Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 101: The Black Tiger Special Forces collapsed?

Chapter 101 The Black Tiger Special Forces collapsed?

"Okay, notify each team and act according to the pre-plan. The sooner we finish the work, the sooner we can go home. I really don't understand why Captain Lei wants to drag our company to participate in such a small-scale exercise. Isn't this a clear waste of our time? "

The major curled his lips. If Zhang Chuan were here, he would definitely be surprised to see this major.

Because this major officer was the leader of the "Black Tiger Brigade" responsible for protecting the wounded of the Red Army during the large-scale exercises in the Southeast Military Region, Zhao Qiang!

At that time, Zhao Qiang led a whole company of special forces in hot pursuit of Zhang Chuan, with the purpose of rescuing the wounded Red Army soldiers.

However, Zhang Chuan eliminated them one after another.

 For their special forces company, that exercise was a disgrace and an inescapable nightmare!

 They were full of resentment and awe toward Zhang Chuan!

In this exercise, I am afraid he never dreamed that he would meet Zhang Chuan again under such circumstances.

 9:30 pm.

 With the sound of a cannon, the final decisive battle began.

The Red Army troops opened fire with all their strength and conducted intense fire suppression on various defense points of the school.

 The school pretended to be in a hurry, and the counterattack force gradually weakened, and reported pessimistic situations through communications, such as the number of casualties, how much equipment was lost, requests for retreat, etc., in order to mislead the Red Army troops.

 When the Red Army troops heard the news, they were secretly happy and ordered to strengthen their offensive.

 At the same time, they dispatched mechanized infantry and armored units to quickly launch a general attack on the school positions!

 In an instant, the night sky was filled with dust.

 Tanks, armored vehicles, and military vehicles carrying soldiers rushed toward the school’s defense lines at full speed.

On the other side, the special forces who had been ambushing behind the defense lines also began to take action.

  "Attention, all teams, fight quickly and don't capsize in the gutter!"

Zhao Qiang held the walkie-talkie and reminded the team members below.

 “Team 1 understands!”

 “Team 2 understands!”

 “Team 3 understands!”

 “Very good, take action!”

After Zhao Qiang finished speaking, he smiled at the subordinate next to him and said, "Let's go. We've been holding it in for several days. It's time to come out and stretch our muscles for today's decisive battle."


 The subordinates also laughed, "Let me see what the strength of these top students and officers in the military academy is like. Hehe..."

Several people picked up their equipment and headed straight into the forest under the cover of night.

 However, before they were even three hundred meters away from the command post, gunshots suddenly rang out.

 Then, white smoke came out of a team member next to Zhao Qiang!

 “Sniper! Take cover!”

Zhao Qiang's expression changed and he shouted loudly. At the same time, he threw himself towards the low-lying area, rolled over and hid behind a small hill, and stared at the direction of the gunfire.

 The other three men also quickly found a place to hide.

“Damn it! There are actually snipers ambushing near the command post, but we don’t know it at all!”

“Zhao Qiang’s face is ashen, find him quickly and kill him!”


 Three men immediately searched for nearby hidden observation points.

 But at this moment, there was another gunshot.

One of the team members was shot in the head again and was eliminated directly!

I. The team member looked at the white smoke on his body and was stunned.

"Gunshots came from two hundred meters away! Ten o'clock direction!"

Zhao Qiang and the remaining two people unanimously judged the sniper's position and distance, and their faces became extremely ugly.

 “Be careful! Search carefully!”

 Zhao Qiang shouted.

More than two hundred meters away, in the dense mountain forest, one shot to the head. This shooting technique is already at the level of an elite sniper of the special forces!

“Damn it! How careless! I forgot that special forces soldiers also have to go to the military academy for further training after being promoted!”

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a powerful special sniper in the military academy!”

 “Company Commander, we can’t find him!”

The remaining two team members said solemnly: "We have checked that area carefully, and we haven't found a single figure!"    "How could we not find it? After he fired, we have been staring at that location. He is not a ghost. , can you still fly away?”

Zhao Qiang said with a gloomy expression.

"Look again! Damn it, they killed two of us one after another. This account must be settled!"


However, another two minutes passed and they still gained nothing.

 “Did he withdraw?”

 The three of them looked confused.

 “Are you looking for me?”

At this time, a voice sounded like a ghost behind them, making the three of them tremble.

 The three of them turned around quickly with guns in hand.

 However, I haven’t seen the figure clearly yet.

 Bang bang bang.

 Three consecutive pistol shots were heard.

 White smoke came out of the three of them.

At this time, the figure hiding under the shadow of the tree slowly came out and stood in a bright area illuminated by the moonlight.

Zhao Qiang froze instantly when he saw the person coming clearly and his eyes widened.

 “Damn it! Zhang Chuan, how could it be you?!”

“Hey, Captain Zhao, I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you doing?” Zhang Chuan asked with a smile on his face while waving. "

Members of the Black Tiger Special Forces, you look at me and I look at you, and you don’t know how to answer the call.

 After a short period of silence

 “Zhang Chuan, you kid! How can I get better!”

“Do I, Zhao Qiang, have any enmity with you? Why do you keep pestering us like an innocent ghost?”

“Why do you have to come to make trouble for me and my team every time?”

“I didn’t provoke you, why do you keep quarreling with me?”

“You can be domineering if you are strong? Can you bully others at will?”

“Is it easy for me to participate in an exercise? You killed us all before I even started!”

“I’m a serious squad leader, and I only have two training opportunities a year, and each time I’m defeated by you before I even see the shadow of my opponent. Do I still want this face?”

Zhao Qiang was almost furious, and he bombarded Zhang Chuan indiscriminately, as if he wanted to pour out all the pent-up frustration in his heart.

He looks like a special soldier. He looks like a pitiful little kid who has been bullied!

The other Black Tiger special forces soldiers also had resentful looks on their faces, and they all stared at Zhang Chuan.

 They can feel the captain's frustration.

In the last exercise, their Black Tiger brigade failed to protect the Blue Army and lost face.

After returning, the leaders of the Northwest Military Region, including Lei Keming, scolded their brigade bloody.

 Following that, there were another two months of intense intensive training, and several layers of skin were already worn away.

 After finally completing the intensive training, I was sent to participate in this exercise again.

I thought I would be able to go back and receive the merit this time, but in the end, I was punished again!

 And it’s still the same person!

This is too bullying!

“Your Southeast Military Region is awesome!”

“You’re so good, why don’t you go and bully other military regions? It’s no use being at odds with our Black Tiger Brigade!”

“What grudge does our Black Tiger Brigade have against you, Langya?”

 “Why are you keeping an eye on us?”

Zhang Chuan didn’t expect Zhao Qiang’s reaction to be so big.

 I just defeated you in the exercise. Isn't this normal?

 On the battlefield, it is a life-and-death contest.

 (End of this chapter)

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