The Nova Legion's transport spacecraft is traveling in space, surrounded by escorting frigates.

The transport spacecraft is fully autonomous and does not have a driver or a survival suit that allows organisms to survive in the vacuum environment of the universe, so there is no need to worry about what the criminals inside will do.

Even if they want to escape from prison, they have to wait until they are in prison before they have the chance, otherwise they will only become cold space junk.

However, as a maximum-security prison, there has never been an escape incident in Kline Prison.

Sona sat quietly in the corner of the spacecraft, leaning her chin on one hand and looking out the window, letting the colorful starlight fall into her eyes, complementing the universe.

The white evening dress was still spotless due to magic, making Sona out of tune with the surrounding environment, as if a traditional nun appeared in a cyberpunk church.

Apparently she didn't know it was a ship bound for Crean Prison.

The Nova Corps soldiers politely invited her onto the ship, and Sona already thought it was a space bus taking her back to Earth.

I just don't know why Rocket and Treeman are on the bus, shouldn't they be sent to prison?

I didn't expect to meet a girl as charming as you on this ship. A man wearing a red retro windbreaker appeared in front of Sona with a pose he thought was handsome.

Sona glanced at him and thought he was a little funny, so she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, then stopped it quickly.

This smile directly killed Quill's hormones, and even Star-Lord, a veteran of the flowers, could not resist at all.

All in all, it’s very cute!

At the same time, Sona also possesses the sex appeal to leave behind all of Quill's ex-girlfriends, making Star-Lord fall faster than France surrendered.

Please allow me to introduce myself, Peter Quill, who is Star-Lord, the explorer who is famous throughout the galaxy. In order to be more decent, Quill deliberately changed the name of the thief to an explorer. He felt that this would be more attractive to women. The child is happy.

Explorer? Sona thought of a certain little yellow guy and discovered that Star-Lord did have the so-called explorer’s temperament.

Same narcissism.

Out of politeness, Sona wrote her name on the writing board and handed it to the other party.

I wish you were half as good as you are at tricking girls. Gamora appeared next to him at some point and sneered at Quill.

Isn't that someone very skilled and also arrested? Seeing that his good deeds were interrupted, Quill couldn't help but reply.

Hey! What are you doing? Stay away from my two hundred million. Not far away, Rocket saw someone touching Sona and quickly ran over with Groot.

As a raccoon with no emotions, it took it for granted that Quill contacted Sona just to steal the 200 million task from him.

Two hundred million? What two hundred million? Quill felt a little baffled. How could he involve so many cosmic coins when picking up a girl?

Two hundred million is nothing. I have a mission of four billion. I don't know if you are interested. Gamora said to the rocket.

Four billion!!

Quill and Rocket exclaimed at the same time, that is definitely a cosmic coin that can be squandered for several lifetimes.

I am Groot! The tree man followed suit, and no one except Rocket knew what he said.

Yes, four billion. How about a 50-50 split when the deal is done? Gamora raised the corner of her mouth and kept staring at Quill's bulging pocket.

I think it's okay! Rocket also understood what Gamora meant and looked at Quill with a fierce look.

Wait a minute, you said this thing is worth four billion? Quill actually took out the cosmic spirit ball and asked Gamora.

Do you think I'm joking? Gamora was about to take action.

That Xandar man only listed a price of 200,000 yuan! Damn profiteer! Quill stamped his feet crazily, thinking that he had almost completed the most charitable transaction in the universe before, and couldn't help but feel angry.

I have intercepted the snatcher's path, four billion! No wonder Yondu sounded like he was going to kill him on the phone, and now he was caught by them and designated as having no good juice to eat!

Everyone, calm down first. I don't think we need to take action on this. Quill knew that he was in a wrong situation and wanted to negotiate.

I can give you the spirit ball directly, but then I will also get one-third of the four billion.

You know, I almost lost my life when I got this spirit ball, and I'm still being hunted. If you're not willing to cooperate, I'd rather throw it into space. Quill quickly approached the spacecraft. On the edge, he has many ways to prevent anyone from getting the spirit ball.

Gamora quickly agreed because she wasn't in it for the money.

The Rockets didn't think about it for long. Even if four billion was divided into three parts, it was a lot.

Okay, now we can sit down and discuss how to escape from prison later. Quill breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the agreement was reached.

Sona, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, suddenly heard the keyword.

How to jailbreak later?

Why jailbreak?

Could it be...

This is not a car going to the earth... emm spaceship?

Is it too late to disembark now?

Volume One: Chapter 160 Entering the Prison

If Ronan really decides to tear up the peace agreement, then we can only prepare for a full-scale war. Legion Commander Thrall tried to negotiate many times to no avail, and could only report the current situation to Xandar's management truthfully.

In front of Thrall's virtual projection, the President's wife frowned after hearing this conclusion. Although the military strength of the Nova Corps was ranked among the top in the universe, it was still not enough in the eyes of the bellicose Kree.

Especially the commander of the other side is the war madman Ronan, that bloody butcher who makes people cringe just by hearing his name.

The wars he directs, regardless of the reason for the fighting or the consumption of resources, all have the ultimate goal of massacring the opponent. Even if the weak side has surrendered, it is still difficult to escape the fate of being destroyed.

Therefore, if Ronan dares to tear up the peace agreement and dispatch the fleet, it will definitely result in death.

Xandar couldn't afford that outcome.

Just when all the senior officials were wondering how to deal with this matter, the courier suddenly reported an urgent message.

A messenger from Asgard is visiting.

This can't help but cheer up the Madam President. In such a sensitive period, Asgard sent an envoy to visit, could it be to provide help?

Although Asgard's Valkyrie Legion has long since disappeared, and the Divine Realm is no longer as glorious as it was thousands of years ago, if we can get the help of such an established empire, it will definitely have a reversal effect on the war.

Did the envoy express his intention to come? the president asked.

They said... The messenger seemed a little difficult to speak, and hesitated for a moment before saying, They said that the Nova Corps arrested the witches of Asgard.

? Madam President was stunned and turned her eyes to Legion Commander Sal.

Thrall just wanted to deny it, because if a subordinate arrested a witch in Asgard, he would definitely report it first, but he had not received it before...

etc! Roman's figure suddenly flashed through Sal's mind, and he felt something was wrong. It couldn't be... such a coincidence, right?

I think there must be some misunderstandings... Sal, who has experienced many battles, also feels that there is a big problem at this moment.

So, we are all going to be taken to jail?

Sona wrote this paragraph on the writing board and showed it but no one paid attention to it.

Because they were arguing about the subsequent escape plan, now Quill and Rocket are still arguing about how to escape from the prison while looting the belongings of Krillin Prison.

I am Groot. The tree man obviously could not participate in such a brain-intensive discussion, so he kindly replied to Sona's question.

Although she couldn't understand the treant language, Sona guessed what Groot meant: That's right.

At first, Sona also felt that something was not right about the passengers on this space bus. They seemed to have nothing to do with An Fenshouji. Fortunately, she had been enjoying the beautiful scenery of the journey leisurely.

I should have been mentally prepared...

Sigh~ Now let’s listen to what those two “jailbreak experts” can do. Sona doesn’t want to go to jail.

Kid, you were still wearing crotchless pants when I escaped from prison. Who do you have to question my plan? Although Rocket had to raise his head to speak to Quill, his tone was as if it was stepping on Quill's head, and there was no trace of it at all. Take Star-Lord seriously.

Is this the reason why you want to blow up Klin Prison? Do you think your criminal record is not big enough? Quill really doesn't know what is in this little raccoon's head. Is it explosives?

The prison escape alone was fine, and the Nova Legion wanted to arrest them again just by chance, but if they blew up the Klin Prison, the nature would be different.

Quill didn't want to be hunted by the Predators while still being the most wanted man of the Nova Legion.

And how did you create such a big bomb out of thin air? Do you think you are a weirdo in disguise?

Then what do you think we should do? Rocket didn't take Quill's words to heart, but he just didn't want to have a meaningless argument with him.

Just when Quill straightened his collar and wanted to tell him his brilliant plan, the large hatch of the spacecraft opened and a group of Nova Corps soldiers walked in.

They've arrived.

Everyone line up and go out one by one, put all the belongings on you into the storage box, and don't play tricks. The leading team leader ordered.

In the transport ship, criminals of different races from various star regions did not do anything extreme and began to line up honestly.

Sona followed Quill and his party silently, although judging from what they just discussed, there was no so-called jailbreak plan.

But Sona seemed to have no other better choice. After all, she didn't know anyone else here. To take a step back, at least Rocket and Quill could fly a spaceship and know the way.

Now I can only hope that Rocket is not exaggerating when he says he is a jailbreak expert.

Although handing over everything on your body makes people feel very insecure, under the threat of many gunpoints, most people choose to compromise.

The rocket was grabbed by the robot arm and shaken by its feet, and many metal parts fell out from it.

You will pay for this! Dirty hands! the little raccoon yelled angrily, but was mercilessly thrown aside by the arm.

Gamora simply handed over her personal dagger, the tree man had nothing hidden on him, and Quill put a mechanical device into the storage box with a distressed look on his face.

That was Sony's limited-edition Walkman. It was the only souvenir he brought from the earth, and it was his spiritual sustenance for thousands of days and nights.

If Sona hadn't known that thing, she might have thought that Quil was in luck for the rest of his life.

When it was Sona's turn, the soldier thoughtfully brought her a large box.

Do you want musical instruments too?…

Sona thought the セ could be brought in, but it was just an ordinary musical instrument! What threat could there be?

It's a pity that Sona can't argue with them... Ah, no, it's an explanation, and the Nova Legionnaires won't check what セ is.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem for her. Anyway, it won't be long before he comes back on his own, so just hand it over.

Sona's things are stored in セ's piano box, including but not limited to the hanging ring, the new summoner skills produced by the unsealed secret book, some small emergency medicine bottles and true vision guards, as well as writing pads, etc.

At this time, don’t worry about why the piano case is so big!

Thank them for not asking Sona to hand over the golden hairband so that Sona wouldn't have her hair hanging down.

After walking through a long and narrow passage, the male and female creatures were separated to change and disinfect their clothes.

Sona, who originally maintained a good attitude, finally broke through her defenses at this moment.

Although the Nova Legion replaced all the guards of this passage with women out of humanity, Sona still couldn't bear to change her clothes in front of everyone. It was really shameful.

Especially the pure yellow prison uniform is really ugly!

Even if it looks a million times better, I can still accept it!

No, jailbreak now!

The power of the rune only condensed in her hand for a moment, and soon dimmed. Sona finally decided to calm down first.

After all, even if she could use electrocution and the Olympian Comet to open a hole in Klin Prison, she alone in the vast universe would not be able to find a way to return to Earth.

Phew...forget it, let's wait for Quill and the others to take action.

But it's impossible for the prisoner Sona to wear it, absolutely not.

After using the power of the Domination Cornerstone to influence the souls of the people around her, slightly modifying their memories, Sona also used some deceptive tricks on herself, so that her image in the eyes of others would automatically adjust, and it was all over.

After passing several levels, they finally officially entered the interior of Klin Prison.

There is a huge watchtower in the middle, monitoring every move of the prisoners at all times. It is surrounded by a circular ascending passage, divided into many floors, with many independent rooms. The first floor is the main activity place of the prisoners.

The space was a little larger than Sona imagined. Even with such a number of prisoners, there was still a certain amount of room for movement.

Sona thought it was a small dark room for one person and she didn't go out all year round. Fortunately, it wasn't that bad.

The arrival of their group quickly attracted the attention of many prisoners, and Sona immediately noticed the strange looks coming from various angles.

It seems that it’s not that good...

Volume One: Chapter 161: Establishing Prestige

Half a piece of hard bread was thrown down from above. Although the target was not Sona, she still used the levitation technique to stop it.

Looking along the direction where the bread was thrown, Sona realized that she was not the center of those malicious gazes.

Behind him, Gamora was scanning the surrounding prisoners with an indifferent expression, showing no signs of panic.

Get out! Butcher!

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