, our group of old people are getting older, and there are no amazing new blood behind us. The team cannot keep up with the replacement, and the overall combat effectiveness has declined seriously.

 Let’s look at the competition a few years ago, let alone the current Southwest Military Region, no one can challenge our ‘Langya’!

 So, in the future, when our group of "Lone Wolf Group A" gradually withdraws, it will be up to you, the little brothers of "Lone Wolf Group B", to carry the banner of "Lone Wolf"! "

"Hui Lang" said, nodded vigorously, looked at Zhuang Yan and the others, his eyes were full of affirmation:

“You guys are all extremely talented and physically fit, and are much better than we were back then. I believe that with you here, ‘Langya’ will be able to make a comeback and regain its former glory!”

Zhuang Yan and others looked at each other, their eyes flashing with determination, and they said in unison:

“Brother Gray Wolf, Brother Tianlang, don’t worry, we will definitely let ‘Langya’ regain its prestige and return to its glorious moment!”

 "Gray Wolf" and other veteran team members smiled happily: "We believe in you, we will do it!"

At this time, the "Flying Dragon" commando team just left, and the team members were talking privately.

 (End of this chapter)

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