Loki sat on a stone surface, playing with the mask removed from the face of a dark elf soldier. He felt that this design had no beauty at all.

Where shall we go next? Loki asked.

Thor frowned and looked into the distance, which was the direction Maleski left. The dark elves used space teleportation technology, and Thor didn't know where they went.

Heimdall, how is the situation there? Thor used his spiritual mind to ask Heimdall who was far away in Asgard. Now he could only rely on Heimdall's eyes that can see through the nine realms.

Odin… Bifrost… Midgard…

Some intermittent words suddenly appeared in Thor's mind. It was obvious that Heimdall was now unable to convey information to him normally and could only use this method of telepathy. He must have been imprisoned for resisting the decree.

Has Odin decided to go to war with the Dark Elves anyway? Thor curled his lips and began to guess the meaning of those words.

Odin wants to drive the Rainbow Bridge to Midgard?

No, why go to Earth to start a war with the dark elves? Thor shook his head and rejected this conjecture.

Odin closed the Bifrost to Midgard?

You seem to have some clues? Thor closed his eyes and began to try to remember what else Heimdall had said.

Jane on the side didn't know the rich inner drama in Sol's mind. She only saw the expression on his face sometimes wrinkled and sometimes confused, like an actor practicing his expressions.

Saul, what's wrong with you? Jane asked worriedly, could Saul be poisoned?

Wait a minute, I'm about to think of it! Sol waved his hand to tell Jane not to interfere with him.

A beam of white light suddenly penetrated the back of Thor's head. Like a primary school student, all the clues were connected in his mind.

Father wants to build a rainbow bridge in Midgard! Thor made a 丨 gesture on his hand, as if giving him another pair of glasses would make him a famous detective.

? Jian didn't understand why Thor was so excited.

You might as well just hold the peach tree and chew on it. Loki couldn't help but mocked after hearing Thor's soliloquy.

He didn't know what Thor was thinking, but if Odin built a rainbow bridge in Midgard, he would eat Asgard's rainbow bridge on the spot.

Where did Malesky go? Sona stood aside and handed over a writing board.

After Thor saw the question on the writing board, he realized that the direction of his thinking was outrageous. He affirmed: It's Mead...it's the Earth! Malesky is going to the Earth!

Go to Earth? Sona did not doubt this answer, but began to think about how to return to Earth.

Sona has not yet mastered the interstellar portal, and the best she can do is travel back and forth on Earth.

Now is the time when the nine stars are connected. We should be able to find the space folding point in some places. Loki shook off the mask in his hand and stood up. He had already guessed what Malesky was going to do.

Nine stars in a row? Why is there a space folding point? Jane was a little hard to understand. This astronomical phenomenon also involves magic?

It's not the nine stars in the solar system, it's the nine realms on the World Tree. Loki patiently explained to Jane that the roots and branches of the World Tree connect the nine realms. When the nine stars are connected, some places in the nine realms are interconnected. .

Jane immediately thought of the strange space fluctuations she encountered on Earth, in that abandoned warehouse.

After hearing this, Sona directly used the power of the cornerstone of the Enlightenment Rune. Her blue pupils shimmered, and her astral insight could see what the user wanted to find.

I don’t know how big the dark world is, but fortunately, the space folding point is not far away, in a hidden cave.

After Sona took back her astral insight, the group headed towards the cave.

Are we just going to find Maleski, who possesses ether particles? Loki easily jumped into the cave from a high altitude, and his echoes continued to echo in the cave.

We must stop Asgard before he goes to war with the Dark Elves. Thor replied in a deep voice. He didn't want Asgard's soldiers to make unnecessary sacrifices.

But don't you think we should find more people? Just like you did to me last time. Loki inadvertently glanced at Sona who was walking at the front. He inexplicably thought of the nightmare-like dwarf.

Malesky's Dark Elf Legion is not comparable to the Kiritas. Although there is a difference in numbers, the Dark Elf's equipment is much stronger than that of the cosmic barbarians.

These people may have been given free money in the past.

Where are your good teammates? What's that called...Avengers? Yes, Avengers. As he walked, Loki transformed into Steve, holding the transformed vibranium shield and holding his head high. chest.

I feel like my body is filled with the power of justice. Loki imitated the way Steve walked, even more beautiful than Captain America. It was an exaggeration.

That's enough, Loki. Thor covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly. Jane on the side also twitched at the corner of her eyes.

I'm not kidding, to be honest, we should find some stronger teammates. Loki stopped imitating Steve, thought about it, and turned into a red figure again.

This body is really savage. Loki sighed as he looked at the lava-like muscles on his body.

With black horns and scarlet wings, Loki transformed into the crimson demon that pushed Thor to the ground and beat him that day, but he couldn't grow bigger. This Aatrox was only the height of a normal person.

You think this is fun, don't you? Thor could hardly control the urge to throw his hammer at Loki.

Oh, don't be impulsive. Loki saw Thor's meow hammer ready to move, and quickly changed back to giving in.

Bang, as if I stepped on something.

Loki looked down and found a bunch of keys at the bottom of his feet.

Things from Earth? Loki picked up the key, looking suspicious.

Jane was a little surprised when she saw what the key looked like. She took the key from Loki and checked it carefully.

This is Daisy's car key. Jane was sure. Did Daisy throw the car key into the space folding point without being able to throw her shoes?

It was really something she could do. Jane nodded to herself.

The space folding point is nearby. Jane began to fumble around: As long as we find it, we can go directly to... Before she could finish her words, the whole person disappeared.

Don't tell me she's a witch too, Loki joked.

Stop talking nonsense and follow up. Sol also plunged into the place where Jane just disappeared. It was indeed the space folding point.

Ladies first. Loki made an invitation gesture, and Sona stepped into the space folding point without any hesitation.

Just when Loki was about to follow, a figure jumped out of the darkness and pushed Loki directly to the ground.

What are you?! The owner of the voice was a little impatient. He pressed the dagger against Loki's neck with an excited expression.

Don't get excited, I won't heal myself or anything. Loki didn't show any panic after being pinned to the ground, and calmly removed the dagger from his neck.

Obviously, I am you, Loki replied.

The person pressing on him was none other than Loki himself.

This scene was a little weird, but luckily no one else saw it.

The upper body Loki said angrily: No! I am Loki, the real god of trickery! You are just my clone!

It used to be, but not now. Loki replied calmly.

The clone should have the awareness of the clone! The upper body Loki didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, and thrust the dagger straight down, preparing to end his life.

A green light flashed from Loki's lower body, and he disappeared. Obviously, the one who was pressed down was just a clone.

Look, I can also do the spells you know. Loki's lower body figure reappeared next to him, looking at the shocked upper body Loki with an indifferent expression.

I have your appearance, your memories and your spells, so I am also Loki.

Volume One: Chapter 149: Preparing for Team Battle

Everyone gathered around the space and waited for a long time, but Loki was nowhere to be seen.

He won't run away, right? Jane was the first to speak.

No... it's very possible! Thor subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when he thought of Loki's ever-changing personality, he suddenly came to his senses.

He walked to the folding point of the space, and just as he was about to put his head in, he bumped into Loki who was coming out. Fortunately, it was just their foreheads touching their foreheads, and they both took a step back.

Loki walked out slowly, covering his head with one hand, and calmly smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes with the other hand. Only Sona noticed this tiny movement.

What's going on on your face? Sona did not use the writing pad, but directly sent the message to Loki's mind.

Loki's face had an obvious scratch, a few abrasions, and some dust.

I accidentally scratched it when fighting the dark elves before. It's okay. Loki quickly replied, and he used illusion magic to cover the marks on his face.

He is lying.

Sona was very sure, because before, whether it was the power of the Aria of Perseverance or the cornerstone of the Resolute Rune, Loki should have been fully healed, and it was impossible to leave any obvious wounds.

Sona looked at Loki calmly, and he responded with that cynical smile without revealing any flaws.

Forget it, it’s not important.

Sona turned back and ignored Loki. The top priority was to find Malesky.

After sending a message to Thor asking him to contact the Avengers, Sona once again used her astral insight to search for the dark elves' spaceship within the scope of the earth.

The power of light blue runes was injected into her eyes, and Sona's thoughts were instantly transferred to a vast sky thousands of miles away.

The invisibility of the Dark Elf ship can hide from Heimdall's clairvoyance, but it cannot hide from the almost bug-like ability of astral insight.

Sona spotted Malesky's Crossship flying towards one.

This direction is, London? What a coincidence?

After repeatedly confirming the landing point of the spacecraft, Sona withdrew her astral insight and turned to look at Thor and Jane.

The two people's heads are close together, as if they are studying the mobile phone in Jane's hand?

? Sona signaled that the enemy was gone.

After getting closer, Sona understood what they were doing.

Hello, London Bran Police Station, what's the situation there?

Please help me get through to the Avengers. Thor solemnly said to the other end of the phone.

Walter? The operator's voice was a little confused.

Please put me through to the Avengers, Iron Man and Captain America. Thor repeated.

Jane thought this was how the Avengers communicated with each other, so she was just confused but did not interrupt Thor.

... The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then hung up. He probably thought Sol was a kid who reported a false police report.

Sol just looked at the screen saver of his phone seriously, still waiting for the other party's reply.

Only then did Jane realize that Thor's understanding of mobile phones was similar to his understanding of spaceships.

So you don't know your teammate's phone number? Jane's question made Sol feel a little embarrassed.

Asgardians don't use thin bricks like this to communicate. Thor recalled that he and Heimdall used spiritual thoughts to communicate.

Sona covered her forehead helplessly, took the phone from Jane's hand, dialed Tony Stark's personal number, and then handed the phone to Thor again.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't speak... that's all, the ether particles were still too dangerous. Even if he defeated Maleski, Sona didn't want to get it back.

Moreover, the Lord also explained later that the Infinity Stones and the Rune Cornerstones are two opposing energies, and Sona can only use one of them at most.

This is also the reason why the magic energy in her body will freeze after being attacked by the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter.

The ether particles replaced the magical energy of the runes due to the master's active hiding, so Sona could still use skills before.

Sol explained the situation to Tony in a few words, and Tony barely understood what Sol meant.

To put it simply, it’s all about gathering and preparing for a team battle!

We need to evacuate civilians near the battlefield first. Sona wrote on the writing board.

Then she used the hanging ring to open a portal that led directly to a library in London, and quickly reached the landing point where the Dark Elf fleet was about to arrive. It was also a space folding point.

A golden halo suddenly appeared in the originally quiet library, attracting everyone's attention.

After seeing the person walking out of the circle of light, the entire library was quiet for a few seconds, and then it started to boil.

Sona! I am your ball...I am your fan!

Ah! Husband Sol, look at me!!

Seeing a group of crazy fans gathered around in the library, Sona and Thor were a little overwhelmed.

Loki, who was walking at the end, saw this scene, lowered his head and smiled, then waved his hand and cast a spell, changing the image of Sona and the others, and also released a few clones.

It was his original image in New York, and he even did a live broadcast at that time.

Get out! Loki and his clone shouted angrily.

As one of the few global villains, Loki is still highly recognizable, and the surrounding civilians quickly dispersed without a trace.

The three of them were stunned by Loki's operation.

After finishing everything, Loki took back his clone, waved his hand nonchalantly, and said, You're welcome.

Thor put his hand on Loki's shoulder, pointed out the window, and said, I'll leave those outside to you as well.

It is still a tourist attraction outside, and there are still many tourists.

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