
So...how to fight Apocalypse? Kassadin understood. There was an arrogant villain named Apocalypse who wanted to rule the world. Although he was not the kind of brainless brave man who would rush up and fight the devil when he met him, but Charles Even if he was captured by the other party, he couldn't just die without saving him.

Easy, you just create a wave of neural assault vehicles and rush over, they will consume themselves quickly. Sona's message was conveyed to the minds of the other three people at the same time, leaving them full of questions? ?

Sona, you can't be addicted to games anymore. Natasha covered her forehead and said to Sona helplessly. She heard that Sona was talking about an old game. Historically, the Soviet Union did not develop the Apocalypse Tank. , there is no Yuri’s secret base on the far side of the moon.

Sona was addicted to games when she was free, and it was not unfair to be shocked by Mjolnir.

Sona felt that she was very innocent. Who knew that someone would use Tank's name as a nickname?

(Red Tank:?)

The interlude that eased the atmosphere passed, and everyone's final decision was that Kassadin took Kasha and Sona to rescue Charles. Natasha organized SHIELD agents to place the remaining mutant students in X Academy before going Support Sona.

After learning that the powerful mutant they fought against in New York City's Central Park was Apocalypse, Natasha knew that she wouldn't have much effect if she went there, so she simply went back to the headquarters to shake people off, and then find a way to kill him.

The man from S.H.I.E.L.D. was Jobs, and his eyes lit up when he saw the mutants all over the floor!

Hydra's ability to covet mutants is not something that can only be achieved in a day or two. It is only because of Professor

SHIELD received the news that the military's Major Stryker launched an unauthorized raid on Xavier's Academy without any official approval. Although Jobs had never met the young major general, he Operation Wave is a big gift to Hydra!

Strike, what a good man! Looking at Wolverine being carried away by the agents, Jobs felt that the military people were not as miserable as Coulson described, they were even better than Santa Claus!


Years later, Stryker met Jobs.

Brother Jia, look at the mutants in my battalion, when does Hydra plan to return them?

What mutants? Hydra doesn't have mutants!

I can clearly see those superpowers in your base!

What? That's not a mutant, that's an alien, and we can't even control it ourselves!

Volume 1: Chapter 65 Do you also want to have a few?

On that day, people once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the people in the scene.

Under Apocalypse's strengthening, Magneto's ability instantly increased to +18, and he became a mutant who could control the earth's magnetic field. Without making a big scene, Lao Wan would be embarrassed to say that he was helping Apocalypse purify the world.

Familiar landmarks everywhere were devastated. The Sydney Opera House, Tokyo Tower, and the Golden Gate Bridge, which was rebuilt several times a year, were all suspended in the air. For a time, there were countless human casualties.

The military of various countries are overwhelmed at the moment. The chaos of the earth's magnetic field has rendered most radars useless. They don't even know where the enemy is, let alone counterattack.

The earth is so big... Kassadin couldn't help complaining. He walked in the void many times to bring both of them here, and more than half of the energy in his body was consumed.

The land area of ​​the Rune Planet is much smaller than that of the Earth. Kassadin can go wherever he wants by void walking at most twice.

Do we have... a plan or something? Sona knew that if she wanted to win, she had to be strategic, but this was not a game, and the command should be left to more professional people.

However, it's unfortunate.

Kassadin and Kai'Sa are both lone wolves, traveling alone in the void. When do actions take into account plans? Before, Charles was the commander and could barely arrange the void rescue operation. Now that Charles has been captured by Apocalypse, Kassadin can't think of any plan.

Ahem...Yes, let's rescue Charles first... Kassadin didn't say any more. He planned to let Charles come up with a plan after he rescued him.

Well, this plan works perfectly.

The pyramid towers into the sky, and the gate is so high that it can kill three hundred Geralt.

Just as he was about to enter the pyramid, three of the four horsemen of the apocalypse appeared, Storm, Psylocke, and Angel, who was very arrogant when he first appeared.

They were ordered to guard the door so that Apocalypse could safely complete the transfer of consciousness. Before they could speak, the two sides were already fighting.

You are seeking death! The angel struck preemptively, spreading his steel wings and releasing flying feathers in the sky.

Countless steel feathers attacked, but were isolated by Sona's group shield.

It's not polite to reciprocate, Kai'Sa opened her wings of the void, and the heavy rain of Icathia poured out. The angel who easily escaped did not think about the tracking ability of the missile, and was shot down from the sky by the turning missile.

This is not a turn-based game. Sona didn't give them time to react. The Hymn of Heroes split into two blue beams, hitting the fallen angel and the singing Storm.

Angel was hit again in the air and fell to the ground without a chance to control his balance. The blue beam of light directed at Storm was blocked by Psylocke with his purple laser sword.

The angel who was about to get up suddenly felt a sudden weight on his back, and it was Kassadin who stepped on his wings.

How dare you... Before the angel could finish speaking, Kassadin fed a void sphere into the angel's mouth, silencing him. How dare an ADC act so arrogantly? Do you really think you are a god?

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After stunning the angel with void energy, Kassadin looked at his next target, Psylocke.

Same weapon? Psylocke flashed the purple lightsaber in her hand, joking on the surface but actually delaying time. Kassadin's movements were so fast that she didn't think she was his opponent.

You won't like what I'm doing. Kassadin replied coldly. The Void Blade threw out a wave of purple energy. When Psylocke jumped to avoid the attack, Kassadin appeared above her.


Anticipating Kassadin's actions, Psylocke used the enchanted katana to block the Void Blade's heavy stab one step ahead. However, Kassadin's power still knocked Psylocke directly into the ground and was slightly injured.

Finally, Ororo's ultimate move is ready, and the lightning storm is coming!

A tornado set off in the ruined building complex, destroying the local parking lot on the spot. Sand and steel fragments were mixed together, and the tornado struck Sona and Kasha with a devastating momentum.

Sona, hold me! Sona grabbed Kaisha's hand tightly and distanced herself from the tornado.

Going head-to-head with a tornado is not a good decision. Void Wings allow Kai'Sa to glide short distances and provide a shield, which is faster than Sona's Levitation.

While flying in the air, several bolts of white lightning struck down, directly shattering Kai'Sa's shield and knocking Sona and Kai'Sa down from the sky.

It should have been injured, but the resolute guardian of the rune cornerstone triggered it in time and immediately added a layer of shield.

Are you injured? Although Sona asked through teleportation first, Sona didn't wait for Kaisha to answer and directly gave her milk. Anyway, the amount was enough. As long as there was still breath, it would be full of blood.

Ororo took advantage of the victory to pursue, controlled the tornado to turn the car, and his soul drifted, vowing to kill all the enemy's bottom lane.

Storm, who was focused on controlling the tornado, didn't notice that the enemy mage had circled back. She was knocked unconscious by Kassadin and fell down.

Losing the mutant's control, the tornado dissipated directly, and no one knew why.

Instead of harming the lives of these mutants, Kassadin remembered that Charles told him that if he met mutants on the earth and there was no blood feud, he would try to send them to X Academy. There were not many mutants on the earth. Can't afford to waste it.

Do you still want to resist? Kassadin raised his head and looked at Psylocke. The Void Blade kept flashing, and the meaning was self-evident.

Keep fighting? Or run? Psylocke's expression was solemn. The current battle situation was just like when they defeated the X-Men before, one-sided.

I didn’t expect that after being strengthened by Apocalypse, there would be such a headwind situation. What kind of monster is on the opposite side?

The final result appeared quickly. Lingdie put down her weapons and voluntarily surrendered. She could only pin her hope for a comeback on her master Tianqi.

Lead the way to find Apocalypse. Kassadin used void energy to restrict the other two unconscious Apocalypse Knights, and asked Psylocke to take them into the pyramid.

Kassadin! We're here! The voice came from high up. It was Hank, Raven and Alexander who were locked in a cage. They were all temporarily suppressed by Apocalypse in their mutant abilities, so they were trapped in the cage. in a cage.

Kai'sa lowered the cage, and Sona used a levitation spell to get all three of them to the ground safely.

Charles is about to be taken away by Apocalypse! Go and stop him! The previous conversation between Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen was heard. Raven is very anxious now. If Apocalypse gets Charles' power, then the whole world will be in chaos!

Everyone ran quickly and raced against time to reach the center of the pyramid. On the two consciousness exchange platforms, they saw a shocking and unforgettable scene.

Charles straddled Apocalypse's lying body and punched him in the face, while Apocalypse's eyes turned white, and he didn't know whether he was using his powers or rolling his eyes as he was dying.

? ? ? ? what's the situation? ? ? ? ?

Has Charles been taken away by Apocalypse? This is the first thought in everyone's mind, but if this is the case, why would Apocalypse still attack his own face? Could it be that Apocalypse has never looked in the mirror, and now he is crying because of his original ugly appearance, and he cannot accept it and wants to destroy it?

You are here. Charles noticed the footsteps behind him, looked back, and saw the stunned people.

How about you do it for a few times? Charles spread his hands, indicating that they could come up and hammer together.

Volume 1: Chapter 66 Harvesting Souls

In the past, Charles could only wait to be killed by the apocalypse.

But today is different from the past. Charles has gone bald early, and his abilities are not limited to mental control. He can stand people on his fists, walk horses on his arms, his feet are off the ground, and he no longer uses a wheelchair.

Back then, Captain America Steve could lift a motorcycle with three beautiful girls on it with one hand. It was not a problem for him, Professor X, to lift a fully loaded armed motorcycle from India.

It seems a bit exaggerated...but he has really become a lot stronger.

Charles did not easily show these enhancements to others, and even Hank just thought that when Charles entered the void, his original wheelchair was destroyed, and he was using his mind control ability to barely walk.

Hank also thoughtfully prepared a new wheelchair for Charles in the X-Men's plane, but it seems that it is no longer needed.

Apocalypse can only limit Charles' mutant abilities. The power that belongs to Charles' body is not brought to him by the X gene. After the four horsemen of Apocalypse left, Charles easily broke free of the shackles Apocalypse put on him and terminated the transfer of consciousness. .

Apocalypse's consciousness was stuck in the consciousness transfer machine, so the current scene happened.

Apocalypse's self-healing ability is truly abnormal. Charles punched him so many times that Apocalypse didn't even leave a scar on his face.

The blue light of the consciousness transfer device flashed continuously, and Apocalypse's consciousness returned to its original body.

Ah!! How dare you!!! Tianqi found that he was actually being ridden by a man. This was simply a shame and humiliation!

The furious Apocalypse grabbed Charles' shoulders and threw him off.

Ignorance will lead you to destruction!! Seeing a circle of people surrounding him, Tianqi immediately understood what was going on. With his powers fully activated, the walls of the pyramid began to disintegrate, and the gravel turned into sharp blades, attacking everyone present. people.

The green halo lit up, and the exciting music eased everyone's injuries. This was the first time Sona tried to shield so many people. Fortunately, nothing went wrong, and the gravel blades were all blocked. One person is injured.

As the saying goes, it’s better to take pictures without any care, and to posthumous photos in full color.

Apocalypse was obviously aware of this problem. He quickly controlled the ground under Sona's feet, stretched out his two hands of sand, and pulled her to the lower level of the pyramid.

Feeling like she was tied up by something, Sona had no time to cast her floating technique and was pulled down along with her piano.

Alexander's long-suffering anger was finally vented at this moment. The red laser beam was shot out at full power. The impact and high temperature made Apocalypse's armor begin to melt. Kai'Sa next to him was also outputting at full strength. The void energy began to inhibit Apocalypse's self-healing. Ability, eerie bones revealed.

Psylocke did not take advantage of the chaos to run away at this moment, but broke away from Kassadin's shackles. The purple energy turned into a long whip, and dealt with the beast Hank, staged a real-life version of Beauty and the Beast.

Apocalypse was suppressed by the intensive firepower and was unable to fight back. With a thought, he used teleportation skills to teleport both him and Psylocke to the outside of the pyramid.

Immediately casting the Law of Heaven and Earth, Apocalypse's body quickly towered over the pyramid, his huge hands pressing on the golden cone at the top. He wanted to destroy the pyramid that he had worked so hard to build before, and crush all the enemies in the ruins.

Going against God will not end well! The giant's voice resounded through the sky, and the pyramid began to collapse. If the huge cone was allowed to collapse like this, there would definitely be no survivors.

Such a big movement caused Magneto, who was renovating the earth, to stop what he was doing and fly towards this side.

Inside the pyramid, the column structure collapsed, the statues of Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen were shattered, and gravel and gravel continued to fall.

Run out! Charles shouted, signaling everyone to escape from the collapsing pyramid as soon as possible. But now without Quicksilver and without Kurt, it would be very difficult for so many people to get out safely.

It's too late! Catch me! Kassadin is not sure that he can use void walking to take so many people away from the pyramid at the same time, but there is no other choice. The best result is that everyone reaches the outside safely. The worst result Some people can only send part of it outside. Whether they can survive will see how big the part is!

But no matter what the outcome is, Kassadin will lose consciousness afterwards. With so many people asking for it, he really doesn’t have a drop left!

Sona is still down there! When Kaisha said this, Void Walking had already started, and everyone disappeared in an instant, just in time for the pyramid to completely collapse.

A purple light flashed outside the ruins, and everyone appeared intact. However, they were all dizzy, their ears were ringing and bloodshot, and they were temporarily unable to move. Kassadin was even unconscious on the spot.

An overloaded car cannot drive smoothly. If there is no accident, you are lucky.

No... Kasha stood up with difficulty and looked at the ruins that were covered in dust. She couldn't believe the fact that Sona was still inside.

As ants, your tenacity of vitality surprises me.

Apocalypse, who returned to normal size, floated over, overlooking the people below from a high place. He raised his hands and controlled the gravel to form a T-shaped pillar of shame. This was a method used in ancient Egypt to punish rebellious people.

Without the strength to resist, Apocalypse easily tied them all to the pillar of shame.

Are you going to kill them? Magneto suddenly said. I don't know why, but he had the idea to dissuade Apocalypse. He wanted to recruit all the X-Men.

The strong have the right to deal with the weak at will. This is the law of the world. Apocalypse replied. He turned to look at Lingdie. Obviously, the king now needs a good executioner.

Lingdie understood and drew her samurai sword. Killing people is a bad habit, but she seems to be unable to quit it...

Time goes back to the past, when Sona fell to the lower level of the pyramid.

The surroundings were pitch dark, without any light source, and Sona did not dare to move.

The darkness was not scary, but the unknown in the darkness was worrying. She didn't know whether the surroundings were filled with sharp blades or deadly venom.

Boom, boom, boom, only the sound of heartbeats passed through the darkness.

Magical power was injected into the strings, and the guqin emitted a slight light, allowing Sona to see her surroundings a little more clearly.

The deep corridor is surrounded by murals of unknown meaning.

A flash of scarlet light suddenly broke into Sona's field of vision, fluttering like a candle in the wind.

Go and harvest souls.

who is it! ? She was extremely nervous, and a green shield instantly appeared around her. Sona didn't know where the voice that suddenly sounded in her head came from, and she was frightened.

Harvest souls. The voice repeated one word at a time, with an irresistible tone.

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