The space jump system of the spacecraft was activated, opening a wormhole passage in the sky, and then escaped into it.

And Sona, at the last second, used Hex Flash to successfully enter the spacecraft...

Volume One: Chapter 158 Xandar Star

Rocket's spaceship configuration is very particular, because most of the bounties he obtained are spent on it. Coupled with the magical modifications made by talented engineers, it can even continue to make continuous space jumps.

In order to reach the destination as quickly as possible, the rocket stretched the speed of the spacecraft to the limit.

The excessive speed causes the streamer outside the window of the spacecraft to be stretched, and the force inside the spacecraft is enough to twist a person's internal organs. In this case, a normal person can't hold on for more than a minute.

But his mind was filled with the pleasant 400 million universe coins, and the arc of the little raccoon's grin was extremely exaggerated, not caring at all about the discomfort caused by speeding.

I am Groot. The tree man's voice was drowned out by the sound of the spaceship flying at high speed, and the rocket could not hear it at all.

As for why Groot called for the rocket, it was because he saw other people on the spacecraft.

The female carbon-based life seen on Earth.

Sona's body had been strengthened by the rune foundation stone. Although she could barely withstand the force inside the spacecraft, the churning feeling in her stomach made Sona feel very bad.

This reminded Sona of when Thor flew the spaceship, which was not a pleasant experience.

Stop it! Sona once again used magic to teleport to the two creatures. The sudden sound startled Rocket, and the spacecraft's control stick tilted.

Groot, what happened? Rocket shouted.

Fortunately, its driving skills were excellent and it did not allow the spacecraft to deviate from the wormhole's passage. If it fell out, there was no telling where it would appear in the universe.

Rocket turned to look at the back seat, and happened to see Sona with her hands on Groot's seat.

How did she get up here? Rocket was shocked, but he figured it out immediately. The witch's abilities were all kinds of strange and could appear anywhere.

I am Groot. The tree man obviously remembered Rocket's previous instructions, and quickly extended his wooden arm and placed it in a high position.

Groot, hold her back first! We're almost there! Rocket, who was piloting the spaceship, couldn't use his hands to deal with Sona, so he had to let Groot go.

Groot dragged her with understanding, obviously literally, and his hands turned into long whip shapes and tied them to Sona's ankles.

Sona did not retreat. With a thought, the guqin placed high by Groot was sensed and quickly floated to Sona's side.

Although she couldn't summon the guqin like Thor summoned Mjolnir from a distance, it was not difficult for Sona to play music even with magic in such a small space.

The strings trembled repeatedly, and the clanging sound was so aggressive that it directly shattered the branch that Groot stretched out.

Groot didn't feel much pain, but he was also frightened by this magic. The woman clearly didn't have a knife or a gun, but she could hurt herself. This kind of method that she had never encountered before made Groot dare not act rashly.

Hey! Groot, we can't let her take away our 400 million! Rocket saw that the セ was taken away, and he didn't care about it at the moment. He jumped out of the driver's seat and swooped to snatch the セ guqin back.

Sona plucked the strings and played the Final Dance movement, and golden sound waves instantly covered Rocket and Groot.

The rocket in mid-air was fixed by a strange energy, fell to the ground, and its body began to twist unconsciously.

But Groot was not affected by the sound waves and still stood where he was.

Sona was slightly surprised, because this was the first time she saw a creature immune to the forced effect of the Final Dance.

Don't tree people have any dance?

What Sona didn't know was that, as a member of the flower god and giant elephant clan, the wood that made up Groot's body had a strong ability to absorb magic energy, making it a very suitable raw material for making magic weapons.

Groot looked at Rocket twitching on the ground, with a very anxious expression on his face. From the tree man's understanding, his friend was in pain at the moment.

I am Groot!! Groot roared and rushed towards Sona, while the branches on his arms were twisted into spikes.

Sona deftly levitated and avoided Groot's charge, allowing the tree man to plunge into the circuit-filled wall behind him.

Groot, who had lost his strength, sent sparks and lightning all the way, cutting off an unknown number of wires, seriously affecting the power system of the spacecraft, and the entire spacecraft began to shake violently.

There was no one in the driver's seat, and coupled with the violent shaking, it was inevitable that the spacecraft would fall out of the wormhole.

No one is sure where the spacecraft will appear after deviating from the wormhole shuttle route...


Peter Quill looked at the closed automatic door and felt depressed.

A few months ago, he accepted a mission from the Snatcher to find a sphere on a remote planet. The bounty was astonishingly high.

In order to break away from the bandit organization as soon as possible and steal more money, Quill decisively stole a spaceship and went alone, intercepting the cosmic spirit ball that the snatchers were trying to take.

Although he encountered some minor troubles in the process, a group of soldiers claiming to be Ronan's men almost killed him, but how could the dignified Star-Lord be caught by those soldiers and generals? He escaped their pursuit in style.

After privately contacting a buyer from Xandar, Quill was in a very happy mood until he met the buyer.

Who knew that the old man with less hair than Quill and a beard would dare to let his own pigeons fly?

Just because Ronan also wants this... cosmic spirit ball?

Who is Ronan? Quill hadn't heard of it, but his soldiers and crab generals made Quill think Ronan might be like that.

Kicking the metal automatic door, Quill cursed his buyer a dozen times in his native dialect.

Turning his head subconsciously, Quill found a green-skinned red-haired beauty next to him looking at him.

What's wrong? the beauty asked first.

Quill, who has traveled the universe for many years, has long been immune to the aesthetic differences between people of different skin colors. Moreover, the beauty's facial features and figure are definitely the best that Quill has ever seen.

This made Prince Xingxing, a veteran of Huazong, suddenly interested.

This guy let me go. I hate this kind of bad character the most.

Peter Quill, known as Star-Lord. Quill felt that his title of Star-Lord should be somewhat famous on a big planet like Xandar.

So you have a good character? The beauty stepped forward.

I don't think so myself, but others often praise me like this. Just as Quill finished filling the cup, he felt a pain in his lower abdomen, his whole body was kicked away, and the cosmic spirit ball in his hand was also snatched away.

Gamora grabbed the spirit ball and quickly ran towards the place where she was received.

Quill immediately realized that he had met someone on the road.

He actually grabbed Star-Lord's head? Quill vowed to leave a deep impression on the other party.

He quickly stood up, took out a portable rope from his pocket, and threw it at Gamora's lower body, successfully tripping her down.

Then he rushed forward with a lunge, but was kicked away by Gamora again, and then was pinned down by the opponent.

The fight between the two quickly attracted the attention of passers-by, and someone directly took out a communicator to contact the escort team.

Actually, it's not impossible for a woman to take the lead. Quill was still thinking about it at this time.

If you want to live, you'd better stop chasing. Gamora drew out her short knife, stabbed Quill's ear accurately, and threatened in a cold voice.

Gamora was about to leave, but she found that Quill, the scoundrel, was holding on to her leather pants, making it impossible for her to get up.

The surrounding sunlight suddenly dimmed, and Gamora felt a sense of crisis. She looked up to the sky and saw an aircraft with a flaming hull falling towards them.

Let go, you idiot!

Quill obviously also noticed the falling spacecraft, and quickly let go and rolled to the side, but it was still a little too late, and the two of them were hit by the spacecraft together.

The crash of the spacecraft caused some smoke and dust, and the people around him ran away in fear of danger.

Fortunately, the wreckage of the spacecraft did not explode, and the flames naturally extinguished after burning for a while.

Just when everyone thought there were no survivors in the accident, the wreckage of the spacecraft was shaken open by a strong force, revealing the green ball of light inside.

Sona slowly walked out of the wreckage of the spacecraft, and took out the four fainting people... emm two and two creatures.

Previously, Rocket's spaceship fell out of the wormhole channel due to accidental driving, and the space turbulence caused the entire hull to crack.

In the turbulence, Rocket and Treeman could not stand the vacuum environment of the universe and fell into coma.

With the help of witchcraft runes, Sona resisted the space turbulence, and she wrapped both Rocket and Groot in shields.

After falling out of the wormhole channel, the spacecraft appeared in the atmosphere of Xandar, and then fell downwards under the influence of the planet's gravity.

Fortunately, Sona discovered in time that there were two people at the crash point of the spacecraft, and put shields on them at the critical moment, so that Quill and Gamora were not smashed into meat pies by the spacecraft, and they were just knocked unconscious. past.

Looking at the strange environment around her and the unknown planet full of technology, Sona felt dizzy.

I was afraid that I would not be able to make it to the last performance in Europe. Their meticulous preparations would be in vain, and in the end I would not be able to attend...

I can only apologize to them later.

Looking at Rocket and Groot who had not yet woken up, Sona couldn't do anything even if she wanted to get angry.

This is the guard of Xandar. Please disarm and accept investigation. A golden spaceship in the shape of a cross star descended from the sky and spoke pure English through a loudspeaker.

Do aliens also speak English?

Sona thought there would be language communication problems again, but since she understood and the other party should be enforcing the law impartially, Sona raised her hands in cooperation.

As long as you explain it clearly to them, you won't be held responsible, right? She wasn't the one driving the spacecraft that crashed, and there was nothing she could do to stop it from hitting the city.

Volume 1: Chapter 159: Open the door quickly! This is not a car going to Earth!

Xandar Star, Nova Legion Headquarters.

Roman, the centurion of the legion, thought he had just caught some small fish and shrimps, because he knew the little thief among the group of people who claimed to be the Prince of Stars, and had been caught by him many times.

Roman didn't have much impression of the others, so he naturally classified them as the same type of people as Star-Lord.

After going back to the headquarters to check, I found out what kind of person this was?

Except for the birth certificate, the rest is all criminal records.

Experimental subjects 89P13 and Tree Man are bounty hunters by profession, but they often steal spaceships, destroy public facilities, maliciously injure people, illegally possess weapons that are more powerful than the regulations, speeding, and have escaped from prison more than 20 times...

The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Gamora, is a notorious cold-blooded killer, but her case history is not as complicated as Rocket's, it's all just murders.

And Roman estimated that it was because the politicians on the previous planets were afraid of offending Thanos, so they did not dare to carry out arrests at all, which led to Gamora being at large.

If they can be considered small fish and shrimps, Naquil is completely a legal citizen.

There was also a woman who did not have a Star Citizen profile, but she seemed to possess magic. Roman was not able to make a casual decision for a while. After all, in the universe, creatures with magic are very mysterious and cannot be messed with by ordinary people.

I thought it was a military achievement, but I didn't expect it to be a hot potato... Roman sighed, covering his head, and walked into the office of Nova Corps Commander Sal with a report.

Sal was reviewing the documents. He raised his head and glanced at the person who came. He was a centurion. He didn't pay any attention to it. He just said coldly: Put the report over there. I'm busy now.

Commander Thrall, this is an urgent report. Roman was a little nervous. After all, he was only a centurion and usually had no chance to contact the commander.

What's more urgent than the Kree people? Thrall was a little unhappy. He rarely issued secondary orders.

Ronan, a war madman among the Kree people, has always been eyeing Xandar and controls a huge fleet. Thrall regards him as the biggest threat to Xandar.

We just arrested a group of perpetrators in the city. They... Before Roman could finish, he was interrupted by Sal who took action.

Nonsense! If you catch a few hooligans, you have to report to me! Do you think I'm idle?

Sal's eyes were sharp, and Roman lowered his head, not daring to look directly.

But their identities...

Identity? Are there any people with any identities in Klin Prison? Who are the ones you were asked to arrest?

Okay, lock them all in for as long as they need to be, and you can go.

Also, next time you come in to report such an insignificant matter, don't be a centurion like you. Sal waved his hand impatiently, signaling Roman to leave.

Roman didn't dare to say anything more and had to leave the office angrily.

He had no choice but to have a wife and a family. If he lost the iron job of the Nova Corps, the consequences would be enough to bring down his family.

As for offending Thanos or anything else, what does it have to do with a little guy like him? Let those people worry about it.

Returning to the interrogation room where the ordinary hooligans were detained, Roman ordered his men: Take them all to Klin Prison and deal with them according to law.

Sir, this is the interrogation we just conducted. There are victims among them. A soldier handed over a paper report with Sona's handwriting on it.

When Sona was questioned by the Nova Legionnaires, she didn't hold anything back. She said everything she needed to say, but slightly emphasized Rocket and Groot's crimes.

The other party also promised that she could be sent back to Earth in the future, which is the Aquamarine Star recorded on Xandar Star.

Roman glanced briefly and saw that Sona and Quill were from the same planet. He was immediately relieved that Aquamarine had not even joined the Interstellar Federation and would not have much background.

The order from above is to take them all to Klin Prison. Roman emphasized, threw the paper on the table, and turned to leave.

But sir, the other party did not break the law. It is against the rules for us to do this. The soldier did not notice Roman's face and spoke frankly.

Didn't anyone teach you? Don't disobey your commander's orders! Don't let me say it a third time. Roman pressed his fingertips hard on the soldier's chest, spelling out every word.

Yes, sir…

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