Sona was protected by ether particles, so she wasn't too panicked.

The flying ship accurately hit the small gap in the mountain. This was an obscure teleportation channel that Loki had used several times.

Rainbow-colored light flashed past, and the scene in front of him kept changing, which was somewhat similar to the teleportation on the Rainbow Bridge.

In a desolate place in the dark world, a white light flashed and a flying ship flew out of thin air.

After successfully crossing the transmission channel, the group finally arrived at their destination, but the flying ship was also damaged in the transmission channel and could no longer be used.

The sky in the dark world is dim yellow, and everywhere you look is a dark wasteland without a trace of life.

Sona felt the ether particles in her body begin to stir, as if she was extremely excited by the feeling of returning to her hometown.

This restlessness caused Sona's body temperature to begin to rise, and soon exceeded the normal value.

So... so hot... Sona felt dizzy and pressed her temples to try to relieve the feeling, but the effect was minimal.

Her vision began to blur, and the scenery she saw gradually turned scarlet.

Jane realized something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to help Sona, who was already unsteady on her feet.

Sona's slightly opened pupils were no longer the blue they used to be, but shone with a strange red light.

What should I do? Jane felt the abnormal temperature coming from Sona's body and was very anxious.

If the ether particles in her body are not removed, she will die. Loki, who was well-informed, gave a diagnosis. Infinity stones without suitable containers are deadly poisons.

I just don’t know why Sona can persist until now and have such a repulsive reaction.

We have to find Malesky. Thor glanced at the smashed flying ship and frowned.

Without transportation, Sona might not need to take out the ether particles when they find Malesky.

In a trance, Sona, who was about to lose consciousness, slowly raised her hand and pointed in a direction. The ether particle was eager to return to Malesky's body. If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't move away from the host, it would have flown away long ago.

The three of them looked at each other and decided to head in that direction...

In the huge crossship, Malesky was walking out of the treatment cabin.

Thor's hammer caused him a lot of damage, especially the blackened half of his face. Even the treatment chamber could not restore the carbonized skin.

This caused the elf, who paid attention to appearance, to collapse. He could not accept that he had turned into a hermaphrodite.

But after Maleski retrieves the ether particles, he no longer needs to worry about this problem. By then, he can change into any color he wants, even if he becomes a rainbow pony.

Sir, when will we attack Asgard again? his soldiers asked, half-kneeling.

No need, I feel that the ether particles are in the dark world. Maleski couldn't help but sneered in his heart. He was originally worried that these troops would have some trouble taking down Asgard, but he didn't expect that the other party actually took the initiative to bring the ether particles over.

Is this considered taking a step back to make progress? Or are they ready to surrender directly?

Feeling the direction of the ether particles again, Malesky ordered the pilot of the spacecraft to move in that direction.

Soon, the spacecraft discovered Thor and his party.

Thor saw the dark cross-shaped spaceship from a distance. After it stopped moving in the distance, a group of people stepped off the spacecraft.

Sona had been unconscious and unable to move before, and she was carried by Thor like a princess along the way.

There is no way, Jane is not strong enough, Loki is shackled, and Thor can only do this.

Feeling the delicate body of the girl in his arms begin to tremble, Thor couldn't help but tighten his muscles, and sweat began to appear on his head for no reason.

He quite admired his own willpower, especially the fragrant smell of Sona's body and the hot breath she exhaled when she breathed, which shook Sol's concentration all the time.

If Jane hadn't been watching him from behind, Sol might have been unable to control himself.

Fortunately, Maleski was already walking this way, and Sol's concentration test was finally coming to an end.

Jane, you have to hide during the battle. Thor turned back. He regretted bringing Jane to the dark world, but it seemed inappropriate to leave her alone in Asgard.

Don't worry, I won't hold you back. Jane also knew that she was not strong enough to participate in the battle.

Volume 1: Chapter 147 Loki: I died and I live again?

Standing on the edge of a hillside, Thor and Loki stood side by side. Not far away, it was Maleski walking slowly, and a group of fully armed dark elves.

Are you ready? Thor glanced at Loki meaningfully, with an unnatural expression on his face.

Of course, let's get started. Loki smiled slightly and stretched his shackled hands forward.

Thor gently placed Sona in his arms on the ground and unlocked Loki's shackles.

I said, can you wait... Before Thor could finish speaking, he felt a cramp in his abdomen, and a dagger pierced his body.

To be honest, although this feeling is strange, it seems a bit refreshing! Loki said into Thor's ear, then grinned and kicked him down the hillside.

Thor rolled all the way down the hillside and was covered in dust and in a miserable state when he landed.

A group of dark elf soldiers immediately surrounded him and pointed their strange-looking guns at Thor.

Loki then jumped down from the hillside with Sona on his shoulders. He looked a little funny, but he landed smoothly.

There was a hint of doubt in Maleski's eyes. He vaguely felt that the two Asgardians were playing a trick, because Loki's stab was unnecessary and would not have any impact on Thor's combat effectiveness.

Just when he was still hesitating whether to let his men shoot directly, Loki once again proved himself with action.

He threw the sleeping Sona on the ground, walked slowly to Sol, and after punching and kicking him, he cut off Sol's right hand with a knife.

Thor let out an exaggerated roar. Losing the power of the king was not an ordinary pain. He bowed to the ground and could not stop shaking.

Loki threw the knife away, then picked up Sona and walked to Malesky.

I'll give you the ether, and you'll help me destroy Asgard. Loki said straight to the point. He didn't think Maleski would refuse the deal.

Maleski looked Loki up and down. Being suspicious by nature, he was still a little suspicious, but his men quickly came up and said, He is indeed an enemy of Asgard. We have seen him imprisoned in a dungeon before.

Fortunately, these dark elves have just woken up from a long sleep and are not so well-informed. Otherwise, how could they not know Loki?

Maleski finally let down his guard and nodded to Loki, signaling him to put Sona down.

Then he ordered his men to surround Sol and fire directly if he made any movement.

In the past, when absorbing ether particles, a ceremony was required, but now Malesky does not have the time to be particular.

When he was resurrected, the nine stars in the solar system were connected, and the barriers between the nine realms were broken. As long as he spread darkness on the planet with the most vitality, he could quickly complete the ultimate goal of the dark elves and return the universe to its dark origin.

Closing his eyes and feeling the ether particles flowing in Sona's body, Maleski's body couldn't help but tremble slightly. This familiar feeling had been gone for too long.

What originally belonged to him was now flowing in someone else's blood. Malesky felt like... like he had been NTRed.

Sona's body seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand, floating quietly in the air, her delicate skin turned red, and some scarlet particles emerged from the surface, converging into a thin stream.

Under the attraction of Maleski, the ether particles gradually broke away from Sona's body and all gathered into his body.

That's what it feels like!

There was an almost intoxicated expression on Maleski's face, as if the wasteland had been moistened by rain for thousands of years, and even the dark half of his face began to gradually return to white jade color.

At this moment, Loki, who was standing next to Maleski, stretched out his left hand and summoned Mjolnir from a distance!

Without saying a word, the third princess holding Mjolnir struck a lightning whirlwind towards Maleski, who was in an addictive state.

Thor, who was surrounded by dark soldiers, no longer covered his severed hand and shouted. Instead, he took out the dagger from his arms with lightning speed and killed four dark elf soldiers one after another. It's him.

Silver-white lightning penetrated Malesky. Thunder and scarlet ether particles were mixed together. Two powerful energies were confronting each other. Malesky was definitely injured the most.

Not long after, Maleski seemed to lose his strength and fell from the air to the ground.

Green light flashed, and the bodies of Loki and Thor also changed. It turned out that they had used Loki's illusion to exchange identities before, and Thor's cutting of Loki's arm was also part of the illusion.

Your acting is too fake. Even if my hand is cut off, I won't scream so violently. Thor said to Loki while cleaning up the dark elves attacking him.

You still have the nerve to talk about me? Do I usually smile as obscenely as you? I will never let you use my body again! Loki's words are always so thought-provoking.

There was a lot of movement around her, and Sona gradually woke up from her coma.

The physical discomfort is not as strong as before, but it is still a bit weak.

What happened? Sona said to herself, but did not make a sound. She was stunned for a few seconds, and then she came to her senses.

The ether particles were no longer in her body, so the reality that she could not speak was changed back.

Feeling a little lost, Sona smiled helplessly, forget it, talking was not necessary for her anyway.

After recalling her, Sona reached for the piano case. Fortunately, the writing board Tony gave her was still there.

Finally got the annoying guy out.

A voice suddenly sounded in her mind, and Sona was startled.

Master? Are you back? Sona heard the familiar lazy voice and was a little surprised.

I didn't leave, I just hid it before. The master replied.

Hiding? Why? Sona was confused.

However, the Overlord lost his voice, but Sona could feel that the power of the runes had returned.

The dark elves who followed Maleski were eliminated one by one. Thor twisted his aching arm and walked towards Maleski not far away with his hammer.

Maleski fell to the ground weakly, his breath weak, and he seemed to be dying.

Despicable trick. A few words popped out of Malesky's mouth, the expression on his face mixed with endless resentment.

Go to hell and complain. Thor did not think that the way to victory would be disgraceful. He put Mjolnir against Maleski's head and gathered his divine power to destroy his body.

Arrogant idiot. Maleski's taunt suddenly came from behind him. Thor's heart trembled, and he quickly turned around, only to find that the blade composed of ether particles was close at hand.

It turns out that Malesky who fell on the ground was just an illusion he created with ether particles. Although the real him was injured, he was not dead yet. He had been quietly hiding in the dark, preparing to kill Thor.

At the critical moment, Loki appeared in a flash and stood in front of Thor.

The ether particles penetrated Loki's body, and the impact caused him to crash into Thor's arms.

Seeing that Maleski failed to succeed, he was no longer in the mood to confront Thor. He quickly flew to the Dark Elf's cross battleship and initiated the jump.

Thor felt Loki's body temperature drop rapidly, and couldn't help but feel nervous. Although it was not the first time that Loki died, it seemed to be true this time.

Red blood flowed from the wound and stained Loki's clothes. He couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

His skin began to turn pale, approaching that of a frost giant.

Thor could only watch all this happen, helpless. His lips trembled, trying to say something, but he only uttered a few unclear syllables.'s okay. Anyway, it's not the first time I've died. It's okay... Loki looked at the complicated expression on Thor's face and comforted him.

Don't leave me, okay. Sol's tears welled up in his eyes: You can tease me any way you want, just don't leave me, okay!

Sona hurriedly flew over and injected a healing energy into Loki's body without saying a word.

The green magical energy alleviated Loki's injuries, but it was not enough. His life force was still flowing away.

Lord, is there any way to save him? Sona asked through telepathy.

Yes, but are you sure you want to save me? The master's tone was a little playful.

Sure. Sona replied. Although Yu Gong said that she should not save Loki because he was a sinner on the earth and caused the death of countless innocent people, but she must save Yu Zi.

Sona could no longer repay her debt to Frigga, and she could not ignore Loki, whom Frigga cherished.

Okay. The Lord directly took over Sona's body and assigned all the rune power to Resolute.

Thick green light flashed, and Sona's hands exuded strong vitality, and finally transformed into a beam of light, all of which was injected into the dying Loki's body.

The strange rune power repaired Loki's wounds and quickly brought him back from the edge of death. With such a strong life force acting on Loki's body, his whole person seemed to be different.

...Am I alive? Feeling that the wounds on his body had disappeared, Loki stood up in surprise and checked his body repeatedly.

He couldn't believe he was still alive.

Thor was relieved to see Loki able to stand up again, and looked at Sona gratefully.

The corners of the ruler's mouth raised an inexplicable arc, but he quickly hid it and handed control back to Sona.

Sona, who took over her body, didn't know why the master smiled inexplicably at the end. Did he suddenly remember that he had an engagement elsewhere? Want to become a son-in-law?

In the dark, a pair of eyes stared at Loki who was standing in the distance. There was shock in his eyes, and someone's expression began to twitch, as if he had seen something terrible...


(Senior year of high school is so tiring.)

(Please post more to give feedback.)

Volume One: Chapter 148: Real and Fake Loki

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