Chapter 991 991 abandoned girl (5) four more

Ye Haohua himself can restrain the drug addiction.

But what she didn't expect was the words of this person.

The other party seems to be more embarrassed than her, and the white clothes are printed with blood.

After a while, she finally tried two acupuncture points. The drug addiction was finally forced down by her. She looked at the man and then reached out and took the agent.

The other party saw that she had received the pharmacy, said a "go" and fainted.

Ye Haohua's mind gradually recovered, and he saw the looming golden lines on the other side. This should be an animal-like riot.

She glanced at the potion in her hand, then knelt down and put the energy stone she was going to sell in her pocket.

The energy stone gradually darkens at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the looming gold on the man slowly disappears.

After seeing that the energy stone was useful to him, Ye Haohua immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She saw another energy stone in the man's pocket. It should be better than her. She wanted to take a look at the mark of this energy stone. If she could strengthen it, it would be more than enough to save this man.

However, she was mentally aware that an aircraft was flying over here.

The planet's aircraft has always been rare, and Ye Haohua knows that it should be the rescue of this man.

She still doesn't know how effective the primary energy stone is, but since the other person's person is coming, the other party should be life-threatening.

Putting the medicine into the pocket, she immediately walked toward the intersection and left.

Not long after she left, an aircraft fell and several people came down from above.

"His Royal is here!" A slightly fat middle-aged man saw Su Yaoyun and shouted.

The group immediately jumped off the aircraft, and the printer and the doctor came first.

Su Yaoyun felt that a very pure energy gradually calmed the violent animal shape. At the same time, it has not grown for several years, and the animal-shaped fighting energy that absorbs the energy of high-energy stone is not growing.

The animal-shaped fighting energy is almost always born, and the energy absorbed in an energy stone is less.

In the early stage, when the energy is absorbed, the animal-shaped fighting energy can be enhanced. However, the more powerful the animal shape, the harder it is to grow energy, and the better quality energy stone is needed. This quality requires advanced energy stone and advanced symbolist.

He slowly woke up.

"His Royal Highness!" The printer was pleasantly surprised. "When you wake up, how do you feel? Is my intermediate energy stone imprinted useful?"

Su Yaoyun shook his head, just raised his right hand and looked at a dim energy stone in his palm.

“Is this a low-level energy stone? There is only a 10% wastage rate?” The seal is an orc. He can find the wrong place at a glance, and his face is awkward. “Wait, the top is the last time that nobody has used it. Wait for the low-level entry mark?"

Everyone knows that the use rate of stone is related to the ability of the sealter and the level of the seal.

This kind of low-level printing can only retain 8% of energy at most. However, this stone has only 10% loss rate, that is, the other party can save 90% of energy!

This is a presence that has never existed in the history of the Empire!

The seal teacher looked at the stone slyly and then immediately looked at Su Yaoyun. "His Royal Highness, which master's energy stone?"

Su Yaoyun took back the energy stone from the Fuyin division and licked his lips.

After a long while, he glanced at the direction of the alley and slowly opened. "When you first came, did you see anyone?"

Stupid last night, I wrote the four more, and no one should wait~o(>_<)o~

It seems like I can say good night today~

(End of this chapter)

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