Chapter 992 992 abandoned girl (6) 1 more

"When we came, there was only one of you." Several people immediately said.

Su Yaoyun did not speak with the energy stone. After a long while, he spoke. "Let's go back."

It didn't take long for him to stop in front of a house with a printer.

The planet has not been developed, and most of them are veins of some families. This home looks better than most houses here.

After Ye Haohua went back, she was much better. She was not in a hurry to engrave another energy stone.

I have just tossed for a while and I have no strength at the moment. I will wait until I go to school before going to school to take a look at the store.

Right now she is only sitting on the sofa, opening her own brain, reaching out to let the robot housekeeper come over and start recording the data she wants to transform.

Just halfway through the record, I heard the opening of the robot. "Master, there are guests outside."

Ye Haohua actually felt the spirit and knew that it was the group of people he had met on the road before.

She glanced at the broken robot. "You open the door."

Then he put away the data on the light brain and got up and walked to the door.

At this time the robot has controlled to open the door.

"Who are you looking for?" Ye Haohua recognized the leading man, but she estimated that the man should not recognize her at the time.

Although it has not been long before coming to this world.

But the description of the orc mental violent she has heard.

In general, the six parents do not recognize.

Su Yaoyun looked at the woman with no expression in front of him, his face was very white, his lip color was very light, his face was cold and not good, but when he was single-handed in the school uniform pocket, he could feel one The stock is lazy.

Su Yaoyun originally wanted to say what she could see her cold expression and retracted her words.

The printers around me thought that they should live here as a wealthy and expensive person. After seeing Ye Haohua, he should have been eliminated from the old robot. He said: "We live next to you, please Take care."

"Oh." Ye Haohua nodded and then closed the door.

The door was closed, and people around Su Yaoyun felt that the girl was too fierce.

Su Yaoyun took out the energy stone in his pocket and saw a small "y" on the energy stone.

He saw it, and the printers around him naturally saw it.

Each energy stone has its own imprint of the printer.

An energy stone like the famous master has just been on the market and will be shot by several big families.

Today, the gamma empire is best known as the disciple of the president of the gamma empire, the master-level sealer Cui Yi.

He is a disciple who was accepted by the president of the Institute of Printing and Printing ten years ago. He is now out of blue and better than blue.

"Weird, this symbolist, I have never seen it." Su Yaoyun's signature teacher wanted to break his head, and did not think of a reason.


Ye Haohua went back to the hall and ate the nutrients sent by the butler, and then slept in bed.

The next day she sent her energy stone in the morning to the store.

The boss who sells energy stone is just an ordinary person. After seeing the brightness of the primary energy stone that Ye Haohua took out, he saw it for a long while. "You energy stone has less energy, but it is only primary energy stone. The general primary energy stone is the most. Well, it only sells 80 stars, and the intermediate energy stone is the lowest one thousand. You are better at this color. One gives you three hundred and five, and I give you one thousand five."

The price of Ye Haohua was checked on the star network before, and the boss did not hang her.

All five of her were sold to him, and she bought fifteen unprimed primary energy stones with one hundred stars.

This planet, the average nutrient, is only ten stars.

Although there are not many one thousand five, it is enough for her to buy a few parts.

There is not much room for the silly robot in the house to be transformed. Ye Haohua thinks about looking for the barrel paint again, and brushing it again.

Ye Haohua strolled around the market, bought a lot of things, and then gave twenty stars, and people returned to where they lived and went back.

After returning, ten pieces of primary energy stone were engraved.

But this time she plans to go to the previous store and prepare to change to a store.

It was at this moment that she had bought something, and Ye Haohua took it to her own laboratory and began to rectify it.

After a day of classwork, when she was holding nutrients in the evening, the door was knocked open.

It is the group of people next door.

"Miss Ye, this is the dinner that our chef just made. Our young master asked me to send you a copy." The next door of the sealer was carrying a bowl of scented rice and vegetables.

Ye Haohua, who had been eating nutrients for several days, accepted the dinner. "Thank you for your young master."

The printer was smiling and said that he was welcome, but his eyes saw that the robot behind Ye Haohua seemed to have changed.


Ye Haohua naturally did not know that she did not leave the store for a long time.

This store has entered two people.

The boss looked at the aircraft outside and immediately greeted each other with enthusiasm.

"Our young masters need intermediate-quality energy stones that are not of good quality." The people behind a teenager are simply and neat.

There is no imprinted intermediate energy stone. This person is at least a mid-level inscription. The boss's attitude is more respectful, and the medium-quality energy stone of good quality in the store is taken out to the teenager.

The teenager lowered his head and slowly searched for it. He finally set his sights on the low-grade energy stone.

The energy stone looks too pure.

It is purer than the advanced energy stone he has ever seen.

The teenager immediately walked over and took it up.

After holding it in my hand, my eyes slammed wide, and it took me a while to return.

He understood that the boss was so arrogant that he should not know the peculiarities of this energy stone. He asked calmly: "Boss, is there such an energy stone in your family? I have all, and, Who made this?"

"A little girl should be done by her family." The boss did not find anything wrong. He sold it at the price of five hundred stars, and he earned a thousand stars when he changed hands, which is equivalent to his ten-day profit. Money is naturally happy.

When the boy arrived on the plane, the subordinates behind him said: "Master Jess, is there something wrong?"

Jessie controlled his heart, even if he knew that there would be no eavesdropping on the aircraft, or whispered, "The five energy stones, each with an activation rate of 90%!"

Stand up under the "Teng" place, "90%? Are you sure?"

"Look at you." Jesse directly handed an energy stone to his subordinates.

The other party took over and felt the pure energy that had never been seen before. The eyes looked at Jesse. "Young Master, we must find this person!"

(End of this chapter)

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