Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 102: Did you just solve it for us?

 Chapter 102 just solved us?

After complaining for a long time, Zhao Qiang didn't wait for Zhang Chuan to speak, and sat down on the ground helplessly, "Okay, you Zhang Chuan are my nemesis, I accept it. That's not right, aren't you in Langya? What's going on? Are you coming to the Army Academy?"

Zhang Chuan smiled and explained: "Thanks to you, I made meritorious service in the military exercise and was promoted to captain, so I came to the military academy to continue my studies."

"Aiya, I go!

The expressions on the faces of Zhao Qiang and the others were wonderful.

"We have become your stepping stones, and you run down from the clouds and step on us little soldiers. Do you have any conscience?"

“Do you think our Black Tiger Brigade is easy to bully?”

"Let's go. I know that my defeated general shouldn't be nagging you." Zhao Qiang gave up his struggle completely and sat down on the ground, looking at the night sky with a look of despair.

 Anyone who sees this scene will feel distressed.

What a poor kid.

But who would have thought that Zhang Chuan sat down instead and said with a smile: "I just came out to get some air. I didn't expect to meet you, so I just had fun. Hehe, now that my mission is completed, there is nothing I can't say. "

When Zhao Qiang and the others heard this, they almost jumped up and cursed again.

  "You call it ventilating, and you solved us easily?"

 “What a joke!”

 He suddenly remembered that he had said similar words to his men when he came out of the command post.

 Slap yourself in the face!

“Wait a minute! What do you mean when you say the mission is completed? Your school also has a special team?”

 Zhao Qiang asked.


Zhang Chuan waved his hand and said: "They are all cadet officers and field troops who have been transferred to further training."


 Hearing this, the big stone in several people's hearts fell to the ground.

 It’s fine if you don’t have it.

 It’s fine if you don’t have it.

 If they were just ordinary soldiers, their own team should be able to cope with it.

In this way, even if these guys lose the battle, as long as the company wins in the end and kills many enemies, it will be considered a victory.

 The captain will not blame them.

 However, the strings in their hearts have not yet relaxed.

 The sound of rapid breathing suddenly came from the earphones.

“Captain! Captain! The first team was ambushed by the Blue Army and was continuously attacked by the fire team and the sniper team! Three people in our team have been sacrificed and cannot escape. We are in urgent need of support! Again, we need support! We are now..."

“Call the company commander, call the captain! The third team was ambushed by the enemy and has no hope of breaking out. Please support us! We are..."

 “Call command…”


 Zhao Qiang and other members of the headquarters, the company’s calls for help continued to echo in the headphones.

Each team said they were ambushed and were in a desperate situation

 As a result, no one was spared, and all ten groups were wiped out!

  Zhao Qiang and his teammates all looked surprised when they heard this.

how can that be possible?

how could it be possible? !

 It is easy to understand if a group is ambushed by the enemy.

 But all ten teams were wiped out. What kind of coincidence is this?

 Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

 How does the enemy know our logistical destruction route?

When did these cadet officers become so powerful?

Weren’t they beaten so dizzy before?

“Zhang Chuan! What’s going on? Didn’t you say you don’t have special forces there?”

Zhao Qiang shouted to Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan spread his hands: "It is true that there is no other special forces except me. The ones who attacked you are the cadet officers from our school."

 “This is absolutely impossible!”

Zhao Qiang retorted: "I know their strength very well. How could they be defeated by our men? Moreover, we have always found out their positions quietly. How come they knew our movements and laid traps in advance?" Waiting for our people to jump in?” Zhang Chuan explained: “It’s very simple, didn’t your troops penetrate our school’s communication system?”

“We deliberately revealed our deployment to you in advance, and you arrived at the ambush location as planned.”

“People from our school have already set up traps all around. We will send a team of people to lure you into the trap, and the rest of the team will be responsible for encirclement and annihilation.”

Zhao Qiang and the others opened their mouths slightly after hearing this.

“You...you already knew that we had penetrated your communication channel?”

 Zhang Chuan replied: "Yes, I told them. It's not difficult to guess."


 “Did you discover it yourself?”

Zhang Chuan nodded: "Yes, your tactics are similar to those used in the Gulf War, aren't they? I thought about it and guessed it."


Zhao Qiang cursed in his heart.

“Are you a special forces soldier or a master of tactics in large-scale battles?”

 “How long have you been training before you can see the tactical arrangements of our troops?”

"Even the leaders of your school and so many tactical instructors didn't see the way, are you the only one who has seen through it?"

Suddenly, Zhao Qiang thought of something and said loudly: "So, our large army also..."

 Zhang Chuan smiled and looked at his watch: "It's almost time."

As soon as he finished speaking, artillery fire roared from the surrounding hilltop positions.

 Exceptionally dense.

 It was even denser than when the two armies first clashed.

This means that the Army School has begun to launch a counterattack and ambush against their Blue Army troops!

 It’s over!

 It’s completely over!

It’s really over this time!

 Zhao Qiang and others turned pale.

Their special companies and large units were trapped in the trap of the Army School.

 According to previous reports from the team members, the Special Forces Company has apparently been defeated.

 And now the intensive artillery fire shows that there is basically no hope for the large army.

 They were defeated again!

Two armored brigades and a special company of special forces were dispatched, but they still lost to the Army School. It would be strange if they were not severely criticized by the military district leaders when they returned!

 Damn it, the captain probably wants to strangle us to death!

  Why am I so unlucky? I have to be reprimanded just after training. Who did I offend?

 He firmly believed that without Zhang Chuan, their troops would have easily defeated the Army Academy!

 Zhang Chuan, my God!

 It’s you kid again! Do you want to kill our special company? hateful!

 Zhao Qiang and the others wished they could rush forward and fight Zhang Chuan.

In the last major military exercise, Zhang Chuan captured the leader of the Blue Army, which can be said to be one of the key factors in the failure of their Blue Army!

 Now, when this guy appears, they are defeated again!

 The histories are surprisingly similar!

 I'm afraid that if they return to the army, their fate will be the same as last time, right? !

  It’s really hard to live!

Zhang Chuan looked at their expressions of wanting to eat him and quickly laughed: "Don't be angry, everyone. This is just an exercise, not a real weapon. If you lose, come back next time."

 “There’s a next time?!”

Zhao Qiang and the others finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Zhang Chuan. One of them roared: "Aren't you hurting us badly enough? Damn it, I will fight you today! We will die together!"





 A few dull sounds.

Zhao Qiang and the others were ejected without even touching the corners of Zhang Chuan's clothes.

 After being stunned for a while, they all became depressed and cried bitterly.

"This is unfair! You are so good at fighting! Why would God send a pervert like you to torture us!"

 (End of this chapter)

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