Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 128: A special team directly managed by the headquarters!

Chapter 128 A special team under the direct control of the headquarters!

At this time, Zhang Chuan asked: "Langtou, you just said that we should pay attention to eight commandos. I counted seven.

Where did the other one go? "

He Zhijun smiled bitterly and replied: "Lion, your question is on point! There is indeed such a team, with terrifying strength. Basically, the championship is theirs. It is a special team directly managed by the headquarters. There were only four people in total.

I don’t know much, I only know that this group is called ‘Long Yan’. If ordinary special forces are like the tip of a knife, then Long Yan is the king of kings on the tip of the knife! "

After what He Zhijun said, all the participating team members were dumbfounded!

 Directly under the management of the headquarters?

 The top of the top?

Only four people?

Coupled with Langtou's unreasonable comment that he was too strong.

 Everyone’s expressions were unified like this:

ˆ (black question mark face)

 At the same time, dissatisfaction was clearly written on everyone’s face!

We also have two hands and one head, and our daily training is the same. Why should we let this commando named Long Yan compare with us?

  Hey, I understand, you must be a little doubtful about my words, maybe you think I'm bragging?

He Zhijun smiled broadly:

 That’s right! We Langya must have this kind of energy. No matter who our opponent is, we must have the air of being the best in the world!

However, there is one thing that He Zhijun did not say in front of the Eagle Commandos:

Now that Langya has a sharp blade like Zhang Chuan, he can rush forward without fear of any opponent he encounters!

He didn’t believe that there could be another freak like Zhang Chuan in this world!

To put it bluntly, He Zhijun took the initiative to apply to lead his team to participate in the All-Army Special Forces Competition this time. He actually wanted to take advantage of Zhang Chuan!

 He had a particularly strong feeling:

No matter how the rules of the competition change, Zhang Chuan, a free fish, cannot be trapped!

Just when He Zhijun was full of confidence because of Zhang Chuan, the remaining nine team members of Langya all looked at Zhang Chuan!

 Could it be that…

The members of the Longye commando directly under the headquarters are the members of Zhang Chuan at the level of Zhang Chuan?

If that's the case, the Wolf Fang team may have to pack their bags and go home in advance!

 Why are you all staring at me? Being stared at by so many people, Zhang Chuan felt his scalp numb.

He Zhijun immediately understood the psychological activities of his teammates, but there were so many people talking on the plane that it was inconvenient to say more.

very quickly,

Military planes landed at the Changbai Mountain Military Base of the Northeast Military Region. Special commandos from the eight military regions and various arms were basically present!

As soon as the plane touched the ground, as if fate had arranged it, He Zhijun was leading the ten members of the Wolf Fang Team towards their camp when they met the Feilong Commando of the Southwest Military Region!

Hey, isn't this Lao He, bringing the Wolf Fang Team here for vacation again? These words came from the mouth of Yang Zhen, the captain of the Feilong Special Forces Brigade. I asked you, boy, was it your grandma’s daughter who sent you to deliver food? I didn't beat you hard enough when you were in school. Do you want to try again? He Zhijun's face suddenly darkened.

But Deng Zhenhua, a young man with a stupid head, saw that He Zhijun’s expression was wrong, and he happily stepped forward: Wolf head, which special force is this? So angry?

 You brat, go ahead and play! He is Yang Zhen, the captain of the Feilong Special Forces. How dare I, a little wolf, dare to be arrogant in front of him? He Zhijun said angrily.


The Wolf Fang team members suddenly realized it!

From the conversation between He Zhijun and Yang Zhen, they realized that the grievances between the two were not only the winning or losing of the last special forces competition, but also the personal grievances in the past!

No wonder the wolf head gets angry when he sees the other person!

 Lao He, I understand you. In the Southeast Military Region, it’s hard to see snow all year round. It’s great to come to the Northeast to see the snow and relax!

Also, don’t worry, if Langya’s brothers encounter our Feilong again this year, as long as they say it’s your team, Lao He, we will definitely take a detour!

Now, everyone can hear the thorn in the words!

 Hey, isn’t this just a slap in the face?

Before He Zhijun had time to reply, Zhang Chuan couldn't sit still: Hello, chief, for your sake, if we meet Feilong's brothers, we promise to let them pack their bags and go home in advance without saying anything, so as to avoid them being in the snowy mountains. Suffer!

  Be presumptuous! He Zhijun was happy in his heart, but on the surface he kept a straight face and lectured: We are all brothers, we must speak politely, and remember to add the word "please" before every sentence!

  Got it, Wolf Head! As for the brothers who meet Feilong, we will invite them home as soon as possible! Zhang Chuan replied.

Yang Zhen watched helplessly as He Zhijun and Zhang Chuan sang together, but he was blocked and couldn't say a word. In the end, he could only fight back in frustration:

It seems that Langya is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. This person should be newly elected this year, right? Can novices participate in martial arts competitions? It seems that your Wolf Fang really has no one available! Do you want me to lend you a few people?

 Zhang Chuan and Zhuang Yan next to them were both surprised.

Yang Zhen could tell at a glance that they were newcomers!

This vision is too vicious!

They don’t know that whoever can become the captain of the special forces is not a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time?

 Do you have the aura of a special forces soldier on your body? Do you have that kind of murderous aura? People can see through it at a glance!

Just like ordinary people and soldiers standing together, others can tell the difference at a glance.

 Haha, young people should go out and explore more. I hope our Feilong brothers can give more guidance!

 The two captains looked kind and friendly on the surface, but after turning around, the smiles on their faces immediately disappeared.

 They each issued death orders to their team members:

If you encounter a flying dragon (wolf fang) this year, I will deal with it severely!

Everyone in Langya was so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!

Lang Tou's acting skills are amazing. Hollywood doesn't want him to make movies. The Oscars should at least give him two statuettes to be worthy of his acting skills!

 After arranging the team, He Zhijun was urgently called to a meeting by the director team.

 An hour later, he came back with a solemn expression: Timberwolves, gather all team members immediately!

Geng Jihui knew the situation was not good as soon as he saw He Zhijun's face!

 After the team members arrived, He Zhijun announced: I have bad news to tell everyone!

Due to the influence of the Siberian cold current, the Changbai Mountain Military Base will experience a severe snowstorm in up to three days! The director team has made a decision after research and the competition will proceed as usual!

 There was an explosion in the conference room.

 The representatives of the four northern military regions were relatively calm. After all, they were used to training in low-temperature environments.

The leaders of the four major military regions in the south almost fell out with the director team, but after reporting to their superiors,

 In the end, it was decided that the game would go ahead as originally planned, and He Zhijun was helpless about it.

I know that you may not be familiar with the Northeast. As far as I know, when a snowstorm comes, the temperature at the Changbai Mountain base can drop by more than ten degrees or even twenty degrees in half a day!


 The team members gasped collectively, with pain written all over their faces!

 (End of this chapter)

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